27 May 2014

472kHz transverter

It is always very satisfying to see when someone has taken one of my designs and taken it on to the next stage. In the case of M1GEO, he has made a PCB for a design based on my transverter. It looks so much better than my original! Dead bug build style is fine for "one offs" mind you.

See http://www.george-smart.co.uk/wiki/472_kHz_Transverter

It is quite a while since I was last on 472kHz. I really should try loading up  the feeder to my 2m/70cm antenna to see how this performs.

Good start on 6m Es today

IK1WVQ was spotted at 0924z and I was spotted by OE1MSB (1220km)  as early as 0824z on 6m WSPR. This is a promising start on 6m WSPR.

Sunspot count is 110 and 20-30MHz conditions described as "normal".  This is of no relevance to 6m Es propagation (at least not directly), but suggests half decent DX conditions on 10m. I may QSY to 10m later for a change.

UPDATE 1210z:   No more 6m Es here since 0928z. Got to be patient!

UPDATE 1420z:   Still no more 6m Es here, so will probably QSY to 10m shortly. G4IKZ spotting me lots (a local).

26 May 2014

QRP calling frequencies

Although currently I spend most of my time on WSPR or other digital modes (saves my voice - stroke) here is a list of QRP calling frequencies which may be useful.

See http://www.njqrp.org/data/qrp_freqs.html . It shows European frequencies as well as USA ones.

My usual technique with QRP is "listen and pounce". I rarely call CQ on QRP and find this the more successful approach. Often the other station has no idea I am using very low power.

6m Es today

At 1504z OE1MSB was being spotted here on 6m WSPR using 2W RF. So far, this is the first Es I have seen today. Maybe there will be others around teatime?

I am beginning to wonder if 4X1RF, who spotted me recently, was 6m  by F-layer.   He spotted me no less than 7 times that afternoon, but has not spotted me since, even once.

At 1542z and 1602z G4VXE (136km) was spotted by tropo (maybe some aircraft reflection?) - a good GDX distance - when Tim was using 5W. Tim spotted my 1W ERP at 1558z.

UPDATE 1750z: CN8LI (2113km) has just spotted me twice.  Decent Es.

Full QTH locator

QTH locator (10m digit version)
Most times people exchange QTH locators as a 6 letter/number combination but for even greater accuracy, more can be added to give a better fix. My full QTH locator is JO02DG95LK. Note the 95LK on the end of JO02DG.

As an example, on the 25km path to G0LRD the error using 6 digits is around 1km. The actual path (using the full 10 digit locators at each end) is 26.516km. Sometimes the error is such that paths appear longer with 6 digits. It all depends on where in the 6 digit square one sits.

6m quiet so far today (to 1130z)

Just the usual local spots on 6m this morning- G4IKZ, G4KPX and GOLRD copied and no Es as yet. Sunspot count is 133 and 20-30MHz forecast is "normal" today.

President Lincoln II transceiver

The price of this rig for 10m is still too high and stocks at Nevada are nil, so demand must be good. I am still thinking about getting one, but am in no hurry. 10m remains my favourite band of all.  I'll wait until the bugs are ironed out and the price drops a bit. People say it is just a fancy CB rig. Maybe, but the Mk 1 version was a good radio.  I used a Mk1 version for several years and some impressive DX was worked on SSB.

See http://www.president-electronics.com/en/The_CB_Radios/Fiche_produit.php?REF=TXSE041

25 May 2014

G4IKZ (6m) - turning his beam?

Nick G4IKZ (18km) has been spotting me some 24dB weaker on 6m WSPR in the last 30 minutes or so. I suspect he has just rotated his horizontal beam, maybe towards the USA or Caribbean in the hope of seeing some super-DX by multi-hop Es. I am using just a V2000 vertical (omni) and where his beam is normally aiming (Europe?) the cross-polarisation loss is minimal.

40m,20m,10m WSPR, then back on 6m

Just for a brief change I fired up WSPR on these bands and got EU spots on each band around teatime. On 10m PY2RN (9550km) spotted me, so 10m is still opening N-S over the equator.
I have now returned to 6m WSPR and have spotted IK1WVQ (1084km) but only been spotted locally myself this evening.

6m - Sunday

Saturday we went to Canterbury on the train to see my son and family, so no amateur radio yesterday. Was going to listen for G4BAO's test 70cm beacon on my vertical, but John has turned it off I hear.

I have been on 6m WSPR (1W ERP) since just before lunchtime and  DL4MFC (916km) and DK1KW (914km) have spotted me by Es. Also spotting me are the usual locals. Just  been spotted by EA6ZL (1485km) at 1226z at a strong -5dB S/N.

I spotted OE9ICI (857km) at 1230z running QRO fifty watts! Why?? He would have been good copy at 5W or less. WSPR is a WEAK SIGNAL mode and running high power is just daft and a waste. I expect it was one of his first attempts! He will soon learn.

Lots of 6m EU Es evident. 6m seems to be open in most EU directions.