6 May 2020

Sunspots - Wednesday May 6th 2020

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 0. A=6 and K=2.

5 May 2020

2m activity contest 1900z (8pm UK time) tonight

Stations worked this
 evening on 2m SSB
Tonight is the 2m activity contest (UKAC) sponsored by the RSGB. Earlier I said tonight was the 70cm activity contest. This was wrong as I got the wrong date!

I stay on for less than 1 hour because of my poor voice. This is a friendly contest. Although there are few (or no) portable stations, there could well be more operation from home.  I run 10W to the big-wheel omni antenna.

UPDATE  2037z:  9 QSOs this evening.

6m FT8

A few moments ago the 6m FT8 gear was turned on. There is Es about as 1 G is calling an Italian station.   So far, 3 stations have been spotted and I have been spotted by 8 stations (at 0915z) including 2 in Northern Spain. As usual, running 10W to the V2000 vertical omni antenna.

UPDATE 1037z:  Several spots of my signal across Europe and one QSO with an Italian so far today.

UPDATE 1301z: 51 stations have spotted me today with QSOs from Finland to Italy with 10W FT8 on 6m.

UPDATE 1602z: Up to now 76 stations have spotted my 10W FT8 on 6m. It seems I call CQ and someone answers!

Spots of me today so far 
UPDATE 1847z:  Looks like a similar total to yesterday in terms of stations spotting my 10W.

UPDATE 1858z:  QRT.

Early walk - NOT amateur radio

This morning I went to the bakers early to get rolls and pasties. They had no flour today. The photo shows our green and windmill in the early sun.

East Cambs net

Last night, Monday, at 1900z (8pm), we had the 2m FM East Cambridgeshire net on 144.575MHz.

Not sure if this is a result of the lockdown, but we are regularly getting more people now. We are a friendly bunch and we are usually finished after about 30 minutes. If you are in the area feel free to join us.

We get joined by people that I would not expect i.e. they are some way away.

New SSTV software

Southgate News has a piece on some new improved software for slow scan TV. It is based on MMSSTV.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/may/new-sstv-software-yoniq.htm#.XrBf1WjYq00

Sunspots - Tuesday May 5th 2020

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN 0. A=6 and K=2.

4 May 2020

Dodgy marketing - NOT amateur radio

This sickens me.

About 10 days ago I spotted an advert on Facebook that I reported for abuse. It is still there. Their clever tricks are (a) to pray on Covid-19 fears, and (b) by saying there are only so many left in stock encouraging people to place an order immediately. Magically, the stock level suddenly goes up again. Every time I look this happens.

Do NOT do business with people like this!! 

I could name them, but I do not want to give them free publicity. They are selling a clip-on device to measure oxygen levels in the blood. Look up oxymetre . The company name starts with "oxy".

Swifts - NOT amateur radio

Amazingly, although I have not yet seen a swallow, a solitary swift flew over just now. This is the first time I have ever seen a swift before a swallow.

UPDATE 2015z:  Quite a few in the sky tonight. When they return, my heart rejoices.

Swallows (migrant birds) - NOT amateur radio

Normally I see my first swallows by mid April.  It is now May 4th and I have still seen none!! Last year there were not as many, but this year is appalling. Usually swifts start to arrive about now. There are some swallows in Devon, but I get the feeling fewer.