30 Jul 2018

East Cambridgeshire 2m FM Net

A reminder for those in the area of the East Cambs net on 144.575MHz FM at 1900z Mondays. Yes, one four four. This started out as an AM net. Newcomers are welcomed. We rarely stay on more than 30 minutes. Vertical polarisation. If the frequency is busy we usually QSY down 25kHz, although this is rare.

East Anglian Churches blog - NOT amateur radio

When we visit churches in East Anglia we try to update our East Anglian Churches Blog.

This has just been done to include Holme next the Sea in north Norfolk. This is a simple, light and airy church, not far from the coast.

I am afraid the updates to this churches blog are quite infrequent!

Rock strata - NOT amateur radio

Hunstanton is a typical English seaside resort about 50 miles north of us. The rocks there show very interesting patterns in the strata.

Sunspots - Monday July 30th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the sunspot number 0 .  A= 5 and K=1.

137kHz E-field probe on the car mag-mount

Many years ago, I tried looking for my tiny 137kHz beacon with a small E-field probe mag-mounted on the car. After seeing the signal quite well on the far side of Cambridge at about 24km, I stopped the test. As you can see, the EFP used readily available parts and was very simple.

At some point I should rebuild this and try from the QTH we moved to almost 5 years ago, maybe using the earth-electrode "antenna" on TX. I have felt too unwell since my stroke.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/137efp

HAARP 80m WSPR test

A reminder that WI2XFX, in Alaska, will be on the air tonight on 3.5926 USB dial (2300z for about 30 minutes) with a huge ERP on WSPR using the HAARP antennas. See the ARRL site for more details. I may try looking for it using my earth electrode "antenna" in the ground.

10m FT8

For a change today I am on 10m FT8. Although an earlier CQ got no response I have already spotted an Italian.

UPDATE 0858z: Quite a bit of Es already today on 10m FT8 as the map shows.

UPDATE 1514z: 263 different stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today including the USA and Canada-  and we are approaching sunspot minimum. I shall probably remain on until about 1900z tonight when I need the rig for another band (2m FM net) and then the HAARP 80m WSPR test.

UPDATE 1710z: So far 342 different stations on 10m FT8 today in 5 continents. With FT8 who needs sunspots!

29 Jul 2018


On both 6m and 10m I have now gone QRT and disconnected everything. I noticed a CT calling "CQ NA" , although I am not sure if he was copying stations from "across the pond" on 6m FT8.

Tomorrow I may try 10m FT8, although I want to see if I can see the 80m WSPR test from the HAARP station in Alaska in the late evening UK time.

Sunspots - Sunday July 29th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the SSN still zero. A= 5 and K=1.

6m FT8 RX

Well, I am glad I stayed on 6m FT8 RX last night! In the end 19 USA, Canadian and Caribbean stations  were spotted from Puerto Rico to Nova Scotia. This was just on my V2000 vertical omni fed with CB coax. No doubt better equipped stations will have spotted or worked far more.
This morning I am on 6m FT8 RX. So far, just EU and North Africa spotted.

UPDATE 1018z: So far 42 different stations in 17 countries spotted on 6m FT8 RX this morning.

UPDATE 1552z: 152 different stations spotted so far today on 6m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1906z:  Currently 217 different stations spotted in just the last day on 6m FT8 RX. 59 different DXCC countries spotted on 6m FT8 RX since Friday lunchtime. Not bad for a simple RX antenna (V2000 omni vertical) fed with CB coax.