24 Feb 2013


Well, the little grandchildren have gone back home to mum and dad so the house is very quiet (and tidy!) again. This afternoon I decided to do a bit of QRP on 20m as a change. First a nice 2-way QRP QSO with Emi IZ4RDX who was running 5W (me 2.5W) and then a PSK31 QSO with Luis EA3UV. Neither contacts were great DX, but fun.  For the PSK31 QSO I decided NOT to use those pre-prepared messages and instead just keyed in what I wanted to say as the QSO went along. It felt like a real QSO, which was nice.

Tomorrow I hope to get back to the optical beacon work, but after 4 days of (lovely) little grandchildren this afternoon I just needed to "chill" as they say.  The plan is to build a beacon TX that will allow a range of subcarriers and also continuous subcarrier transmission as well as CW and QRSS beacon messages. I hope to get out "over the horizon" looking for the signal later in the week. Watch this space - literally if you are nearby, HI.

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