23 Feb 2016

10m WSPR - disappointing again, so far today

As I write this at 1325z there has been not a single spot given or received on 10m WSPR here all day. This is a great pity and says as much about 10m WSPR activity as conditions. Although there may be the odd spot this afternoon, this looks like yet another disappointing day on the band. I am sure with more 10m WSPR activity, more paths would be proved to be "open".  I shall stick with 10m WSPR until after teatime, probably moving to 630m (472kHz) around 1900z. Yesterday the only spot was at 1754z and this was E-W DX.

UPDATE 1725z:  Well, 10m has a habit of springing surprises! In the last few minutes W1VR (6965km) in Florida has been spotted twice after a very quiet day.

UPDATE 1738z:  W1VR has now been spotted 3 times on 10m WSPR.

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