3 Oct 2018

Sunspots - Wednesday October 3rd 2018

Solar flux is 68 and the SSN 14. A=8 and K=1.

2m UKAC RSGB activity contest

In the October leg of the 2m UKAC RSGB activity contest, I made 6 QSOs in the short time I was on. Best DX was G6DOD/P (216km) on the Isle of Wight. As usual I was using 5W and the big-wheel omni antenna.

2 Oct 2018


After the 2m contest I QSYed to 472kHz (630m) WSPR. So far, the usual suspects copying my 10mW ERP and the same stations being copied.

2m activity contest this evening

The October leg of the 2m activity contest (UKAC) organised by the RSGB starts at 1900z this evening. I usually enter and send a log in, although I rarely stay on long because of my poor voice. 30-60 minutes and I am done in!

I run 5W to my big-wheel omni antenna. These days, I seem to work (or get spotted) far further with 2m FT8, which does not strain my voice. Most contests I work out to about 200km on SSB. My best is much further.

As I have said many times before, this is a very friendly contest with lots of activity. If you don't want to, there is no compulsion to send in a log. It is a great chance to work a few new stations and squares. As I usually work fewer than 10 stations it is quick to transcribe my logs.

UPDATE 2040z: I was late on tonight and could not stop on long. 6 stations worked in 5 squares with 5W and the omni antenna. I have yet to work out the best DX.

Return to 10m FT8

After a few hours on 2m, I have returned to 10m FT8 and already spotted loads of EU stations and had a few 2-way QSOs. Will 10m open to South America later?

A CQ (2.5W) was spotted by CS7AOL (1457km) and a QSO resulted.

UPDATE 1650z: So far today, 36 stations in 10 EU countries spotted on 10m FT8. 10m dead?

UPDATE 1752z: Best DX on 10m FT8 RX is currently ZD7GWM (7605km) on St Helena.

UPDATE 1818z: So far today 46 stations spotted in 12 countries and 3 continents today on 10m FT8. Hardly dead!

UPDATE 1856z: Already a couple of South American stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX this evening. So far, 51 stations spotted in 14 countries.

2m FT8

Just before lunch I switched to 2m FT8 (2.5W to the omni antenna). No QSOs but yet again I was spotted by G7RAU (461km) on The Lizard in Cornwall and by GW3ATZ (248km) in north Wales. I shall probably stick with 2m FT8 until late this afternoon when I'll probably return to 10m FT8.

OFCOM Communications Monthly

Apparently OFCOM has issued its latest monthly update. In my email the header says September. In the email body it says August. Well, I guess this is not bad for primary school children.

I cannot give you the link as I could not see it in the email.

Trump and drink - NOT amateur radio

At least he is sober with that nuclear trigger. Otherwise, do we care?

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-45713170/trump-i-d-be-the-world-s-worst-drinker

That IC7300 fan...

Well, it seems the IC7300 fan questions remains unanswered. Unless I am told the fan is a non-issue, I shall delay buying one.

As I said in my comment, as soon as I buy a 100W version, they will CE approve and sell the QRP version in the UK for £799 and the IC7300 price will drop to £999!

Back on 10m FT8 again

Yesterday was good on 10m FT8 with some 2-way QSOs, quite a few UK and Europeans spotted and then 8 South Americans spotted in the evening.

Today I am back on 10m FT8, mainly RX but with the odd CQ (2.5W). So far one 9A spotted and my own signal spotted by M0ZWW (127km) in Coventry.

UPDATE 1036z: Well, my 10m FT8 CQ a few minutes ago was spotted by 9A6W (1541km). Best DX on 10m FT8 RX is EA5RR (1584km). 10m still has propagation, although few realise!

UPDATE 1058z: Plenty of spots of my 10m FT8 2.5W CQs. See photo.
Spots of my 10m FT8 CQs (2.5W) this morning