26 Jul 2017


At about 2115z I went QRT on all bands and disconnected the PC. All Es stopped here over an hour ago. Sometimes it comes back, but there will be other days. It matters not.

Trump's latest - NOT amateur radio

His latest thing (allegedly) is to ban all transgendered people from serving in any capacity in the US military.  One transgendered friend was once Mayor of Cambridge. At work no-one cared about it when this man became a woman. This person had a job to do and that was all that mattered.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-40729996 .

Amateur VLF

Yesterday I had an enquiry about amateur VLF. I referred him to https://sites.google.com/site/sub9khz/ which has lots of data on what I did in the past. There are schematics of the receivers and transmitters I used as well as details from others. Most of my experiments were with "earth mode", although I also received several European amateur VLF stations by radiation. For receive you do not need a large antenna. Even on "earth mode" transmit the power and antenna requirements are quite modest.

Simple pleasures - NOT amateur radio

Well, some blackberries made it to the crumble, but quite a few got eaten! Simple pleasures to be for ever treasured long after the grandchildren have grown and flown. I hope they do this with their children and grandchildren.

Sweet peas - NOT amateur radio

Eventually, the sweet peas in our front garden are coming into flower. We have one white one and two pink ones about to flower. We have planted sweet peas in the front garden and on the patio in the rear garden. The latter have still to flower. Last year we had one set in the front garden but these were nibbled by muntjac deer. Later they flowered well.

10m WSPR

Since before breakfast I have been on 10m WSPR TX (500mW). Already I have been spotted in Germany many times by Es.

UPDATE 1357z: 12 unique spots on 10m WSPR, but all were this morning. Best DX was a spot from Sweden. I assume all these were Es.

UPDATE 1456z: Several Es spots in the last 30 minutes from Germany.

UPDATE 1730z: Best 10m WSPR DX, so far at least, is OE3BUB (1229km).

6m JT65

Until now, since before breakfast, I have been on 6m JT65 transceive (1W ERP), but I have just switched to RX only.

So far, spots have just been G stations either by tropo or aircraft reflection. It is now 0814z.

UPDATE 1402z: 4O6AH (1788km) is the best DX on 6m JT65 RX today so far.

Sunspots - Wednesday July 26th 2017

Solar flux is 70 and the sunspot number 12.  A=9 and K=2.

25 Jul 2017

Parker's Piece, Cambridge, UK - NOT amateur radio

Wild flowers on Parker's Piece, Cambridge, UK. I think these were planted by the pupils at Park Side School.

Parkers Piece was the focus of a big celebration in 1838 to celebrate the coronation of Queen Victoria.

It is also acknowledged as the home of Association Football rules. It is a famous park in Cambridge.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parker%27s_Piece

6m JT65

So far this morning I have only spotted G stations on JT65, with no Es yet. I suspect the Gs are by aircraft reflection. At the moment, I am RX only on 6m JT65.

UPDATE 0840z: SM5CEU (1170km) copied by Es.

UPDATE 2115z: More Es earlier from E and SE Europe.


Although I turned on the 500mW beacon about 30 minutes ago, no spots as yet, although it is very early.

UPDATE 0845z: Some early Es on 10m WSPR (see table).

UPDATE 1900z
: Recent Es spots from Denmark and Germany.

UPDATE 2115z: Still getting Es reports from Denmark on 10m WSPR. Es on 10m today seems better than 6m.

Sunspots - Tuesday July 25th 2017

Solar flux is 70 and the sunspot number remains zero. A=12 and K=2.

24 Jul 2017

10m WSPR TX (500mW)

Although I have been on 10m WSPR TX since before breakfast, there have been no spots as yet.

UPDATE 1448z: Quite a decent amount of Es today, mainly Northern Europe.

6m JT65 RX

At the moment I am on 6m JT65 RX. Although there is some Es about, it is nothing like yesterday.

UPDATE 1450z:  So far, the only 6m JT65 spots have been G stations with no Es this afternoon, although  there was some Es this morning.

Rain - NOT amateur radio

We have had grandchildren here since Saturday. Most of the time it has been wet!

Our lawns still have brown patches. They should recover if the heatwave has ended and we get a bit more rain. Already the lawns are improving, but they have a way to go still.

Sunspots - Monday July 24th 2017

Solar flux is 70 today and the sunspot number zero. A=14 and K=3.

23 Jul 2017

QRP and QRP Club

The latest report from Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,

Weekly QRP Rendez-Vous Report (July, 23, 2017)
First of all, I'd like to thanks a lot my friends who donated for Victor RU3NJC heart trouble operation. God bless you all!
QRP Rendez-Vous e-mail group (reflector) created for all regular visitors. Send request to become the group member to "mr72 (at) club72.su" e-mail, please. All QRPers are welcome to join active QRP group!

ON4ADR, MM0CYR, F5SSI became Honor Frequenters (regular visitors)
New Visitors are welcome -
See full Frequenters and Visitors lists on the Club 72 web page
See  full  version  of  the WQR Report including A LOT of pictures and
comments on the blog - https://qrp-club72.blogspot.ru/
Thanks  all  QRPers  for  activity  and  comments,  see  you  on next

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

This is a periodic Newsletter of the Club 72. Don't reply to Newsletter address! Send any requests or news to mr72@club72.su please.

QRP transceiver kit

This 5W QRP kit has been brought to my attention. I have no idea how easy it is to build. It covers 2-30MHz.

See http://www.m0nka.co.uk/ .

Sunspots - Sunday July 23rd 2017

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number remains zero. A=16 and K=3.

10m WSPR TX - good Es

My 500mW 10m WSPR beacon has been on all morning. With lots of spots from across Europe this is another good Es day.

6m JT65

There has been plenty of European Es on 6m this morning. At one point I got excited about a USA spot, but as I was the only one to spot him, I assume this was a false decode sadly.

22 Jul 2017

High numbers, even without the hackers from Eastern Europe - NOT amateur radio

Visits to this blog are already well up today, and this is without our "friends" in Eastern Europe doing their regular probe. I have no idea why.

Sunflowers out - NOT amateur radio

This morning I noticed that our sunflowers were out. In the accompanying photo you can hardly see them! "Our" windmill is in the background and the red berries on one of our rowan trees are visible on the left. The sunflowers are just visible (if you look hard!) towards the right.

Trump - NOT amateur radio

So Donald has now been in office for 6 months. In an electoral system such as that in the USA you get the person voted for by most. What amazed me was that so many voted for him. Let history be his judge.

Storms coming?

A quick look at the lightning map shows that storms are still some way away. I have decided to leave my 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 systems connected, but will review this later.

UPDATE 1300z: At the moment the local weather forecast shows no storms are likely here.

Hamsphere Virtual Amateur Radio

Already, I have posted that I prefer "the real thing" to virtual amateur radio.

As conditions worsen I expect more people will turn to systems like Hamsphere. Earlier this week I got an email offering Hamsphere membership for 15 Euros for returning users. This is quite tempting.

See http://www.hamsphere.com/ .

Grandchildren coming later, so less amateur radio

Our "London" grandchildren arrive after lunch. It means that amateur radio takes a back seat for a few days, although I can still go on 10m WSPR and 6m JT65 RX or beacon mode. My usual Monday night sked on 2m FM is out as one of them sleeps in the bedroom near my shack.

Sunspots - Saturday July 22nd 2017

Solar flux is 69 today and the sunspot number still zero. A=14 and K=2. Luckily there is good Es in Europe.

6m JT65

As it was busy with Es from all across Europe, I decided to stay RX only on 6m JT65 for now. Already I have spotted stations from all over Europe by Es. At the moment, this is the best day this year for 6m Es. At the moment I have not spotted any stations beyond Europe on 6m.

UPDATE 0924z:  XT3TCD (4423km) in West Africa has been spotted. This station has been spotted by others so is not a false decode. Of course, it could be a pirate! It is possible by Es.

10m WSPR TX - early Es

As usual , I turned on my 10m WSPR beacon (500mW) just before breakfast. It is now only 0845z and already I have had 10 unique reports, mostly Es. This is very early.

UPDATE 1108z: The photo shows the spots received for my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon so far today.

UPDATE 1357z: Been spotted again by SP9LJE (1261km). On all his reports (not others) the drift is bad.  I presume this must be his end.

21 Jul 2017

Blackberries - NOT amateur radio

No, not the personal organisers, I'm talking about fruit.

There is a wild blackberry bush just outside our garden. When they come to stay these next few days, our "London" grandchildren will really enjoy picking the ripe ones and eating them. These are wild fruits and they taste delicious.

"Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness" - well almost!

Swifts - NOT amateur radio

This morning I saw no swifts. Usually in August you just realise they are not there any more. Screaming swifts in the skies are part of a UK summer. It saddens me when they go, but they will be back next year.

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/bird-and-wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/s/swift/

UPDATE 1530z: Spotted a few swifts lunchtime.

Rally on Sunday

The Hurst Communications Centre, Belton Road, Sandtoft, Doncaster DN8 5SX. Doors open 10:30am. Free parking. Massive indoor /outdoor trader's area. Hot food and drinks all day. Major traders and club stalls - microwave components to QRP kits. All on one level. Admission £3. Contact Kevin G3AAF Mob: 07831 614640 - email Kevin@avery03.fsnet.co.uk

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/


Although I am beaconing (500mW) TX on 10m WSPR, nothing reported today so far.

UPDATE 1130z: No spots still.

UPDATE 1838z: Well it was a long time coming but SP9LJE (1261km) has spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon a few times this evening.

6m JT65 RX

I stayed on 6m JT65 overnight. In the last 12 hours just Gs and near continent, possibly by aircraft reflection or tropo. No Es seen here yet on 6m.

UPDATE 0930z: Another station in Puerto Rico was spotted here late last evening. WP4G (6800km) was spotted on 6m JT65. So, a couple of Caribbean stations spotted.

UPDATE 1112z: I keep getting what I assume are false decodes which appear as a station in Algeria in the middle of the Sahara Desert!  As he was spotted by no-one else, I am ignoring these.

UPDATE 1840z: As it seemed very quiet I went on 6m JT65 TX (1W ERP) and was spotted in Southern Europe. There is (at last) some Es on 6m here.

Stroke update - NOT amateur radio

Some are interested to know how I am progressing since my stroke in September 2013.

Well, things are much the same: I still feel very tired (no, exhausted) after quite brief physical or mental exertion - normally this is after about 15-20 minutes. My voice is poor.

I am able to drive, but I estimate it is now about 5 times harder. I also drive slower as 50mph seems like 70 mph. It is as if my brain takes longer to process things. Also, subtitles seem to change too fast and I find it hard to keep up.

Although most foods are fine, I take an age with drinks, especially tea and coffee. For some reason cold drinks are easier.

Daft things are I find spelling harder, my writing is poor now and I feel tired much of the time. I think I get more anxious too.

Outwardly, I look "well". Others do not realise that life is a real struggle most of the time.

Overall, I find it hard to see improvements now. In most ways I feel like I did a year ago.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/stroke

Sunspots - Friday July 21st 2017

Solar flux is 69 and the sunspot number is again zero. A=7 and K=3.

Luckily, Es is livening up the higher HF bands although I find WSPR activity disappointing.

20 Jul 2017

10m WSPR

As usual, I have been on 10m WSPR TX (500mW) since breakfast. Es has been good with widespread reports from around Europe.

UPDATE 1458z: SM5ISM (1288km) remains my best DX on 10m WSPR TX today.

UPDATE 1640z: DJ9PC/1 (825km) has received me at an astounding +7dB S/N. Es! Assuming a low noise floor, uW power levels would be enough.

UPDATE 2126z:  22 unique stations spotted on 10m WSPR today.

Summer colour - NOT amateur radio

A few weeks ago our lawns were green. Then the sun really shone and patches turned brown. Slowly they are recovering.

By mistake, we bought impatiens for our front garden instead of begonias. Luckily they have been a good splash of colour.

Our sweet peas look healthy, but we have yet to see a single flower. My brother down in Devon has also had a disappointing sweet pea show this year. We both bought these as plugs from a well respected seed supplier.

6m JT65

Since breakfast I have been on 6m JT65. At first I was transceive but for the last hour or so I have been RX only. Plenty of 6m Es.

UPDATE 1332z: Most of the 6m spots have been Southern and Eastern Europe, presumably by Es.

UPDATE 1638z: UT8IO (2720km) in Ukraine is the best DX today so far.

UPDATE 2138z: KP4EIT (6830km) in the Caribbean has just been spotted on 6m JT65.