9 Feb 2016

EC and the UK - NOT amateur radio

When it comes to our UK national referendum on whether we should stay in or leave the EC, I am undecided. In many ways the EC is a good thing. On the other hand it is a creaking bureaucracy in great need of reform. I like that Europe has been (largely) at peace in my lifetime. I like free trade in Europe. However, we are a small island running out of room, with creaking services and the UK should have the final say over who lives and works here.  I am in favour of a common market. Why do we need more?

I really feel for the genuine migrants fleeing conflict. Having had a nasty tummy bug in the comfort of my own home, I cannot help thinking how much worse this would have been if I was also cold,wet and hungry and thousands of miles from home. Even worse if you are a child who does not understand. Personally I think we should take more real refugees but not economic migrants.

No, there is still a great deal that needs fixing. Mr Cameron has not basically changed anything during his recent negotiations. We are being asked to stay, when really very very little has changed.

So, in summary, I am undecided which way to vote. At the moment I am voting to leave, but I may well change my mind.


Hugh said...

I agree. However, it is absolutely clear that if UK leaves EU, one of the biggest voices for change from within EU will disappear. I do not fear UK leaving as free trade with the commonwealth countries could resume unimpeded. including Canada, Australia, NZ and probably India etc.. However, UK is still very dependent on Europe, even when out of EU (much like Switzerland). It is therefore the UKs longterm interest to push for genuine change in the EU as there is much wrong. Particularly bad is the Euro Crisis which continues to depress the whole region. I really don't think any of the Eurogroup participants seriously believe that Greece can ever pay its ever increasing debts, and they seem to be like rabbits sitting in headlights. Several (including Johan Van Overtveldt) have even written books about how it will never recover! My personal take is that we should stay in, but MUST inject some real new ideas into EU and force real changes, for the sake of the world economy, because it is clear that the technocrats in Brussels have run out of ideas.
Hugh (living near Paris) G6AIG

Roger G3XBM said...

Thanks Hugh. I really don't know how to vote. A lot will depend how the next few months go. Leaving would be a huge step, but change is badly needed. BTW, one of my daughter-in-laws comes from Paris (Sucy-en-Bris). She has lived in London for many years. I read somewhere that London is the 6th largest French speaking place in the world beating many French towns!

Hugh said...

Yes.. there are many French business that have fled to London as the company taxes are crippling (I have a French company here!). Much will play out politically before the vote. I sincerely hope real change can be made, and the EU countries can make REAL CHANGE in the secret unelected corridoors of power in Brussels and Strasbourg (that is one thing that can be slashed straight away.. having 2 centers is a complete waste of money). Too much Fudge and indecision everywhere. Needs a complete shake-up but it is up to governments to apply the pressure to the EU maderins. At the moment, too many seem frightened of them, which is scary.