20 Nov 2009

Belgium gets 4m allocation

With immediate start all radio amateurs in Belgium holding a full licence have access to 69.950MHz (+/- 5kHz) with 10W EIRP on a non-interference basis.  If you can read French or Dutch there is more information here.

19 Nov 2009

New WSPR DX record tonight (40m)

Trying out WSPR2 on 40m this evening and just got a report from VK6POP at 14465kms, which is a new DX record for me. I was running 5W to my 500kHz antenna tuned via the Elecraft T1 ATU. It must work pretty well on 40m!

First experience with WSPR 2 (new version)

Well, it works. I deleted the old version from my PC and installed V2 tonight. Set-up was straightforward and I like the slider to set the TX percentage. Also 500kHz is now one of the default listed bands (600m). My first TX was spotted (with the new version) by I2IAL on 40m.

WSPR 2.0 now available

WSPR 2.0 introduces a number of new features including a  user-friendly setup screen with drop-down selection of audio devices and rig-control parameters, support for compound callsigns, fine selection of the fractional time for transmitting, and a Tune button.  A new Advanced setup screen offers optional CW identification and tools for frequency calibration and automated frequency corrections for your radio.  Full details are presented in the WSPR 2.0 User's Guide, which you will need to read in order to use the new features.  For the first time, a binary installation package is made available for Ubuntu Linux (versions 8.10 and later), Debian 5.03, and other Debian-based 32-bit Linux distributions.

WSPR available at http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/wspr.html 

Sunspots - blimey!

Just seen the sunspot count for today - 29 - which is pretty good for where we are in the new cycle. It is very clear that sunspot cycle 24 has got into gear and next year should show considerable improvement on bands like 10m.


It was my elder grandson's 2nd birthday last week. We went to Paris to enjoy it with his French grandparents and had a good time. This is a picture of both grandchildren when they came to stay a few weeks ago. It is my wife's birthday next week, so I'd better get thinking. Mine, just before Christmas, is easy as I tell my XYL what I want - usually some radio books.

500kHz PA blown - my fault

My IRF510 500kHz PA just died on me as I TXed for a full WSPR slot into an open circuit (the wrong coax connected!). It won't take 5 minutes to fix tomorrow, but this evening I'll WSPR on some HF frequencies for a change.

18 Nov 2009

500kHz - USA reception this evening

The 5W ERP beacon of W17XSH (the "WSPR shortened" call of WD2XSH/17) was copied here very well just after midnight. This is my first transatlantic WSPR reception and only my second 500kHz station heard from N.America.

Overnight my 500kHz WSPR beacon was running but no new stations reporting me when I checked at 0700z.

17 Nov 2009

8th country on 500kHz WSPR

Just got my first report from Wales tonight with a huge (for me) -6dB S/N report from GW3UCJ in IO81 at 286kms away.  Also a new reporter from Belgium ON6EO. Reports are very good tonight so the WSPR beacon will run overnight.

136kHz WSPR tests (soon)

Very encouraged by my results at 500kHz, I'd like to try some "low ERP" WSPR tests on 136kHz using the same small antenna and transverter (slightly modified).  Ideally I'd need stations like M0BMU, M0FMT, G7NKS and others not too far away from JO02dg to TX and to listen out for me, as these stations get a good signal from me on 500kHz.

Please would you let me know if you'd be able to listen and upload 136kHz WSPR spots sometime in the next week or so
? As yet I am not quite ready to start, but I'll let you know when I am.