8 Oct 2024

What propagation mode?

On 8m FT8 today, my 2.5W to a low dipole has been spotted by 2 stations in Eire. This is too far (I think) for usual tropo and there seems to be a blackout on F2. I suppose it could be aircraft scatter.

The "fog of war" - NOT amateur radio

Back in the 1970s I recall we were told the Vietcong were "evil".  Now we hear about Iran being part of "the axis of resistance".

In times of war or heightened tensions it is easy for propaganda to reach unbelievable heights. It is hard to tell what is real and what "the powers that be" want you to hear.

At the moment we are hearing of the war in Ukraine and heightened tensions in the Middle East.

All I am saying is in the "fog of war" truth is hard to discern.  Do not believe all you hear.

Cranefly? - NOT amateur radio


My wife thinks we have seen these before, but I am not sure. It was on our front wall as I was doing some weeding. 

It was different from the usual "daddy long legs" which are common at this time of year.


This has been promised in a later software update. I have not seen any formal announcement about this yet. 

For many people, this would be a reliable and low cost introduction to QRP operating. 

Hans Summers makes some superb kit.

See https://qrp-labs.com/qmxp.html .

8m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

Although my 2.5W FT8 has been on since just after breakfast, no spots yet.

UPDATE 1015z:  Just EI2IP (607km) spotting me.

UPDATE 1130z:  EI3KF (574km) also spotting me.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Tuesday)

 My beacon has been on since just after breakfast. 

UPDATE 1235z:  No spots. Is there a blackout on HF?

Dodging showers - NOT amateur radio

In between showers, I cut the front lawn this morning. 

The grass was very wet! If I had waited any longer, I would have had to wait a long time.

Thunder and lightning risk

 At the moment, the risk seems low, so I have gone on the air. If this changes, I shall go QRT.

See  https://www.lightningmaps.org/#m=oss;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;

UPDATE 1025z: It looks like the storms are creeping into SW England. Currently it is sunny and dry here in East Anglia.

Sunspots - Tuesday October 8th

 Solar flux is 277 and the SSN 164. A=55 and K=3.

7 Oct 2024

8m FT8 (Monday)

 After returning from Cambridge I decided to try 8m QRP FT8 . Nobody has spotted me but I have spotted G4FKI (60km).