5 Apr 2014

VE3GEN - colossal 10m signal, and G7JVN

Running 2W RF,  VE3GEN is a huge WSPR signal today at +4dB S/N, implying he would be copyable with low milliwatts. LZ1OI is 10dB stronger still.  Even my own 2W is +1dB S/N right now at 1542z with KB9AMG at 6300km. Just goes to prove how good 10m can be on a good day.

Intrigued by me copying G7JVN (JO00) who is 154km south of me. Just what 10m mode is this? -23dB is not too bad a signal.  I'd be surprised if aircraft scatter was involved, so could it be tropo?  Drift on his signal was large at 2Hz, but the actual received signal showed a near continuous, but frequency varying signal, no sign of Doppler or  multiple signal returns as commonly seen with aircraft reflections. Similarly, G3WKW at 134km copid earlier in the day, but we believe this WAS an aircraft crossing the path (no Doppler). I suppose G7JVN could have been an aircraft crossing the path too?

Anytone 5555N and 6666 10m rigs

I am still on the lookout for a decent dedicated 10m multi-mode to use on my favorite band on SSB and CW mainly. There are a couple of new Anytone rigs at around £159 and £199 depending on power output. I need to watch for reviews of these, but both look neat units.

See http://simonthewizard.com/2014/03/14/anytone-at-6666-at-5555n-more-videos-online/ for a few videos.

Both are sold by Nevada, who also sell the President Lincoln II for around £259. The latter seems to have more features but is considerably more expensive.

474.2kHz WSPR overnight

A slightly better session on MF last evening and overnight with a few more UK stations in the log, but still way down on earlier attempts. I am trying again tonight with 5mW ERP from the 15m earth-electrode antenna on 630m, but for now have gone back to 2W on 28.1246MHz WSPR - much easier going!

Unique MF WSPR results overnight 5mW ERP

4 Apr 2014

Wikipedia on QRP

Wonder what Wikipedia has to say about QRP operation?

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QRP_operation .

I find Wikipedia a great resource and have, in the past, contributed a few entries.

Back on 474.2kHz - yet again

I am having another go with the 15m earth-electrode antenna and 5mW ERP on 474.2kHz WSPR this evening. Unless UK and near continent activity picks up, it could be another fairly fruitless evening.

Certainly it is a lot easier getting DX spots on 10m.

UPDATE 1810z: Not long ago M0PPP was a reasonable signal at -23dB S/N on 474.2kHz WSPR. He is in the Barnsley, Yorks area (IO93gm) and should be "off the side" of my earth-loop. Midway through his TX burst there was a slight break and frequency shift too.

UPDATE 1940z: My only reports so far are from G6AVK (78km) again. I am copying F5WK (364km).

10m WSPRing again

This afternoon I have returned to 10m WSPR. There are lots of transatlantic reports of my signal, as well as reports of my 2W signal from Russia and Brazil.  Not sure if it is a Win 8.1 issue or just the V2 WSPR program playing up but I seem to be NOT uploading spots I see at my end. Perhaps the internet service is very weak in my shack?

UPDATE 1545z:  Restarting the program and re syncing the clock fixed it. Anyone know how to change how often the PC clock is sync'ed to internet time in Win 8.1? I need to increase the frequency I think. I don't even know how to find the control panel in Win 8.1 !
Unique 10m WSPR spots received so far this afternoon

Oscar 6 and 7

Many years ago when I lived in Cambridge I recall listening for the 2m transponder outputs from thse satellites at the topmost end of the band. Using my "Oscarlator" - a paper based calculator one could predict passes in range.  The best ones were late at night way out west over the Atlantic, when, for a few minutes Ws and VEs could be heard.  Also copyable was HB9HB, a 70cms beacon that got translated to 2m. I never transmitted via satellites then and used a homemade 2m converter feeding an old T28 Codar receiver. Happy days back in the 1970s. I gather Oscar 7 is still up and (sort of) functioning.

See http://www.qsl.net/pe1rah/oscarlator.htm .

630m - quiet overnight

The lack of G stations on 474.2kHz WSPR was very apparent overnight. My log is very sparse.
Unique 474.2kHz WSPR spots oveernight
From reports given and received, a lot more could have been achieved with more activity.  When I install my longer baseline earth-electrode system,  I'll have another try. I am dependent on others to help me with this because of my stroke.

3 Apr 2014

Amateur satellites

I have only ever had one single SSB contact via an amateur satellite and that was one with a 29MHz downlink many years ago. I cannot recall the satellite or the uplink frequency. I have not bothered since but don't doubt I could have QSOs with a 70cm/2m transponder.  I see from the Southgate amateur radio news pages that the transponder on the FUNcube-1 satellite is to be switched on tomorrow for the weekend.

630m - very quiet so far

With so little local and semi-local activity, I am getting no WSPR results so far this evening on the 630m band. This is more to do with low activity than the earth-electrode antenna system. Lack particularly of G activity is a serious issue: I shall have to abandon the band (with QRP ERP at least) unless more Gs and nearer continentals become active.

UPDATE 1830z:  PA3ABK/2  (306km) was a strong -8dB S/N at 1814z. No-one else!

UPDATE 1915z:  a few spots of me by G6AVK (78km).  No-one else so far this evening.

UPDATE 1940z:  F4DTL (431km) and DF2JP (461km) spotted.