27 Jul 2015

G3XBM amateur radio history

Me - a VERY long time ago!
Since my cerebellum brain bleed nearly 2 years ago, I have managed very little experimental work such as fieldwork and building. At one time (and I hope again in the not too distant future) these aspects of the hobby gave me the most pleasure and fun.

For a potted history see:  https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/home/history .

EA8BVP (2986km) - first 10m DX WSPR spots for weeks

EA8BVP (2986km) was spotting me recently (1026z) on 10m WSPR weakly at -25dB S/N.  It is possible this was F2 propagation and not Es.  It will be interesting to see if he spots me again later. Certainly EA8 is quite possible by single hop F2. It is also in 2/3-hop Es range.

UPDATE 1147z:   F1VMV (947km) was spotting me on 10m by Es at 1134z.

Stroke update - NOT amateur radio

Although overall I get less tired (but some things still exhaust me), I still have poor speech and I feel giddy when walking, especially when turning. Thin liquid swallow is still not good - in fact I can only take sips of any liquids - but my taste is returning to normal. Real orange juice was a "no no" as was cheese and bread, but these are fine now.  In fact I enjoy orange and cheese again. Wine and whisky still taste odd (bitter) and I have yet to enjoy these again. Very very slowly things are improving, although I was expecting to be my old self a year ago! Overall, I still feel not right.

Others think I am fine. Indeed I look well, but inside I am not still. Climbing ladders is basically out of the question and anything over about 15-20 minutes of physical or mental effort really floors me. I really want to do some antenna work but this will require help unless things rapidly improve in the next few months.

I am able to drive, but this requires lots of concentration.

Sun? Surely not - NOT amateur radio

Is this really the sun in the sky? We have hardly had any sun for days now - just lots of rain. The sun has popped out from behind the clouds. I think I must be seeing things.

10m WSPR - just locals so far

I have remained on 10m overnight and this morning, but only local G4IKZ (18km)  has been spotting my 500mW beacon so far. Maybe there will be some Es later. There is no doubt that getting 10m WSPR spots is getting more difficult. This is a combination of summertime conditions, falling sunspots and fewer active WSPR stations. Undaunted, I shall carry on on 10m WSPR!

Sunspots and 10m - Mon July 27th 2015

Sunspot number today is 38 (K=2) and 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor". We will probably have to wait until the autumn for better 10m conditions, although some N-S F2 propagation can occur. 10m (or even 6m) openings to North America may occur by Es. Even QRP SSB can work the USA in the right Es conditions on 10m. I worked the USA in summer 2007 with real QRP (about 1W ERP) CW on 6m.

472kHz WSPR overnight

Overnight I was spotted by PA0RDT (243km) for my best DX on the band. Even though summer time, it is good that stations are still able to copy my weak 5mW ERP signal.

26 Jul 2015

Blog post numbers

I never fail to be amazed by what is popular on my blogs. Today, nothing special (I thought) was posted yet we seem to be heading for a new record number of visits. I have no idea why.

Now QSYed to 472kHz WSPR

OK, so I have now left 6m and QSYed down to MF instead. I am still on 10m WSPR at the same time.

It is still summer time and I think people will struggle to copy my very weak (5mW ERP) signal, especially in daylight. Anyway, I am still using the earth-electrode antenna for now. At least I have a better chance on 472kHz. As mentioned before, with some help, I hope to erect a better antenna that will raise my ERP on 472kHz. This may not happen before late autumn.

UPDATE 1510z:  I see that G6AVK (78km) is spotting me on 472kHz WSPR. This is daylight. So far, I have not copied anyone, but at least I am getting out OK on MF. I am not sure why I like MF so much, but I guess it is because I am using my homemade transverter and a fairly unique "antenna". Let no-one tell you you cannot radiate a useful signal on 472kHz. If I can get out with my low ERP (I have been copied over 1000km away on this set-up) and just a couple of earth-electrodes about 12m (at most) apart in the garden, I am sure you can do at least as good or better.

UPDATE 1535z:  No further Es on 10m WSPR since the Italian earlier today.

UPDATE 1645z:  G6AVK (78km) is now getting me at 5dB S/N better than earlier, not sure why. Still no reports of others or reports from anyone else yet. Things may change as night falls.

UPDATE 1655z: WSPRnet show 17 stations worldwide on 472kHz WSPR. I need a few more "in range" stations active this evening, such as G8HUH (250km) who copied me last time I was active in the summer.

UPDATE 1840z:  Plenty of spots by G6AVK but no-one else spotted or spotting me so far on 472kHz WSPR.

UPDATE 1910z:  G6AVK spotted (eventually) in the last few minutes. Also G8LCO (58km) spotted me.

UPDATE 2102z:  PA0A (417km) and G8HUH (250km) are the best DX on 472kHz WSPR today, well so far.

Chinese factory video

Steve G1KQH sent me this link to a video. It shows the Quixang factory in China. Few people and lots of automation. Watch out Japanese amateur companies! Change or die. The writing is on the wall for Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu. I can see these will go under unless they cans lash prices by designing in Japan and making in China.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2FOZvtD9wU .