13 Sept 2018

10m FT8 again

Well, you could say I am a glutton for punishment!

Yet again I am on 10m FT8. An earlier CQ at 2.5W was spotted by no-one and so far just a couple of Gs spotted with the best DX on 10m FT8 RX being G0OYU (177km).

10m FT8 RX today
UPDATE 1506z: 11 stations in 5 countries spotted today so far on 10m FT8 RX. All EU. Best DX on RX was IZ0WRS (1532km).

UPDATE 2152z: QRT time. Best DX today on 10m FT8 RX was LU1DX (11410km).

12 Sept 2018

Personal touch? - NOT amateur radio

Call me a "grumpy old git", but in the last few weeks I have had total, disinterested contacts with the following:
  • My bank
  • My car insurer
  • A train company
  • Someone selling bonds
  • The Post Office
  • My utilities company.
     and others.

It would appear that I am just a meaningless number and I do not really matter. The overall impression is that no-one really cares.  If I am lucky, I might get a computer generated letter.  All that matters is that god "profit".

What happened to the days when people mattered?

10m FT8

My earlier CQ call was unspotted. So far today (1022z) 4 stations on 10m FT8 RX spotted in 3 countries so far with best DX EA7GOJ (1768km).

UPDATE 1958z: In the end 6 stations in 3 countries spotted. Time to QSY to MF WSPR.

Sunspots - Wednesday September 12th 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and the SSN 14. A=35 and K=2.

Overnight on 472kHz WSPR

Quite a decent night with 10 stations spotting my 10mW ERP from the earth electrode "antenna" in the ground. My best spot was by PA3ABK (306km) in JO21 square. On RX I copied 8 different stations including LA8AV (1035km).

11 Sept 2018

472kHz this evening

A couple of stations were spotted on 472kHz FT8. Although both were called, neither spotted me. I guess my ERP is just too low. On 472kHz WSPR best DX on TX is G4ZFQ (203km). On RX the best is LA8AV (1035km). Still using the earth electrode "antenna" in the ground with 10mW ERP.
472kHz this evening - some RX and some TX

70cm activity contest

Every month the RSGB organises a 70cm activity contest (UKAC) on the second Tuesday each month. I can only run 5W and 2m halo antenna. This evening I was much later getting on than usual. G4CLA (105km) was the best DX worked.

10m FT8

An earlier CQ (2.5W) got no spots. So far, on 10m FT8 RX just one station spotted - G0FWX (160km).

UPDATE 0958z: G4AYU (256km) spotted.

UPDATE 1548z: 5 stations in 2 countries so far today on 10m FT8 RX. All UK. Best DX is MM0HVU (480km).

472kHz WSPR last night

In the end 6 stations spotted me and I spotted 4 stations with my best spot on 472kHz RX being PA0A (417km). As usual, I have about 10mW ERP with the earth electrode "antenna" in the ground.

This evening I might try 472kHz FT8 for some QSOs, assuming there is some FT8 activity.

Some time ago I had international QSOs with JT9 on this band using the earth electrode "antenna" at the old QTH with a similar ERP.

Back on 10m FT8

About 30 minutes ago I  returned to 10m FT8. A brief CQ was spotted by no-one.

Cattle egrets - NOT amateur radio

It looks very likely these will be the next bird to extend range and establish themselves as breeding birds in the UK. Already they seem to be spreading in South Devon with a flock of 51 seen a few weeks ago. It would not surprise me to see these everywhere in a few years.

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/cattle-egret/

10 Sept 2018

E-field probe

My mini-whip E-field probe has arrived from PA0RDT. It will be some time before this RX antenna can be erected as I depend on help these days. It is tiny.

472kHz WSPR TX tonight?

If I can work out how to get split mode on my FT817ND, I may try 472kHz WSPR TX (and RX) for the first time this autumn later this evening and overnight. I shall have to read the manual!

The TX packed up on my very old FT817 earlier in the year (it was 17 years old!) and I assume this is why I was not seeing any 472kHz TX power on MF late in the last spring.

My 472kHz transverter is shown at https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/mflf/472khz_tvtr. This was published in the book "LF Today" and in QST a few years ago.

UPDATE 1719z: Well, I managed to get the FT817ND working in split mode! 4 reports in first transmission using the earth electrode "antenna" in the ground. Best DX so far is a spot by G0NNF (154km). ERP is about 10mW.

Estuary - NOT amateur radio

This is the Kingsbridge Estuary, which goes from Salcombe up to Kingsbridge. This is in the South Hams of Devon. It is where I was born and brought up.

Autumn - NOT amateur radio

This is a view up School Lane, Burwell, showing the autumn berries. The building up the lane on the left is made of clunch, a kind of chalk. It has cracked badly in our recent hot, dry weather.

Southgate Amateur Radio News

The Southgate News page I link to has not been updated for several days.

Maybe the guy who normally does this is away and I have missed an announcement to this effect on another way of entry.

Southgate News is often quite a good source of data. The last update was Friday.

Sunspots - Monday September 12th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the sunspot number 12. A=7 and K=1.

10m FT8

Since before breakfast I have been on 10m FT8. Nothing spotted yet but my own CQ (2.5W) was spotted in Spain.

UPDATE 0925z: Only 1 G spotted so far: G7BXU (127km). I am sure people don't realise 10m is still often "open" and just leave the band. If a short QRP CQ can be copied on 10m in Spain, that must tell you something.

UPDATE 0945z: Now 2 Gs spotted. G4AYU (256km) spotted.

UPDATE 1306z: Best DX on 10m FT8 RX is MW0CRI (341km). 4 stations in 2 UK countries so far today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1506z: Now 5 UK stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. No "real" DX.

9 Sept 2018

More posh houses - NOT amateur radio

It seems that every space in our village is being used to build posh houses.

Several years ago one of our pubs closed and this year they are converting it into a posh house. They are also building in what was the pub car park. Social housing for people doing needed jobs? No, posh houses to maximise builder's and land owner profits.

With nearby Cambridge Science Park in commutable range, I expect it will sell quickly.


Many years ago (1970) I did my final year project at university on whistlers. These are VLF natural emissions. I very nearly did a PhD on whistlers.

My final year university project involved trips to north Wales to record whistlers. These were later analysed in the university labs on kit we designed and made.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vlf/whistlers

Sunspots - Sunday September 9th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the sunspot number 16. Yes, some sunspots! A=5 and K=1.

Again on 10m FT8

Since breakfast, I have been in 10m FT8. My earlier brief CQ (2.5W) was not spotted. So far today, 3 stations in 3 countries spotted on 10m FT8 RX with the best DX being F1RAD (867km).

UPDATE 1236z: Now 6 stations in 6 countries spotted today on 10m FT8 RX with best DX 9A2HX (1281km).

UPDATE 2002z: 10 stations in 7 countries spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. All Europeans. Time to go QRT.

8 Sept 2018

E-field probe RX antenna

Years ago, I would have built my own, but these days my fine motor skills are not as good as they once were. So I have bought a PA0RDT miniwhip RX antenna. It should arrive next week.

Suitably mounted in the garden, if should be quite an effective LF and MF RX antenna. This "season" I want to concentrate on 137 and 472kHz RX. I might also try top-band.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/efp

Local shops - NOT amateur radio

We are lucky in that most things you need every day are still available in our village.

We have several supermarkets, a post office, bakers and butchers, hairdressers, paper shop, chemist, dentist and doctor. Otherwise (if you are old!) it is a free bus ride to Cambridge or Newmarket.

Gradually the smaller shops are going and they are struggling these days. I still prefer our local soft rolls, sausages and bacon.

PTT Androids

It seems the big retailers are pushing network radios hard.

MLS Image
MLS are selling a couple of new Android PTT radios as the next best thing since sliced bread. Maybe they look at the amateur radio demographics and think many of us "oldies" will end up in care homes and will need network radios to keep in touch? They can see an end to their traditional businesses unless they adapt? As I have said many times before, in 20 years time, our hobby is likely to be very different.

Network radios have certain advantages. As well as access to many repeaters by apps such as Echolink, they also support other services link Zello and the usual apps like Skype and emails. Agreed, this is not amateur radio as we knew it, but it serves a purpose. Personally, I still prefer experimentation at the frontiers, but I also see some benefits from network radios.

See https://www.hamradio.co.uk/digital-modes-boxchip/acom/boxchip-4g-lte-android-radio-s700b-pd-8986.php?utm_source=ML%26S+Customers&utm_campaign=9e890be7cf-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_09_07_03_51&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d6e2d1bfe3-9e890be7cf-149932677

Human Consciousness - NOT amateur radio

Perhaps the biggest mystery of all is what happens when we die. Do we just cease to be and our consciousness dies with our bodies?

This has been the central question of all religions for millennia. I certainly do not have the answers. On a logical level we are only conscious because of our brains and synapses. As far as I know, no-one has explained why we are conscious beings.

And yet, there is so much we do not know. One thing is certain. This is the ultimate question.

10m FT8

Since before breakfast I have been on 10m FT8. A brief CQ (2.5W) was spotted by no-one. So far, just M0LHS (212km) spotted here so far (0820z).

UPDATE 1038z:  Several Europeans spotted. Currently 14 stations in 8 countries spotted with best DX spotted here being RX3DHR (2532km).

UPDATE 1621z: Someone tell people 10m is not dead! And remember this is with lots of people deserting the band! So far today 24 stations in 11 countries spotted on 10m FT8 RX.
10m FT8 RX so far today
UPDATE 2002z: In the end, 25 stations in 11 countries, all European, on 10m FT8 RX today. Now time to go QRT.

Sunspots - Saturday September 8th 2018

Solar flux is 67 and the SSN 0. A=5 and K=1.

7 Sept 2018

10m FT8

Since just before breakfast I have been on 10m FT8. A CQ call earlier (2.5W) was spotted by M0NPT (125km) in Nottingham. Best DX on RX is 9A7JCY (1424km) in Croatia.

UPDATE 1022z: Just called CQ again (2.5W), but no spots this time on 10m FT8.

UPDATE 1256z: So far today on 10m FT8 RX just 3 stations in 2 countries.

UPDATE 1706z: As well as more Europeans, ZS6AN (9122km) is now coming through. Now 12 stations in 8 countries.

UPDATE 1917z: A few more Europeans spotted on 10m FT8 RX, but no more real DX today.

UPDATE 2122z: QRT.

Anglesey Abbey yesterday - NOT amateur radio

This was in the rose garden yesterday at Anglesey Abbey, which is about 4 miles away from us.

Southgate News 10m Report

I have criticised this before.

The writer says this is one of the worst weeks he can remember. Whilst we are approaching sunspot minimum, I find these reports unhelpful as often the stations reporting are quite close to the DX. It says very little about how good the 10m band is for working DX.

In my view FT8 seems to cut through and find DX. If I can spot South America multiple times on 10m FT8 with my poor 10m antenna I am certain that better equipped stations can do much better.

See  http://southgatearc.org/bands/10metres/2018/september/september-05.htm#.W5GctPZFzIU

Sunspots - Friday September 7th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the sunspot number 0. A=6 and K=2.

6 Sept 2018

That New York Times article - NOT amateur radio

Recently there was a New York Times article about what goes on in President Trump's administration. The BBC has analysed the patterns of speech in the article and possibly identified the anonymous author. Time will tell if these clues are correct.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-45435813 .

On 2m FT8 again

As 10m FT8 has "closed" for the day, I QSYed to 2m FT8 and put out a CQ call (2.5W and omni antenna).

Yet again I was spotted in Cornwall at well over 400km. This never seems to fail. Every time I call CQ on 2m FT8 I seem to get spotted a very long way away.

What a remarkable mode! I was spotted by 2 Cornish stations as well as 4 others.


Whatever happened last weekend seems to have corrected itself with this rally announcement arriving in good time.


Tan Lane, Caister on Sea NR30 5DJ. Talk-in on S22. Doors open 9am (sellers 8am; tables indoor £10, outside £5). Raffle, onsite cafe, disabled access. Zane, 0771 121 4790, m1bfidx@ntlworld.com www.m1bfidx.wixsite.com/cl-radio-rally.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Dahlias - NOT amateur radio

We live a short drive from Anglesey Abbey. At this time of the year the dahlias there are usually at their best. The colours in this one are stunning.

10m FT8

Since breakfast, I have been in 10m FT8 RX. As yet, just M0LHS (212km) spotted. No DX as yet.

UPDATE 1436z: Plenty of southern Europeans spotted.

UPDATE 1954z: Nothing outside Europe spotted. 17 stations in 6 countries spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

2m FT8

Overnight, I stayed on 2m FT8 RX. G4VXE (136km) was spotted calling CQ earlier. My own CQ call (2.5W to an omni) was spotted by G0CER (205km).

Sunspots - Thursday September 6th 2018

Solar flux is 67 today and the sunspot number 0. A=11 and K=1.

5 Sept 2018

2m FT8 DX

A few moments ago I called CQ on 2m FT8 running 2.5W to my big-wheel omni antenna.

5 stations spotted me with the best DX G7RAU (461km) in Cornwall in IN79 square on the Lizard. I am now on 2m FT8 RX only. FT8 continues to amaze me.