2 Oct 2018

2m activity contest this evening

The October leg of the 2m activity contest (UKAC) organised by the RSGB starts at 1900z this evening. I usually enter and send a log in, although I rarely stay on long because of my poor voice. 30-60 minutes and I am done in!

I run 5W to my big-wheel omni antenna. These days, I seem to work (or get spotted) far further with 2m FT8, which does not strain my voice. Most contests I work out to about 200km on SSB. My best is much further.

As I have said many times before, this is a very friendly contest with lots of activity. If you don't want to, there is no compulsion to send in a log. It is a great chance to work a few new stations and squares. As I usually work fewer than 10 stations it is quick to transcribe my logs.

UPDATE 2040z: I was late on tonight and could not stop on long. 6 stations worked in 5 squares with 5W and the omni antenna. I have yet to work out the best DX.

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