27 Feb 2021


Last evening the reports of distant stations on 2m FT8 was clearly the work of a pirate. 

Sunspots - Saturday February 27th 2021

Solar flux is 80 and the SSN 16. A=11 and K=2. 

26 Feb 2021

2m FT8 QRP ( Friday)

At 1905z I QSYed to 2m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. 

So far, 3 stations in 3 countries have spotted my QRP TX. On RX 10 stations in 2 countries spotted here so far.

Stations spotted on 2m FT8
RX this evening
UPDATE 2220z: Plenty of spots of eastern Europeans on 2m FT8 RX. If this is tropo, these are a very long distance away. I am puzzled what sort of propagation this is. In all, 47 stations spotted on RX. Furthermost is,supposedly,  UA3PRS (2481km) which is almost unbelievable. I wonder if some pirate is having a laugh?

UPDATE 2300z: As conditions seem good, I have decided to stay RX only on 2m FT8 overnight.

Batteries catching fire

Some years ago, when I was still working, there was a small risk of batteries being damaged and catching fire. 

When battery packs catch fire the result can be dramatic. LiIon batteries were especially vulnerable, especially if dropped or abused. The incidence was probably about 1 in 150,000 packs. Failures, especially causing fire, cause customer alarm. In the limit, this can warrant a product recall. Recalls can be very expensive. You can imagine the cost of recalls if you sell mobile phones or laptops. A manufacturer will do everything possible to deny this and avoid the cost of a recall.

According to the BBC, Hyundai is replacing 82000 batteries in some electric cars at crippling cost. I pity them. This must be a nightmare for manufacturers of electric vehicles.

From personal experience, LiIon battery packs can be little bombs. I never, ever, risk leaving them charging without supervision. One person we have met left her mobile phone charging and burnt down her flat. Such incidents are rare, but they do happen. Modern technologies may be safer, but treat all batteries as potential bombs.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-56156801 .

15m FT8 QRP (Friday)

The 15m FT8 QRP gear was turned on just before 1030z. As usual, I am using 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop on the shack windowsill. No spots yet.

UPDATE 1055z:  Just EA8ACW (2988km) spotted so far.

UPDATE 1240z:  Just 3 EA8s spotted on RX. Nobody has spotted me on TX. 

UPDATE 1538z:  Just 7 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX today and nobody has spotted me on QRP TX. A few South Americans only spotted.

UPDATE 1844z:  So far, 1 station has spotted my QRP (2.5W) TX:  EA8BFK (2881km). On RX, 10 station have been spotted. Quite a poor day.

Scale - NOT amateur radio

One thing I am sure about is that in 100 years people will look back at us and think, "did they believe that?".

In the last century our ideas of the universe and of subatomic particles have changed enormously. I am sure they will change again in the next. Just think of the changes to our thinking as a result of quantum theory and Einstein.

Whatever I think is hardly likely to be correct, but I am often intrigued by scale. The visible universe is unbelievably huge with probably huge numbers of habitable planets. The subatomic world is incredible. Time is a puzzle. What if all these were linked and whole universes were inside each of us?

It is all a matter of scale. There is no reason whatsoever that universes have to be on the scale we know. Somehow I have the feeling that the macroscopic and microscopic worlds are somehow linked.  One thing is certain: we know so little.

Everything remains a mystery.

60m FT8 overnight

Using the earth-electrode "antenna" I stayed on 60m FT8 RX overnight. In all, 467 stations were spotted in 5 continents. 

Where I come from - NOT amateur radio

This photo has been on before. It shows where I come from in South Devon. Most years I get back there. It is still a most beautiful area. 

Sunspots - Friday February 26th 2021

Solar flux is 80 and the SSN 31. A=13 and K=3.

25 Feb 2021

Dubai princesses - NOT amateur radio

I am suspicious of the UK's motives. 

Dubai is an important trade partner of the UK and the sheikh in charge there is friend of the Queen. In the UK race industry he is high up and he is reported, by the BBC, to be a big UK landowner. 

It rather looks like we are choosing to look away.

Recently it was reported that the sheikh's daughter Latifa was kidnapped. 20 years ago his daughter Shamsa was reportedly kidnapped in Cambridge and returned to Dubai.

Now, I have no way of knowing the truth in all this. What I will say is this: nobody should be above the law and I hope the UK government and Queen will not want trade done with any country that does not have basic human rights. If we have to lose valuable contracts, so be it.

In the case of Dubai, all the ruler has to do is allow his daughters to chose their own futures. If he is not prepared to do this all trade should stop.

I hope the UK government does not put trade above people. We seem to like to trade with Saudi Arabia and have proxi wars fought on our behalf. We like to export our "dirty" industries to places like China.

Need I go on?

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-56188745