1 May 2018

New article added - NOT amateur radio

Some may find this page useful. I have added an article that Molly Anderson sent me as a file at the bottom of the page.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/mental

6m FT8 today

Yet again, I am on 6m FT8. So far today, just 1 G spotted G4VPD (150km). A brief CQ call at 2.5W earlier brought no spots. Mind you, it was early and most sensible people would have still been asleep!
Stations spotted up to 1321z

UPDATE 1321z:  21 different stations in 4 countries so far spotted today. Best DX so far is 4O6AH (1787km).

UPDATE  1428z: Now 25 different stations in 5 countries today on 6m FT8.

UPDATE 2026z: In the end 29 different stations spotted in 6 countries. Soon be time to go QRT.

UK identity documents? - NOT amateur radio

In the UK we seem to have a problem with illegal immigrants. One solution proposed is an ID card for each legal person living here. You would need this to obtain benefits. I think this would help, but I am not 100% sure.

In the light of the debacle over "the Windrush generation" in which people who were legally here but denied rights and deported (can you believe this?), it might help. This action is wholly inexcusable!!
As for the government I simply do not care whether it is Labour, Conservative or Monster Raving Loony.  This a total balls up.

As a legally here person, I have no problems with such a card, although I have not been through all the arguments.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-43949972

Solar figures

Within the next few days we'll see the solar numbers for April.

We are on average on a slow decline to the next solar minimum, yet 10m FT8 has allowed real DX to be copied.

For example, on the 3 occasions recently when I monitored the 10m band it opened to Brazil and Argentina, despite my poor antenna on 10m.

All I am advocating is never give up on 10m. FT8 is a game changer. Even with poor solar conditions 10m openings now get spotted, whereas at the same point in the last solar cycle we might have written off 10m.

See http://www.solen.info/solar/

Sunspots - Tuesday May 1st 2018

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number 0.  A=7and K=2.

30 Apr 2018

UK Pound against the Euro - NOT amateur radio

In recent weeks the UK Pound has been weak against the Euro. It has not been helped by BREXIT uncertainty and poor GDP figures. Once the BREXIT deal becomes clearer, I expect the UK Pound to strengthen against the Euro. It is entirely possible I am totally wrong. After all, I was last year!

Mills on the air weekend

May 12/13th will see activations from several mills around the UK.

We live right next door to a windmill, so I may get on sometime over the weekend. Years ago, I got a QSL from a group that activated our local windmill here in Burwell.

I know the Cambridge Club is on from a mill in nearby Willingham.

See http://www.mills-on-the-air.net/

Irish VHF spectrum - big allocations

From John's blog comes news of huge chunks of VHF spectrum being made available to EI amateurs. In my view, this is very enlightened.
I guess it would be too much to expect OFCOM to do similar, even with a very low ERP limit and stations operating on a "strictly no interference to primary users" basis. Of course, this would involve OFCOM staff thinking, so no, no, no.  Silly me for even suggesting this! Personally even 100mW at 40MHz would do me. With FT8 or WSPR we could do some serious radio science.

See https://ei7gl.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/irish-radio-amateurs-gain-access-to.html

Sunspots - Monday April 30th 2018

Solar flux is 71 today and the sunspot number has returned to zero. A=4 and K=3.

Tan House - NOT amateur radio

This is probably one of the largest and loveliest homes in our village. Many years ago it was the home of Sir Francis Pym who was British Foreign Secretary. The house has big grounds. I have no idea who lives there now.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Pym

6m FT8

For the last few days I have concentrated on 10m. 10m has opened to South America on several recent evenings on 10m FT8. Already there are signs of Es with quite a few stations from France, Spain and Italy.

Today, I am looking on 6m FT8. After a few early CQ calls at 2.5W (no spots), I am now 6m FT8 RX only. So far, nothing!

UPDATE 1647z: Currently 13 different stations spotted in 3 countries on 6m FT8 RX with best DX SM3LBN (1361km).

UPDATE 1725z: Now 14 stations in 4 countries spotted on 6m FT8 RX with best DX IK6CWQ (1512km).
UPDATE 2102z: 16 stations in 5 countries spotted today on 6m FT8 RX. Soon be time to go QRT.

29 Apr 2018

"Our" windmill - NOT amateur radio

This is "our" windmill next door. Our garden is just visible in the bottom left of the photo. The windmill is about 200 years old.

Should she go? - NOT amateur radio

Amber Rudd, the UK Home Secretary, is under fire for her ignorance of targets for getting rid of illegal immigrants. As Home Secretary she should have known. She was sent a memo and has no excuse! Either she lied or does not read what she is sent.  Mind you, the Prime Minister of the UK is not exactly faultless either.

Personally I think Amber Rudd should fall on her sword and leave her post. One of the downsides of high office is you have to take responsibility.

If Theresa May goes as PM I have no idea who would replace her as we lack decent leaders in all parties. Sadly, can you think of even one charismatic leader in the western world? I can't.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-43925749

Smart Meters - NOT amateur radio

Several years ago my energy provider contacted me to arrange a smart meter fitting. We agreed a date and a time. We emptied cupboards to ease access. We waited and waited, but no-one came!

It seems the supplier only communicates with others in its own company by computer and they failed in this instance. You could say they, "couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery" as my old dad would have said. I certainly get very fed up with communicating with computers! All their letters seem to be generated by a computer and, one day, it will be very hard to find a real human being to speak with.

Ever since then, I have told them to go away when I get emails offering me fittings.  Now, I have little doubt that, used intelligently, these could save money, but I shall wait.

My bank is similar - a while back it took 3 different people 33 minutes to explain something that should have been made clear in a letter I had already received. 2 of these calls were with an Indian call centre. Now I have no problems with India - indeed these people tried very hard - but I do object to being a faceless number. Years ago I could walk in to my local branch and speak with the manager who actually knew me and cared! I'd better stop as I sound like a grumpy old man!!

So, I read with interest some links copied to me by Steve G1KQH which are below.

10m FT8 again

Yet again, I am on 10m FT8.

Just before breakfast I was on TX with 2.5W (no spots) and since I have been RX only, so far spotting no-one.

Yesterday and the day before 10m FT8 allowed me to spot loads of South American stations. The Es season is nearing, so soon there will be lots of EU stations.

UPDATE 0919z: Now a couple of stations spotted with best DX on 10m FT8 RX F5RRS (818km).

UPDATE 1118z: Europeans from Italy and Spain now spotted on 10m FT8. 7 stations in 4 countries.  Best DX on 10m FT8 RX is currently EA4DAU (1375km).

UPDATE 1735z: Now 20 different Europeans spotted today on 10m FT8 in 5 countries. Best DX is EA7DT (1781km). Some of these spots (time and distance) look like Es.

UPDATE 2120z: PU5SVE (9900km) spotted on 10m FT8 this evening. That's 3 evenings in a row with 10m FT8 DX spotted. In all, 25 different stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX in 7 countries. Soon be time to go QRT. Went QRT at 2140z.

New Abba recordings - NOT amateur radio

So Abba has recorded some new material. They are a "feel good" group that did much in the 1980s. I hope these new recordings are a great success.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-43925749

Miracle antennas and similar

It is a good few years since I last used my Miracle Antenna.

If you are after a simple antenna for HF you may be interested. Certainly, if used with a counterpoise, these are capable of useful (but not great) performance, especially on the higher HF bands.

Like all such antennas, they are compromises. In my experience you must use a good earth or counterpoise, otherwise they will be well down on every reasonable HF antenna. On the higher HF bands they can be quite useful, especially in the Es season when signals can be strong. They are simple to adjust, but they can never be miracles! They work (at best) like a small whip.

In my limited experience loops work better, but loops are narrow band and require frequent retuning if moving far in frequency.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/mwhip


It is a number of years since I last used VHF AM. At one time nearly all VHF activity was AM. These days most activity is FM with DX being mainly SSB, with FT8 coming up fast. Ex private mobile radio (PMR) AM kit is often very inexpensive.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/2am

Sainsbury's and Asda merger? - NOT amateur radio

There is no doubt that all over the world, the retail market is changing. More and more of us are buying goods online as it is so convenient and fast: you no longer have to take the car to town and often prices are better.

As an example my wife bought 3 lens caps for her camera. These came with free airmail from Hong Kong at prices way below UK retail prices in town. A few years ago I bought a kit radio transceiver from China. Even with free airmail it was cheaper than just one part in the UK. I built it and it worked first time. It is no wonder stores like Maplin in the UK are suffering.

The big supermarkets are suffering and looking to make economies and yet still trying to get us to come into their stores. This is happening all over the world.

I have no idea how this will end, but the big supermarkets have to adapt or go out of business. It is a very difficult environment and lots of well known brands will die. In 20 years our high streets will be quite different. We live in a time of rapid and great change.

Now we hear Sainsbury's and Asda are in merger talks. These are large UK food stores. A merger is likely followed by store closures and rationalisation.

In our own local town (Newmarket) Waitrose is already struggling and will suffer more when a new Aldi store opens. Although my wife enjoys visiting food stores, I'd be happy to buy on line and I am typical.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43933517

Amateur VLF DX from Italy

A test signal on VLF from Italy has been copied in the UK, Germany and the Czech Republic. Some years ago the refrain was, "you won't get over the garden wall". Oh yeh?

This was from Paul Nicholson (Todmorden, UK) a few days ago:

"A very nice signal this morning,,121,724,224,1
Bearing 126.9, great circle is 127.8.

Paul Nicholson"

Sunspots - Sunday April 29th 2018

Solar flux is 69 and the sunspot number 11. A=4 and K=1.

28 Apr 2018

10m FT8 today

10m FT8 is off to a good start today with 3 different stations spotted in 3 countries with best DX on RX being EA1AKS (1037km).

Last night, 10m FT8 opened to South America again. At times 10m really surprises. Solar conditions are not good, but still we get N-S openings. I noticed that stations in the Canary Is were working Caribbean and Mexico on 10m FT8.

UPDATE 1442z:  Currently 9 different stations spotted in 4 countries, all in Europe so far today.

UPDATE 1805z: Now 12 different stations in 4 countries.

UPDATE 2113z: Time to go QRT. 10 South Americans spotted today on 10m FT8. Best DX spotted was LU8HGI (11258km) in Corduba, Argentina at -23dB S/N.

Network Radios

As HF conditions dive, some are turning to "network radios" instead. As an example, MLS sells the Inrico T320 which works over 3G ,4G or wi-fi networks through systems like Echolink. Essentially this uses the internet as the bearer, often with radio at the ends. The Inrico T320 is actually a handheld with charger. Some repeaters allow internet linking so you could talk through a network radio to mobiles on a distant repeater on the other side of the world.

See https://www.hamradio.co.uk/amateur-radio-handheld-radio-internet-radio/inrico/inrico-t320-network-radio-transceiver-pd-8674.php

Predictions for the next sunspot maximum

Forecasting the next solar peak is hard, but some have tried. Most experts don't expect much, but two have said they expect cycle 25 to be similar to cycle 24. In reality, we do not know! One thing we do know - unless I am very lucky, the next "peak" is the last I am likely to experience. Even the peak of cycle 25 is not certain for me!

See https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/02/09/forecast-for-solar-cycle-25/
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_cycle_25
See http://solarcyclescience.com/forecasts.html

Sunspots - Saturday April 28th 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number 11. A=6 and K=2.

27 Apr 2018



Norbreck Castle Exhibition Centre, Blackpool FY2 9AA. There is car parking available and a talk-in station will be on the air. Doors open 10.15am for disabled visitors and 10.30 for the general public. As well as trade stands there will be a Bring & Buy and special interest groups. An RSGB book stall will be attending. Dave, M0OBW on 01270 761 608 or by email to dwilson@btinternet.com (www.narsa.org.uk).

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

RS-918 and mcHF SDR transceivers

This rig is a Chinese rip-off of the mcHF rig that was designed by a UK amateur, M0NKA. Kits for the mcHF are available, but the RS-918 is available ready built. It has been getting good reviews on eham (last time I looked 4.8/5 on eham). Sadly, the UK amateur did not register the design, so has no come-back. Having said that, I suspect the Chinese would have ripped it off anyway!

See http://www.m0nka.co.uk/ for the original design.
See  https://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/13489 for the review of the Chinese clone.

Mental health links - NOT amateur radio

These were given to me by a person called Molly Anderson. You may find them helpful. As you can see these are on my main website.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/mental

Tragic year - NOT amateur radio

This last 6 months have been filled with tragedy. In all, we are aware of 5 deaths, 3 with young people who died well before their due dates. The 5th today was my wife's cousin and childhood best friend. It has been a very hard time.

Yet again it re-enforces how fragile life can sometimes be.  All we can do is support those who have lost loved ones and milk life while we still have it. We go along assuming some things last for ever. Then something happens and you realise change is always happening.

It just reminds me how cruel life can be sometimes.

Sunspots - Friday April 27th 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number is 14.  A=4 and K=0.

10m FT8 RX

Today, I have returned to 10m FT8 RX.

The last few days on 6m FT8 have been an indication of things to come during the Es season. 6m FT8 activity is increasing.

As Es also has a big impact on 10m, expect to see lots of Europeans in the logs in the coming months, as well as real DX from time to time.

UPDATE 0817z: So far, just 2E1RDX (139km) spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1058z: Now M6GAN (111km) spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1215z:  Just 4 Gs spotted so far today on 10m FT8. Aircraft or tropo?

UPDATE 1318z: Just spotted PD1DL (322km). Strength suggests aircraft reflection. Now 5 different stations in 2 countries on 10m FT8 today so far.

UPDATE 1530z: CT1GVN (1801km) spotted. Now 7 different stations in 3 countries on 10m FT8 RX today.

President Trump to visit the UK in July - NOT amateur radio

Each to his own, but I find it hard to warm to this man. I expect his visit in July will stir up riots and protests. I hope he is ready for what will greet him. It won't be a quiet visit.

He comes across badly over here in the UK and he has made few friends, although he got a lot of votes in the USA from a populous that expected much. Even Monsieur Macron of France said some pretty harsh words in Congress.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43913414

A quote from the BBC website:
Reacting to the announcement of his July visit, Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK's director, said: "When Donald Trump arrives on these shores, we and thousands of our supporters will very definitely be making our voices heard."

Magnetic loops

Although narrowband, these antennas can be remarkably effective. They are ideal for modes that do not require rapid retuning such as WSPR, PSK31 or FT8. It is some time since I tried one.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/magloop

Tree rings - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday we visited Brandon Country Park, Suffolk. This felled tree looks about 30 years old judging by the rings.

26 Apr 2018

Felled beauty - NOT amateur radio

Today we visited Brandon Country Park, Suffolk on the edge of Thetford Forest. This tree was on the ground. Either it had been felled or it had blown down over the winter. We liked the textures and colours.

6m FT8

Before breakfast, I went on TX (2.5W) calling CQ on 6m FT8. Sadly, no-one received me, but it was very early!

Since then I have been on 6m FT8 RX only using the omnidirectional V2000 vertical antenna. So far, just a couple of Gs spotted on 6m.

UPDATE 1712z: 16 different stations in 2 countries so far spotted on 6m FT8 today. Best DX is PE0TS (445km).

UPDATE 2120z: Now QRT. In the end, 19 different stations in 2 countries spotted today on 6m FT8 RX.

Flatlands - NOT amateur radio

Here in East Anglia, UK we have few real hills, but some great skies. At the moment we have rapeseed plants in flower which are bright yellow. I like this photo which contrasts the chalk with the rapeseed.

Our local windmill sails turning - NOT amateur radio

We live next door to a fully restored windmill. The windmill is about 200 years old. Its sails turn usually on Thursdays and Sundays when the museum is open. The video shows the mill with the sails turning.

See http://www.burwellmuseum.org.uk

Yaesu - in trouble?

For many years (well as you ask since 1979 - nearly 40 years!) I have been a great Yaesu fan and I have been the delighted owner of many of their fine transceivers in that time. Now I am very worried.
  • Firstly they "missed the boat" by not replacing the FT817 before the last sunspot peak. In my book this was an unforgivable error. The market was ready, yet they were stupid not to see and capitalise on this.
  • Secondly they had to play catch-up when ICOM introduced the IC7300. The FT991A is clearly an attempt to match the IC7300. They were caught off guard, followers rather than leaders. No doubt some poor innocent was made to fall on his/her sword.
  • Thirdly, the FT891 looks market priced to catch buyers. It is relatively low cost for a 100W mobile/base unit.
  • Fourthly, the FT818 is definitely a development done on the (very) cheap with few features expected in a replacement for the FT817. If they were serious they would have added a speech processor, an auto ATU and a Lithium Polymer battery for starters. No, this looks a development with very little outlay indeed. Lost come to mind. Sad, pathetic would be truer.
As a real Yaesu man, I could be forgiven for thinking they are in deep trouble. Everything points to a struggling company. I am disturbed enough to think of avoiding them. My bet is on ICOM surviving and Yaesu going to the wall. Hopefully, I am very wrong. Over the next few years we shall find out.

Once the Chinese really get in this market, the Japanese face a real wake-up call and no Japanese company in the amateur market will be safe. The Chinese have started. Give them a few years. Soon, we may look back on these days as the golden age.

Sunspots - Thursday April 26th 2018

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number 17. A=4and K=2.