4 Dec 2018

Shopping - NOT amateur radio

Every other week, we tend to shop at Tesco in Newmarket. We try to buy UK goods, where possible, to save on airmiles.  For in-between shopping, we use our local co-op which is owned by us, its shareholders. Every purchase of co-op goods earns us cash back. Prices are not at all bad and we can walk there and back.

Like nearby Waitrose, we are appalled that the big supermarkets use so much plastics and are vague about recycling. Surely supermarkets the world over should insist on using recyclable materials always. They have only to say to their suppliers and they would jump.

472kHz WSPR overnight

Quite a reasonable evening with my 10mW ERP from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Even before 1700z my little signal was spotted in Norway. 3 Norwegians were spotted here, which is the most so far.
Stations spotting my 472kHz WSPR overnight
Stations spotted here on 472kHz WSPR overnight

10m FT8

10m is not too bad today. 14 stations in 7 countries so far spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1530z: So far today 20 European stations in 11 countries spotted on 10m FT8 RX, although nothing further afield. This evening, I shall probably try 160m again.

Sunspots - Tuesday December 4th 2018

Solar flux is 67 (very low) and the sunspot number 0. A=10 and K=3.

3 Dec 2018

Now on 472kHz WSPR

As 10m seemed dire today, I have already QSYed to MF. As usual I am running about 10mW ERP (20% TX) from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. It usually takes about 20 minutes for the transverter crystal to stabilise, so early spots of me tend to have up to 2-3Hz of drift. Normally, this stops thereafter.

There seem to be plenty of spots on both RX ad TX. G1GKN (99km) is a new on, I think, for me on RX.  G1GKN spotted me as long ago as 2015. Some users may have decided to try other bands and,  of course, some may have sadly died.

OFCOM plans

OFCOM has published its plans for the coming year. Lots about goals and value for money.

See https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/128810/Proposed-Annual-Plan-2019-20.pdf

Christmas present?

My XYL said this morning, "you'd do me a favour if you ordered yourself that new radio as I never know what to buy you for your birthday or Christmas". Well, I am happy to oblige!  Fancy being told to buy a new radio? Next stage is to see what is the best deal from the dealers.

Old age worries - NOT amateur radio

In a few weeks I am 70. It is hard to see where the years have flown! As we get older, there seem more things to worry us, although few younger people seem to care, which is understandable.
  • Failing health (partner and yourself)
  • Children and grandchildren
  • Money
  • Declining sexual appetite
  • Mobility
  • Death (partner and yourself)
  • etc.
Perhaps these are sometimes best ignored.

Another 472kHz user

Jason, M1PRO has just got on 472kHz TX. He built a very neat version of the G3XBM Transverter and has been active on WSPR. I hope to spot Jason soon.

10m FT8

Since just before breakfast, I have been monitoring 10m FT8. As yet no spots at all. I'll keep trying all day, then switch to 472kHz (630m) WSPR late this afternoon probably.

UPDATE 1230z: Still no spots.

UPDATE 1500z: Just a couple of G spots today on 10m FT8.  Best 10m DX on FT8 RX is G4HZW (212km). I suspect I'll QSY to 630m sooner than planned!