31 Dec 2023

Something for nothing

Like many, I like the idea of getting something for nothing. 

This circuit was on the website of KE3IJ some years ago. I think the website is no longer there. 

The same idea might even work with a microwatt beacon?

Grandsons - NOT amateur radio

We have two grandsons in their mid teenage years. They grow up so fast. Of course when they get together they are as daft as can be!!

New Year Resolutions - NOT amateur radio

As 2023 draws to a close, many make resolutions for the new year ahead, as well a going on diets to try to loose some of the weight gained over Christmas!

The only thing that is certain is 2024 will have some surprises! I often try some resolutions but these usually fade away as the year progresses.

In many ways, the world has become more uncertain looking ahead. There are wars in Ukraine, Gaza for a start and growing tension over Taiwan. The USA seems to be losing its grip as a powerful world player and, of course, 2024 is likely to be an election year in the USA between two old men.

All I wish is that everyone can live in peace with each other and is able to be kind and happy. 

10m QRPP 500uW WSPR TX (Sunday)

My 500uW WSPR TX beacon was turned on at about 1012z. No spots . 

UPDATE 1535z: Spotted in the Canary Islands again.

8m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

My 8m QRP 2.5W to the dipole was turned on about 1013z.

Via the QSL bureau I (unexpectedly) received QSLs from Slovenia and Croatia for 8m FT8. I shall QSL back direct .... although I shall have to make some cards first!

UPDATE 1335z:  No spots today on RX or TX.

Plans for Sunday

 Today, I shall try 500uW 10m WSPR again and 8m QRP FT8.

Sunspots - Sunday December 31st

Solar flux is 140 and the SSN 48. A=4 and K=1. 

With the SSN at 48 I wonder if this is just a "blip" or the start of a long decline? 

In the past "appliance operators" keen on working new DXCC entities have been too keen to abandon the higher HF bands. I hope with FT8 they will not be too hasty. 

Often bands are open, but there are too few people on to enjoy them! Just listen on 27 MHz CB.  My plan is to run 5W FT8 on several higher HF bands as an experiment as long as I am able. This will be a very good use of my tiny QDX transceiver.

30 Dec 2023

FT818 replacement?

There is much speculation that the now old FT817/818 Yaesu had been discontinued about a possible successor. When it was first introduced it had no competition. These days there are many competitors, so Yaesu may decide not to bother.

One of the competitors is the DX Explorer TX-500. This is available from MLS. I have no idea where this is made, but it is rugged and feature rich.

As a Yaesu fan I would consider a new Yaesu portable at the right price and with the right features. Sorry, but in recent years I think Yaesu has been reactive rather than proactive. They will have a tough time unless there are some "killer" applications.

Where my ancestors lived - NOT amateur radio


We can trace our family history back to about 1550 here continuously. We have one record in this area from the early 1400s. We were probably here thousands of years ago. This is Hope Cove in Devon.

6m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

Just a local spotting is me today so far.

UPDATE 1533z: 
14 stations have spotted me. Some possible winter Es in evidence.