6 Apr 2015

40MHz (8m band) allocation?

A few days ago I mentioned that South Africa has allocated a small amateur allocation for propagation studies around 40MHz. Their band is only 10kHz wide.

When I raised this on the RSGB's Yahoo technical group I was (politely) told to go elsewhere as it was "not technical". 

Although I begged to disagree, OK. Discussion closed.


Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

You have presented rather a biased view of what was actually requested by the RSGB Technical Forum moderator.

To quote "Can we move this to RSGB Forum please.

No issue with the content, other than it isn't technical.

In particular, if Roger has ideas on how the RSGB should be pursuing more spectrum and encouraging youngsters into engineering, it would be good to hear them."

This didn't just apply to yourself, it was a request to all the other folks who had contributed to the discussion. Which I think was perfectly reasonable.

I am sure you are not alone in wishing for an allocation at 40MHz and 60MHz. But you need to have a strategy in order to gain support.

I note that you have chosen not follow up with a post on the RSGB Forum. Which is a pity as I believe this would have given you a good opportunity to try and enlist others to your cause.

I believe that offering some positive suggestions WRT what sort of use these bands could be put to, and the types of experiments that could be conducted, as part of an application to OFCOM, would be more productive than criticising and alienating other groups of amateurs, OFCOM and the RSGB, who you need to be on your side.

I agree with your sentiments, but I just don't think you are taking the best approach to get what you want.


Martin - G8JNJ

Anonymous said...

Martin, please, give me a chance!

I have been unwell for some time and need to gather my thoughts.

I shall indeed be putting forward arguments in favour of new bands, but at the moment I am both physically and mentally totally exhausted.

If this isn't technical then I am puzzled.

Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

I am aware of your condition, sympathise with you and hope you continue to make further big steps towards your recovery.

I'm also on your side and fully support your desire for new frequency allocations.

But may I respectfully suggest that you need to carefully pick your battles, elicit as much support as possible and think about a proper game plan before launching your campaign.

In this case, unfortunately it's more about politics than engineering :-(

With Best Wishes for your speedy recovery.

Martin - G8JNJ

Roger G3XBM said...


Many thanks for your good wishes and support. Any thoughts you have on how best to approach OFCOM and the RSGB on this would be appreciated.

Roger G3XBM

Anonymous said...

Hi Roger,

I have sent you a private email on the subject.

Martin - G8JNJ


Roger G3XBM said...

Yes, thanks Martin. Received fine. Some sensible ideas. Thank you.