29 Nov 2016

Sweet peas in the garden still - NOT amateur radio

It is almost December and we have had a few frosts but there are at least 4 sweet pea flowers to cut in the garden! This is very late. We also have clematis in flower.

OFCOM annual plan

See https://www.ofcom.org.uk/consultations-and-statements/category-1/proposed-annual-plan-2017-18?utm_source=updates&utm_campaign=proposed-annual-plan-2017-18&utm_medium=email

OFCOM has published its draft annual plan for consultation.

"Ofcom exists to make communications markets work for everyone. 

To achieve this, we are proposing three main goals: to promote competition and ensure that markets work effectively for consumers; to secure standards and improve quality; and to protect consumers from harm. Our proposed Annual Plan highlights some of the key work areas that we will seek to deliver in order to meet these goals, across the UK and its nations, in 2017/18. We also outline our broader ongoing work to support these goals, and how we will work for consumers across the UK’s nations.
We will publish our final Annual Plan for 2017/18 in March 2017. The final Plan will take into account responses from stakeholders to the proposed Plan. The closing date for consultation responses to our proposed Annual Plan is 7 February 2017."

Blah,blah,blah, blah........ QUANGOese talk? Cynic, me?

When the BBC wanted to interview OFCOM at breakfast time, no-one was available. I doubt they start work before 9am.

Some think I am being too harsh on OFCOM. Indeed they are, arguably, better than authorities in many other countries. I am only reflecting what I have directly experienced. I was not impressed. This was a few years ago and things may have changed. I certainly hope so.

10m JT65

At around 1045z I went QRT on 630m WSPR and activated my 10m JT65 station and checked PC sync to internet time.

UPDATE 1910z: It looks like no 10m JT65 spots today, sadly. Soon be time to QSY back to MF.

472kHz so far this autumn

So far this autumn (I've only been back on in the last few days) my 5mW ERP 630m WSPR has been spotted by 8 different stations with DL-SWL at 701km being the best DX so far. I am using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground, which is far from optimum.

Sunspots and 10m - Tuesday November 29th 2016

Solar flux is 88 today and the sunspot number 44. K=1. Conditions look promising for this part of the solar cycle. I shall QSY to 10m JT65 shortly.

28 Nov 2016

Return to 472kHz WSPR

At some point in the future I intend to JT9-1 beacon on 472kHz. Some years ago, at the old QTH, I worked a couple of countries on 472kHz JT9-1. I have not tried this mode on this band at the current QTH.  For now, I have gone back to 472kHz (630m) WSPR.

UPDATE 2100z:  Since going back on MF I noticed an S8 RX noise floor. Last year it was S1-2. This turns out to be the SMPSU that charges my laptop battery. The laptop was new.  It means I will have to disconnect the charger when wanting to seriously listen on 472kHz.

UPDATE 2200z: M0FMT, M0XDK and G8LCO have spotted me all evening. Best DX so far is M0XDK (80km).

Radio silence

According to the BBC there is a place in West Virginia, USA that has strict laws in place so radio does not disturb sensitive listening posts nearby. One of these is searching for extra-terrestrial life "out there". In some ways I find it amazing we have not found any signs of intelligent life, or indeed any life, despite 50 years of looking.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-38098945 .

Driving - NOT amateur radio

For the last 2 years I have been driving again after my stroke. It is not as easy. I'd say it feels like 5x the effort it once was. Driving at night is too stressful. I am tired/exhausted after driving.

I am aware I drive slower: it is as if everything is 10mph faster than it was. When doing 40mph it feels like 50mph and 60mph feels like 70mph.

Probably this is a combination of my brain and getting older.

4m (70MHz) operations

The 4m band is now widely available in Europe and in a few places worldwide. I have not tried the band from this QTH, well not yet. There is now the IC7300 which includes 4m in the European version. With 50W and a simple antenna, most of the UK should be reachable on CW or digital modes and a lot of the UK on SSB.

There is a new Greenland 4m beacon OX4M on the air from HQ90AL on 70.047MHz (25W) into a dipole radiating North/South sending  PI4 + CW + carrier.

Years ago I remember working Greenland with QRP SSB on a whip antenna from my garden using the FT817 on 15m. This new beacon should be ideal in the Es season.

See www.70mhz.org .

Incidentally, I see that Southgate News has a report on WIA's attempts to get a 4m band in Australia.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2016/november/quest-for-australian-70-mhz-ham-radio-band.htm#.WDwwZ4XXLIU . 

Remember, you heard it here last 😉 .

Now on 10m JT65

With a solar flux over 80, sunspot number not too bad for this part of the cycle and relatively undisturbed conditions, I  am hopeful for 10m JT65 today. I returned to 10m JT65 about 10 minutes ago.

UPDATE 1045z:  No spots, as yet, on 10m JT65.

UPDATE 1235z: Still no spots. Disappointing. It looks like there is no skip into Europe again. The 10m band has opened to South America (F2 or TEP?) around 1700-1800z for the last couple of days. I hope this happens today.

UPDATE 1835z:  Another day with no 10m JT65 spots here. Soon be time to move to MF WSPR.