20 Apr 2016

RadCom arrived today

The May 2016 RadCom arrived in the post today.

On the outside rear cover was an advert by MLS showing a £223000 Rolls Royce and a Yaesu FTdx9000NP for £8399. Do people really need their egos stroking so badly that they fork out this sort of money on what is supposed to be a hobby? Each to their own, but I could never spend this sort of money. Add a linear, HF beam and a big rotator and you are talking really serious silly money.

All I can say is I think this is very very sad. It is not for me to say how others spend their money, but I think this is about egos and not about amateur radio. I don't recognise this "cheque book radio" as being my hobby any more.


Hugh said...

Forget the RSGB.. there are much better groups:- microwave groups, sprat QRP magazine, FISTS, even the ARRL. I don't know what it is with the RSGB but it tends to attract the militaristic, blazer clad pompous type, and their magazine reflects this.. Haven't been a member for 40 years! G6AIG

Unknown said...

Some readers of radcom have made complaint about photos of the inside workings of rigs, I like them and enjoy making stuff. They do have interesting stuff now and then but prefer sprat. 73 m6slo

Roger G3XBM said...

I think the RSGB is trying to change. Like Stephen, I prefer SPRAT but the RSGB has a tough job trying to attract AND KEEP younger people. There is a danger the hobby will die out.