24 Feb 2016


Since early evening, I have been on 40m WSPR rather than 10m WSPR. My signals were spotted by W4MO (7272km) and this is the best DX on the band so far. My antenna is very low for 40m.

Guided Busway - NOT amateur radio

Today, my wife and I took the guided busway up to St Ives, Cambridgeshire. With our bus passes the trip was free.

The sun shone and we ate out inexpensively in the cafe at the URC church which is in the heart of the town. Food, service and prices were excellent.

St Ives is on the River Great Ouse and has some fine buildings.

Australia yet again on 10m WSPR today

Yet again, despite the low sunspot number  and "poor" prediction for 10m propagation, I have been spotted in Australia by VK2KRR (16789km) at 0914z. There has been plenty of short-skip activity from Europe on 10m already. 10m is still good.

Sunspots and 10m - Weds Feb 24th 2016

Solar flux is 91 today and the sunspot number just 27 (K=2). The forecast for 10m propagation remains "poor" although short-skip has lived things up here.

10m WSPR - a good start

After overnight on 630m WSPR I QSYed to 10m WSPR after breakfast and was rewarded with lots of short skip.  I received several Italians and one Czech station so far.

23 Feb 2016

50MHz RSGB UKAC contest

This evening was the February leg of the 50MHz UKAC (activity contest). As usual, I was unable to be on for long because of my poor voice. I was also handicapped with a vertical antenna (V2000 omni) and 5W pep. I made 3 QSOs with no great DX in the limited time. The contest is still on for another 70 minutes or so.

QSY to 630m (472kHz) WSPR

With the last 10m WSPR spot at 1726z, I am about to QSY to 630m (472kHz) WSPR in the next few minutes. I shall stay on MF overnight with my usual set-up (20% TX 5mW ERP, 80% RX) using the earth electrode "antenna" in the ground.

UPDATE 1912z:  I am now active on 472kHz WSPR and have been for about 5 minutes.
UPDATE 1940z:   A very promising start on 472kHz WSPR this evening (see above spots).

10m WSPRing still

With late 10m WSPR spots of the USA , I shall be on 10m WSPR at least for the next 90 minutes. I was hoping for USA spots, but was thinking this would be unlikely after such a quiet day.

UPDATE 1822z:  No further 10m WSPR spots, so I think the day has ended on 10m WSPR here. I shall probably QSY at around 1900z.

More OFCOM crappery?

See http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/2GHz-mobile-satellite-systems/?utm_source=updates&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2GHz-mobile-satellite-systems.

Why do I dislike OFCOM so much? I think it is because I am turning into a "grumpy old man" who has a dislike of organisations that seem to be forever justifying their very existence. My own direct dealings with them proved them to be "yes men" who were incapable of making decisions. To me, they come across as a QUANGO and the sooner they go the better. I appreciate this is a personal view and others may well have had a better experience.

Personally, I think it would be good if they were replaced by an organisation able to make pragmatic decisions without forever having to check what the law says. With regard to UK amateur radio, they have released 2MHz of under-used spectrum at VHF on a temporary basis which has been of use to a very few.

No, in my book they add very little value. Sorry, my view.

10m WSPR - disappointing again, so far today

As I write this at 1325z there has been not a single spot given or received on 10m WSPR here all day. This is a great pity and says as much about 10m WSPR activity as conditions. Although there may be the odd spot this afternoon, this looks like yet another disappointing day on the band. I am sure with more 10m WSPR activity, more paths would be proved to be "open".  I shall stick with 10m WSPR until after teatime, probably moving to 630m (472kHz) around 1900z. Yesterday the only spot was at 1754z and this was E-W DX.

UPDATE 1725z:  Well, 10m has a habit of springing surprises! In the last few minutes W1VR (6965km) in Florida has been spotted twice after a very quiet day.

UPDATE 1738z:  W1VR has now been spotted 3 times on 10m WSPR.