28 Feb 2020

Spring - NOT amateur radio

On Sunday, we start meteorological spring. Not before time as we have had a dreadful February with lots of wind and rain.

This part of the UK has escaped lightly, but some parts have had heavy snow and others bad floods. It has been mild with few frosts here, but much wetter than when I first came to this area. Spring flowers are now appearing and not soon enough.

CLM? - NOT amateur radio

Whilst posting to my blog, I noticed an advert saying proudly, "what to expect from your CLM".

Now, having been retired for nearly 12 years, it is entirely possible that I am totally out of touch with these acronyms.

Apparently it stands for Customer Lifestyle Manager. Sounds like another way of wasting money! Who thinks of these?

Upturn in solar conditions - when?

So far, February has been a big disappointment. Sunspots have been virtually absent and if anything things are certainly no better than last month. If we are to confirm that we have passed the solar minimum, I would expect a few more sunspots and a slow climb in solar flux. Based on the last few weeks, I see neither. It is wrong to expect big changes until next year, but I was expecting hopeful signs.

17m FT8

Today I am on 17m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop antenna. 27 spots on RX and plenty of stations spotting my 10W TX.

UPDATE 1110z:  11 spots of my 10W so far today with the tiny indoor loop antenna.

People that have spotted 
my 10W on 17m FT8 TX today 
with the tiny indoor loop antenna
UPDATE 1345z:  13 spots of my signal and 1 QSO so far today.  On 17m FT8 RX 98 stations spotted so far. 5 continents spotted so far on 17m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop today.

UPDATE 1806z: With 20 stations spotting me with the best DX being N4PYI (4171 miles) today has been good. I shall be going QRT shortly.

UPDATE 1912z: Now QRT on all bands.

Sword fighting - NOT amateur radio

During half term holiday we visited the Oliver Cromwell house in Ely with some of our grandchildren. Here they were sword fighting.

Oscar 100 update

The narrowband transponder of this geosynchronous satellite has been increased to 500kHz wide. My casual monitoring of the narrowband transponder shows no real change in occupancy: busier than earlier months, but still plenty of room.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/


It was Heathkit that got me into radio way back in the early 1960s.

In recent years, they have been trying to make a comeback, although judging by their product range, I suspect they must be struggling. Basically, I can see a very few loyal people buying these, but not many. Anyone know what has happened to them?

See https://shop.heathkit.com/shop/category/products-am-fm-shortwave-tv-explorer-tm-series-receivers-8

Sunspots - Friday February 28th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=2.

27 Feb 2020

Snow - NOT amateur radio

When I first came to Cambridge in 1970 the winters were cold and dry. Nowadays winters are wet and mild. Snow is a rarety. Many winters we see no snow.

This morning we had snow, although it had all gone by lunchtime.

The photo shows the snow this morning.

Petty Cury, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

This is the view at one end of Petty Cury in Cambridge.

When I first came to Cambridge in 1970 it was a lovely street with shops and plenty of bay windows. In their infinite wisdom, the planners pulled all these down and replaced them with modern monstrosities.

I would like to think they would not be so stupid today. Do we never learn?