7 Mar 2019



Grantham West Community Centre, Trent Road , Grantham, Lincs NG31 7XW. Doors open 9.30am to 3pm, admittance £3. There will be trade stands, and RSGB bookstall and Special Interest Groups. Catering is available on site. Contact Kevin Burton, G6SSN, 07793 142 483, rallyinfo@garc.org.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

BREXIT - NOT amateur radio

The deadline for the UK to leave the EU is very, very, near. The EU is clearly (for now) tabling "take it or leave it" options, but the current deal has little chance of getting through parliament.

What many (most?) in the UK want is control over who lives and works here and the UK elected parliament having the final say over our laws. It is in the EU's interest to strike a good deal that works for the EU and the UK. If they don't strike a deal both sides will be hurt.

In my view the EU wants to punish the UK. No, both sides need to grow up and compromise. Mrs May, UK Prime Minister, seems to be impotent and lacking the will to come to a deal that will meet the goals of both sides.

Overnight on 472kHz WSPR

In a word - disappointing.

In all, my 10mW ERP WSPR from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground was spotted by 4 stations with best DX DK2DB (685km). On RX, I spotted 10 stations with best DX LA2XPA (1310km).
472kHz WSPR TX (10mW ERP) overnight
472kHz WSPR RX here overnight

Sunspots - Thursday March 7th 2019

Solar flux is 72 and the sunspot number 14. A=8 and K=2.

6 Mar 2019

472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP)

For over an hour now, I have been on 472kHz WSPR (20% TX, 80% RX, 10mW ERP). What surprises me is how few UK stations appear to be active on 472kHz WSPR TX. At the moment it appears there are only two of us!

Surely my ultra-simple system proves that with WSPR you do not need big antennas or high power. Several spots already on RX and TX. I shall be on overnight. As usual, I am using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

Amateur radio survey

You may be interested in this survey: http://www.radiosoth.org/ .  I believe it has been done for several years. Obviously, the more people that are surveyed, the better.

It took me about 5 minutes to answer the questions. Most are tick boxes, so simple to fill in.

New Zealand wines - NOT amateur radio

Next week, my wife and I are giving a talk at our local wine group on New Zealand wines. We are certainly no wine experts and, to be honest, we are "winging it" on NZ wines.

We visited the country in 2009, not long after we retired.  It is without doubt the most beautiful place we have ever been to, helped by having a population way smaller than the UK. If you can go, I recommend it.

I think they had 4M people when we went. They speak English and drive on the left like in the UK. With Skype video contact with one of our sons it felt like just next door.

We were in Christchurch exactly 2 years to the very day before the big earthquake struck the city. New Zealand is a great place to visit, although perhaps not to live if you like old churches and culture.

Greylag Geese - NOT amateur radio

In the UK, greylag geese are the geese of farmyards. These two were spotted yesterday at Stow-cum-Quy near Cambridge.

10m WSPR TX (500mW beacon)

As yesterday (when I got no spots!) I am again on 10m WSPR TX (500mW, 100%, randomised frequencies) as the antenna is available. If I get any spots it will be a miracle. I am not expecting much. First TX period was at 0740z.

UPDATE 0905z: No spots.

UPDATE 1827z: Well there's a surprise! Still no 10m WSPR TX spots today. Soon time to QSY, but I am not sure (yet) where to, either 472kHz WSPR (10mW ERP) or 1.84MHz FT8 RX.

2m FT8 RX

At the moment, I am still monitoring 2m FT8 RX. So far, 6 stations in 3 countries spotted with best DX spotted GI6ATZ (479km).

UPDATE 0908z: Now 7 stations in 4 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1057z: Now 11 stations in 7 countries spotted today so far.

UPDATE 1412z: Now 26 stations in 7 countries spotted so far today on 2m. Best DX is DK1FG (815km).

UPDATE 1820z: Now 43 stations in 7 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX.

Sunspots (at last!) - Wednesday March 6th 2019

Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 14 (yes some sunspots!). A=5 and K=1.

5 Mar 2019

OFCOM Communications Monthly - February 2019

OFCOM has updated it monthly report on communications.

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

As the antenna is free, I am on 10m WSPR TX (100% TX, 500mW, randomised frequencies). Although I have been active all morning, not a single spot received, although I am not too surprised.

At sunspot minimum, there is little activity on 10m sadly, and I suspect not too many are on 10m WSPR. Although WSPR is better with weak signals, I suspect many are now using FT8 instead with its 15 second TX periods rather than 2 minutes for WSPR.

UPDATE 1830z: No 10m WSPR spots all day.

Pancakes - NOT amateur radio

As today is Shrove Tuesday, we had pancakes, as is the tradition. My wife had sweet ones and I had savoury ones.

2m FT8 - amazing!

Despite running just 2.5W to an omni antenna, yet again my CQ is copied in Cornwall! Best DX on TX (2.5W) is G7RAU (461km). I suspect this is normal tropo as it never seems to fail. On RX, 9 stations in 3 countries spotted with best DX GI6ATZ (479km).

UPDATE 1400z:  Now 25 stations in 8 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX with best DX GM4JTJ (520km).
UPDATE 1826z: Now 44 stations spotted with best DX F6APE (551km).

UPDATE  1935z: Now 67 stations in 9 countries spotted here on 2m FT8 RX with just an omni antenna in the last day!!

UPDATE 2200z: Overall, 74 stations in 9 countries spotted on 2m FT8 in the last day.

Electric cars - NOT amateur radio

Like flat screen TVs and digital cameras, I think there will be a sudden "tipping point" when we wonder with amazement at internal combustion powered cars running on petrol or diesel.

Assuming we can achieve genuine ranges of 300 miles or more between charges, then this will remove the charging anxiety that currently goes with electric cars, unless all your driving is on local trips to the shops.

We are not there yet. I do not know how far off this point is. It could be 5 years or 25 years. I guess it depends on battery research and price. I hope it comes in my lifetime.

I know some national radio societies are concerned that induction power transfer could be a source of radio noise pollution. I suspect home charging will help reduce this.

HIV treatment coming? - NOT amateur radio

A UK patient with HIV who also has cancer is reportedly showing no detectable traces of HIV after undergoing stem cell treatment. I believe this the second reported stem cell success in the battle against HIV/aids. A proper treatment may still be some years away, but there is hope. Already drug treatments have changed HIV/aids to a condition that some people live with rather than die from.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-47421855 .

Overnight on 160m FT8 RX

Well, last night was better than previous nights with 6 North Americans spotted and best DX spotted being V31MA (8300km) in Belize.
Stations spotted here on 160m FT8 overnight 
with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.
UPDATE 1012z: Nothing spotted in last few hours, so I shall probably QSY to 2m FT8 RX and just leave the 10m WSPR TX beacon running.

2m activity contest this evening

A reminder that as this is the first Tuesday of the month it is the monthly UKAC 2m activity contest organised by the RSGB. It starts at 2000z and lasts for up to 2.5 hours, although I rarely manage an hour here with my poor voice!

There is always lots of activity and no compulsion to send in an entry. It is friendly and a good chance to work a few new squares.

I usually operate with 5W and an omni antenna and often work 200km in flat conditions. If you are in western Europe and rarely use SSB, this is worth having a go.

UPDATE 2102z: In the end 6 QSOs (well within an hour of operating) with best DX G4RUL/P (172km) on the south coast.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 5th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the sunspot number stubbornly at zero still.  A=7 and K=2. Me thinks we are well and truly at the very bottom of the solar cycle.

4 Mar 2019

160m FT8

For about 90 minutes, I have been on 160m FT8 (2.5W) using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. At first I called CQ and, although no QSOs resulted, I was spotted by 5 stations in 4 countries with best DX on TX being DK2LO (650km). Most of the time I have been on 160m FT8 RX with stations all over Europe spotted. Best DX on 160m FT8 RX is 4X4DK (3580km). As yet, no North Americans spotted here on 160m FT8.
160m FT8 TX this evening (2.5W)

160m FT8 RX here so far this evening (2148z)


This is a long shot and if I get any spots on 10m WSPR TX today, I shall be amazed. I am on TX (500mW, 100%, randomised frequencies) on 10m WSPR for a change, using the stand alone WSPR beacon. The main rig, PC and PSU are off. There are probably few people on 10m WSPR, especially outside the Es season and at sunspot minimum.

UPDATE 1554z: Well, there's a surprise! No spots!

UPDATE 1930z: Still no WSPR spots. I shall QSY to 1.84MHz FT8 RX after the East Cambs 2m FM net at 2000z..

Nest building - NOT amateur radio

There is activity aloft! I can see signs of nest building in the trees in our churchyard as the photo shows. Clearly, they think it is spring.

Kingsbridge Devon 1880 - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows where I lived as a teenager some 80 years before I lived there. What surprises me is how similar it looks. I think this was once a postcard.

And before you (cheekily) ask, I did not take this photo! I may be getting older, but I am not that old. It is even nearly 40 years before my dad was born.

160m FT8 RX overnight

In all, 273 stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX here with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground, but only 2 North Americans spotted to PSKreporter maps. I hope the internet was OK during the "wee hours". I shall check what was actually received on the shack PC shortly. Best DX was AK4R (6831km). If I am really spotting fewer North Americans, does this mean the DX season is ending? I am not a 160m expert!
160m FT8 RX - stations spotted here overnight
UPDATE 1155z: Nothing doing for several hours, so time to QSY somewhere. The question is which band? 2m FT8 just works, 10m FT8 seems pretty quiet, 6m is out of the Es season. At the moment I cannot decide. Maybe after lunch?

UPDATE 1315z: Decision made! 10m WSPR TX using the stand alone beacon. PC, PSU and FT817ND are off. I will be surprised if I get any WSPR spots on 10m today.

Sunspots - Monday March 4th 2019

Still the pits I am afraid. Solar flux is 69 and the SSN still 0. A=12 and K=2.

3 Mar 2019

QSY to topband

At about 2018z I moved from 2m FT8 RX to 160m FT8 RX using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Immediately loads of Europeans spotted. By immediately, I mean within a few seconds! Best DX is R7DA (2907km). Already, 25 stations spotted.

UPDATE 2214z: So far this evening 128 stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX.
The 128 stations so far spotted 
on 160m FT8 RX this evening.

That sunspot minimum

As mentioned yesterday, the jury is still out and predictions for the sunspot minimum vary widely. One source I use still predicts we are already over the worst of the minimum. Another one suggests we have years still to go. In another year we will have a better idea. In the meantime "keep taking the pills" as they say, or take up fishing.

Holme-next-the-Sea - NOT amateur radio

Last summer we spent a week in North Norfolk at Holme-next-the-Sea, where the photo was taken. The weather all week was perfect. Where we stayed (house and village) could not be better.

Oscar 100 occupancy

At the moment I am just keeping a watchful eye on the narrowband section of Oscar 100 by looking at the Goonhilly web SDR.

At the moment (especially as this is a weekend) occupancy is low and there are no QRM issues. I believe they have ways of jamming stations that are using too much power. As a guide the signal should be no stronger than the beacon. If your signal is stronger you are using too much power. At the moment this does not seem to be an issue and most (all?) stations are using a few watts or less.
As I said in earlier posts, activity, so far, is lower than I expected, although I am sure activity will increase over time. The photo shows activity this morning around 1000z on a Sunday morning.

UPDATE 1026z:  3B8FA just copied via Oscar 100.

UPDATE 1337z: I suspect that if ICOM swapped a 13cm upconverter and the IF for a down converted 3cm LNB for 23cm in their IC9700, possibly calling the rig the IC9800, they would have a big take-up. They could do this for under £2k. Think of it: £2k for a DX capable rig with low noise and the DX available at any time and with a small fixed dish, no towers, no rotators, neighbour friendly. No brainer.

Eye, Suffolk - NOT amateur radio

Back in the autumn we visited Eye in Suffolk. This is a delightful village with a fine church. We ate at this café (see LHS of photo) where the food was simple and inexpensive.

2m FT8 RX

So far this morning, 9 stations spotted in 2 countries with my best DX on RX being DF6PW (673km). In the last day, 62 stations in 6 countries spotted overall on 2m FT8 RX. My antenna is the big-wheel omni as usual on 2m horizontal.

UPDATE 0953z: Now 15 stations in 5 countries spotted this morning on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1640z: Now 24 stations spotted today on 2m FT8 RX.
Stations spotted here today so far on 
2m FT8 RX with the big-wheel omni antenna.

Sunspots - Sunday March 3rd 2019

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN still zero. A=12 and K=3.

2 Mar 2019

Ickworth a few days ago - NOT amateur radio

This photo may have been on before, although it doesn't matter. It was taken a few days ago at Ickworth near Bury St Edmunds when the sun was shining!

Since about Thursday it has turned far cooler, although still mild here in the UK. Tomorrow could be windy and wet.

Commercial gear for Oscar 100

It had to happen.

As soon as people realised Oscar 100, the geosynchronous satellite, worked then commercial gear started to become available. Kuhne is selling a 20W upconverter from 2m to 13cm (they will soon be selling a 3cm LNB) and another German company is selling a dual frequency dish feed. It would not surprise me if ICOM introduced the IC9700A with Oscar 100 capability built-in. It only needs a 13cm upconverter and a 10GHz downconverter. So, for under £3k the well healed commercial buying amateur can be guaranteed 24/7 DX with a small fixed dish. No towers, day and night, easy.

It has to happen. I can see ICOM and Yaesu beavering away to see who will be first. Watch this space at Dayton. I expect there will be heavily guarded prototypes got ready just in time with people busy in their labs in fear of their futures should they fail.

MLS weekend bargains

This weekend deals from MLS are for antennas. Mind you, to me these "bargains" seem expensive when a roll of cheap wire is nearly as good! Hobby?

See https://www.hamradio.co.uk/ .

2m FT8

For about 5 minutes now I have been on 2m FT8. The only station spotted here so far (on the big wheel omni) is ON4KHG (312km). Yet again my own 2.5W CQ was widely spotted including by stations in Devon and Cornwall (yet again). Most days I average around 7 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1310z: So far today, 24 stations in 4 countries spotted here on 2m FT8 RX with the big-wheel omni antenna.

UPDATE 1810z: Now 51 stations in 6 countries spotted today on 2m FT8 RX. Best DX spotted here is DF6PW (673km).

UPDATE 1933z: Now 57 stations spotted here on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2156z: Now 59 stations spotted today on 2m FT8 RX. Off to bed shortly, but will leave things connected.

More Italian food - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday I mentioned that my wife and I met 51 years ago in 1968 and that we celebrated by eating out at an Italian restaurant in a nearby village. The first photo shows our main courses. My wife had cod and I had chicken. Both were on the very good fixed price menu. The second photo shows our desserts.

160m FT8 RX

Yet again, I was on 160m FT8 overnight, but only spotted 2 North Americans that got reported (by me) to PSKreporter maps. Best DX spotted here was AB4GE (6903km). The internet was flaky here overnight, so some stations spotted may not have been reported. I shall have to see if more 160m North Americans were received and not reported.

Either the season is coming to an end, last night was a bad one or the internet was off.

This morning just DL9BBE (476km) spotted on 160m FT8 RX.

Sunspots - Saturday March 2nd 2019

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number still zero. A=24 and K=3.