29 Aug 2020

SPAM emails - NOT amateur radio

On the whole the SPAM filter on Gmail works well.

As an example, I have just been informed that my Norton anti-virus software is running out. The only problem is I don't use Norton!

Every day I get messages telling me how my bank balance has gone up as a result of winning a prize. As for Bitcoins, I must get at least 20 SPAM messages every day.

Regarding sexual partners, every day I get requests and I am sure it is not because I am a great stud! 😁

Transatlantic 2m tropo

EA8CXN (IL18) has worked FG8OJ on 2m SSB tropo. This was reported on a Facebook group earlier.  He also worked FM5CS.

2m aircraft scatter?

As many will know, I frequently try 2m FT8.  What puzzles me is that even will 10W and the big-wheel omni antenna (3dB over a dipole maximum) I seem to get great ranges at any time.  

This could be aircraft scatter, but I am puzzled why this is there all the time. If it was just at certain times I would be more inclined to think this is aircraft scatter. Just maybe, there are enough aircraft in the sky to allow brief 15 second periods of FT8 to be reflected at any time.

Another possibility is that FT8, with its additional sensitivity, allows other scatter modes to be possible. Whatever, 2m FT8 seems to allow me to reach incredible distances every single day, even with my very simple antenna and low power. If I had a big beam and 400W, some amazing distances should be possible.

Hair time - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows one of our grandchildren having her hair combed by her mum.

Her family is with us for a few days.

2m FT8

For about 50 minutes, I have been on 2m FT8. So far, my 10W to the big-wheel omni antenna has been spotted by 25 stations in 7 countries. Best DX is a spot by GI6ATZ (479km).  Nothing yet spotted on RX.

Stations spotting me with 10W 2m FT8
to the big-wheel so far today to 1502z
UPDATE 1502z:  43 spots of me in 8 countries so far..

UPDATE 2002z:  58 stations in 9 countries have spotted me today. QRT soon.

Local amateur

The photo shows a local amateur in his front garden. We are about 300m apart.

IC-705 packaging

On the IC-705 Facebook page earlier was this photo of the packaging for the IC-705. Many people are lusting after one. Attractive packaging can help sales.

Covid-19 vaccine - NOT amateur radio

So the UK government will give temporary approval if clinically necessary for the administration of proven safe and effective vaccines for Covid-19 if available. There is still a way to go. See the UK government website for more information.

Sunspots - Saturday August 29th 2020

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=10 and K=5.

28 Aug 2020

10m FT8

Since 0856z I have been on 10m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop antenna and 4W.  So far, I have been spotted by just 1 station up in the Faroes. A couple of stations in northern Spain copied. Otherwise very quiet here.

Yet again the Es (if that is what it is) seems to favour more northern stations, much as I found in previous years late in the season.