30 Jun 2014

6m - transatlantic WSPR

KC1AWS tells me he was spotted in Morocco on 6m at 1700z at 5607km. I have asked Gary (in the USA) to keep looking for Gs on 6m. Gary was surprised to be copied so far away. Gary just uses a horizontally polarised PAR antenna with no gain (it's a bit like a halo). Well done Gary!

I have just QSYed back to 6m from 10m WSPR   :-) .

Just exchanged 6m spots with CN8LI (2113km) and also with G4NRG at 58km (GDX of sorts).

UPDATE 1900z:  No CN8LI spots here since 1756z.

10m WSPR - Es and F2

Since lunchtime, there has been Es spots on 10m from Italy, France and Spain. All were spots of me, none of others. I am a bit surprised and wonder if it is WSPR-X was not uploading my spots of others? Looking at the WSPR screen there were a couple of signals that should have decoded and uploaded.   I have now reverting to the standard WSPR software v2.12.

10m is easier than 6m for WSPR with Es is easier to find. Best Es DX today is 1336k.

UPDATE 1630z: Interestingly, within minutes of running the V2.12 software again, I decoded CX2ABP (11127km) running 5W by F2. He was -25dB S/N.This is a decent distance in line with solar predictions for today. At this strength, my 2W would be in the noise at his end. It may have just been co-incidental but it looks like V2.12 uploads everything whereas WSPR-X V0.3  r3058 maybe a little hit and miss? EA5CYA  has also just been decoded OK. Odd no decodes all afternoon with WSPR-X but instant results reverting to V2.12. Maybe it is a Wn 8.1 issue? I'll be sticking with V2.12.

UPDATE 1725z:    Yet more Es -  EA4GDE now being spotted with 200mW.  Since returning to V2.12 all spots have been of others.

First 10m WSPR spots today

Just been spotted by "local"  M0MVB on 10m WSPR at 30km at 1116z at -24dB S/N and 1128z at -23dB S/N.  At least WSPR-X is working.

No Es seen here yet, but it is early days still.

7 spots of M0MVB by 1240z, but still no Es or F2 on 10m here.

Blog errors

I am not sure if this is as a result of my brain bleed or just poor typing skills but I am finding errors in my blog entries after posting. Usually I spot them and correct them within a few minutes, but you may spot uncorrected mistakes if you read the blog entries soon after publication. The most common error is putting "o" where a "p" should be. These are adjacent on the keyboard.

Please accept my apologies if you spot mistakes, but please tell me so I can make corrections.

Hans Summers kit: Ultimate 3 beacon

Today I unpacked this kit which I've had a couple of months. I have been waiting until I feel a bit better (less wobbly and clumsy) but now feel well enough to start the build.
Ultimate 3 beacon kit - received from Japan
I'll build the TX low pass filter for 10m first as this looks "do-able". The other parts may have to wait a few weeks. I want the kit building but want to do it when I am fit enough. The big issue will be boxing it. My brain bleed makes drilling cases a nightmare for me.

I was surprised to find no enclosed instructions. Guess one is meant to look on the net. Only unpacked the LPF module so far.  Being very careful.

WSPR-X v0.3 r3058

Today I downloaded the latest WSPR software onto the new Win 8.1 PC. At first I could not understand why it refused to TX. Doh! Then I remembered to input VOX, the callsign, grid and audio interface details! All now seems to be working but no Es spots  yet.
WSPR-X running WSPR2 on Win 8.1 PC
An advantage of the later software is the waterfall is in real time (it moves DURING the 2 minute time slot so activity is instantly visible rather than having to wait 2 minutes to see. It also supports the slower, but even more sensitive, 15 minute version WSPR-15 as long as the TX stability is good enough. I tried this on LF before but my LO drift was too poor (old PC and old QTH).
Bottom FT817ND on 10m WSPR-2
I shall stick with this latest version today to see how it performs. I expect the RX sensitivity is unchanged unless it uses improved algorithms for decoding.

6m (now 10m) WSPR

I started out today on 6m - 2 spots from local G4IKZ (18km)  - but now QSYed down to 10m in the hope of Es and maybe some F2 propagation. Sunspot count today is 112 (good) and 20-30MHz propagation forecast is "good" so decent DX prospects on 10m today N-S. I see FR1GZ has already been seen in Holland. As luck would have it, no spots yet either sent or received on 10m WSPR as of 0930z! To be fair, it is still very early.

29 Jun 2014

UKAC contests

Next Tuesday is the next 2m UK activity contest.  The following Tuesday, July 8th, it is the next 70cm activity contest. I missed the last session as we had visitors. These Tuesday evening sessions are well supported and well worth coming on for if only to work a few squares and to give others some points. Even my modest power and just one session has given me a respectable place in the overall scoring.

In the last sessions I used 5W pep to either a 3el on 2m or 5el on 70cms. Even with this very modest station (FT817ND) DX out to around 200km seems to be workable, more with a lift. I am lucky to live on top of an East Anglian "hill". The take-off must be pretty good and I am blessed (for now) with a quiet noise floor on all bands.

Non radio day

Today we went on a day return by train to London to be with our son Tim, his wife Jo and our grandchildren. Tim met us and took us back to Kings Cross. Booking in advance and with Senior Rail Cards if works out cheaper than driving. At present I cannot drive because of my brain bleed last year.  It was good to spend time in their home again after so long.
With the grandchildren in London today
Totally by accident, we sat next to Nick G4IKZ on the train back from London. I'd not seen Nick since work days over 6 years ago. Many years ago we worked together in several Cambridge companies. Nick is one of the brightest minds I've had the privilege to know. There are few better RF engineers. We compared notes on 6m WSPR of course. He confirmed his 6m antenna is a horizontal Moxon.

Being late back, I decided not to turn the rigs on tonight.

28 Jun 2014

6m - no Es today?

I was late getting on to 6m today, not turning the rig on until around 0940z. At around 1300z everything was disconnected because of nearby storms until mid-afternoon.  Apparently I missed some early Es to HB9. Here I have not seen any sign of Es all day on 6m.

All I have seen here are locals and GDX on 6m. There is still time for some Es, but I would be surprised to see any.

UPDATE 2042z:  Still no 6m Es here today. Going QRT within the hour.

UPDATE 2054z:  G8EPA (61km) has been regularly spotted here this evening at up to -15dB S/N on WSPR. When Doppler is " against" him (-3Hz), he has been as low as -27dB S/N. There is definite evidence of planes on his signal (up to 4 traces in single 2 min slots) but at this range I expect to be able to copy by pure tropo in the absence of planes. 

UPDATE 2105z:  Now QRT on all bands and antennas disconnected.