29 Apr 2016

Bury St Edmunds - NOT amateur radio

Bury St Edmunds is our favourite place to shop. It is a bit further than Cambridge but easier to get to. It is a classic Suffolk market town with charming shops and a good market twice a week. Most of the people you see are true locals from the area with Suffolk accents. In Cambridge it seems that a good proportion of the people are from China!

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bury_St_Edmunds .

OFCOM consultation

See http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/talk-talk-licence-variation/?utm_source=updates&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=talk-talk-licence-variation .

OFCOM are consulting our views. You may want to respond.


I have been reminded of these rallies in the UK:

Thorpe Camp Museum, Tattershall Thorpe, near Coningsby, Lincolnshire LN4 4PE. The venue is all on one level and doors open at 10am. Admission is £3 and includes entry into the museum. Hot food will be available in addition to the NAFFI. This is mainly an outdoor rally but some limited space is available indoors with a small charge for tables. More information by email to tony.nightingale@yahoo.co.uk

Shanes Castle, Randalstown Rd, Antrim BT41 4NE. Including a CASHOTA station operated by Ballymena ARG. Family attractions, catering, disabled facilities, car parking, accessible by public transport. Contact Hugh Kernohan, GI0JEV, 028 2587 1481.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Spot the PW?

Have you noticed how few radio magazines there are nowadays on the shelves of magazine shops?  The photo shows part of the magazine racks in W.H.Smith's in Bury St Edmunds. There are lots of mags on trains and transport, quite a few on PCs and smart phones, but it took me ages to find any mags on radio. It is as if our hobby no longer exists.

Out of interest, Practical Wireless was eventually found! Can you spot it?

Sunspots and 10m - Fri April 29th 2016

Solar flux is 93 today and the sunspot number 84 (K=1). Sadly the propagation forecast for 10m remains "poor" although Es may yet again liven up the band.

630m and 10m WSPR daytime today

For a change I shall remain on 630m (472kHz) WSPR all day today as well as TXing 100%  with my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon. I shall not go on 6m today.

Although I do not expect to copy many (any?) stations on 472kHz WSPR, it will be interesting to see who spots me in the daytime on this MF band.
Recent 472kHz spots (by day)
Yesterday there was Es on 10m with 3 unique stations spotting my 500mW 10m WSPR signal.

UPDATE 1440z:  Plenty of spots received on 472kHz but none so far on 10m today.

UPDATE 1450z:  M0LMH (223km) seems to copy me all the time as does G0MQW (123km).

To Norway (yet again) on 472kHz TX (5mW ERP)

Last night I was again spotted by LA8AV (1035km) on 472kHz WSPR.  I run 5mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna".

There are fewer active stations on the band now (getting too noisy?) than earlier in the year. I only spotted 2 French stations last night. For the first time in a long time more stations copied me than I copied! This is rarely the case.

28 Apr 2016

472kHz WSPR this evening

Several reports of my 5mW ERP this evening, but I am suspicious that I am not reporting stations I am copying to WSPRnet! Have I forgotten to tick a box (again) or is this a bug? I am sure I ticked the upload spots button (checked - it was ticked). I shall close and reopen the V1.6.0 program. According to my local screen, I spotted no stations at all. This is most unusual, so I have restarted the program and resynced time. We will soon see if I spot others now!

Labour Party - NOT amateur radio

So the UK Labour Party has suspended Ken Livingstone (ex Mayor of London) for being anti-Semitic! Like many, he is appalled by how badly the state of Israel has treated the Palestinians. No, let these people speak out about wrong in this world, where ever it comes from. Sorry, but the UK Labour Party is tearing itself apart. This will let the UK Conservative Party back into power in 2020.

In the last 70 years the state of Israel has done much wrong, as have several Arab nations. Let's try for some real peace. Up to now we have seen very little real effort to forge a lasting peace in the Middle East. Arab blames Jew and vice versa.

On an individual level I know many Jewish people who are kind and generous. I wish well for every human being. We all need tolerance and understanding. All human beings have a right to peace and justice. We all need to be tolerant of our neighbours, whatever their creed or colour. We may not agree with them on many things but they share this small rocky planet with us.


All is very quiet on 6m WSPR with not even spots from G stations by aircraft reflections. There has been no evidence here of 6m Es. Either everyone is on SSB/CW or Es has yet to reach this band. On 10m WSPR there was a brief Es opening at lunchtime but this has now gone. There is a further chance of Es peaking around teatime.