29 Jun 2016

10m WSPR and 6m JT65

About 10 minutes ago I switched on my 10m WSPR beacon (500mW), which had been off overnight. I left the 6m JT65 (1W ERP) running through the night and this is still on.

UPDATE 0906z:  4 G spots so far on 6m JT65. Nothing yet on 10m WSPR.

28 Jun 2016

Our son - NOT amateur radio

Our elder son came up from London to see us this afternoon. He is a professional jazz pianist so works odd hours. When he comes up he helps us in the garden. It is always good to see our boys.

6m JT65 success again

6m JT65 (1W ERP) so far today
It is hard not to be impressed with 6m JT65. Yet again, my 1W QRP from my omni vertical is being spotted all over Europe. I am also spotting others at similar ranges. If this was 6m WSPR I may not have had a single spot all day. For 6m, even though theoretically not as good as WSPR, I am having great success with JT65.

It would be good to spot, or be spotted, across the Atlantic on 6m JT65. I am sure I have a much higher chance than with WSPR.

See https://pskreporter.info/pskmap.html .

UPDATE 2125z:  6m JT65 has been excellent all day. With around 30 spots of my 6m QRP signals from all over Europe I am convinced that JT65 is the mode on 6m for me.
6m JT65 spots of my QRP today so far

Hedgehog - NOT amateur radio

This morning, we found a hedgehog in the back garden. For those unfamiliar with these, they are about 15cms long, prickly, and cover about a mile on their, mainly nocturnal, walks. We used to see them often at our old house but this is the first seen here.  See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedgehog.

Muntjac deer seem to have taken a fancy to our sunflowers as the tops have been eaten! See http://www.bds.org.uk/index.php/advice-education/species/muntjac-deer

Sunspots and 10m - Tues June 28th 2016

Solar flux is 75 today and the sunspot number is zero yet again (K=2). The forecast for 10m F2 propagation is again "poor". Luckily there is Es about on 10m.

27 Jun 2016

QRP and QRP Club

More from Oleg:

Dear Club 72 members and friends,
I'm glad to inform about new Club 72 member -
US5ERQ op. Sergey (Dnipro region, Ukraine), membership card # 87.

Remind  about "72 QRP" round table (Rendez-Vous) tomorrow at 9 UTC on
14060  +/-  QRM,  QRL,  keep  RIT  for  xtal  stn's.  See you also on
"rendezvous"  on  Thursday  and  Saturday.  Comments  and reports are
appreciated to "mr72" e-mail, please.

72! Oleg RV3GM / KH6OB "Mr. 72"

6m JT65 and 10m WSPR today

Apart from a couple of G spots of my 1W ERP signal on 6m JT65, all is quiet on both bands here with no signs yet of Es.

UPDATE 0920z: I see there were a couple of EA stations spotted here on 6m JT65 around breakfast time, so there was Es on 6m earlier.

UPDATE 1628z:  EA8CNR (2929km) is best RX DX today on 6m JT65.

2m UK activity contests

Last week, the RSGB published the results of the UKAC 2m so far this year. Even though I have been only active of about 40% (or less) of the time in each session, I only use 5W QRP and an omni antenna, I am half way up the table (AL section) and I appear to be moving up too. Contests have never really been "my thing", but I enjoy these sessions until my voice gives in. Because of my stroke I usually manage less than an hour. Activity levels are usually good, although the last 70cm UKAC was dire here.

UPDATE 0922z: The next 2m UKAC is on the first Tuesday in July starting at 1900z (8pm UK clock time).

Slowly declining solar activity

We have had several days recently with a total absence of sunspots. There is now little doubt that we are now on the slow, downward slide to the next solar minimum. The slide on the downwards few years is usually slower than the rise to the next peak after the minimum. The next peak is expected to be very poor.

Next autumn could be very interesting, although conditions on 10m are very unlikely to be as good as the last few years.

In my lifetime it is very unlikely I shall ever see 10m F2 conditions really good again. This is quite a sobering thought. Es (multi-hop) may be the only real hope of E-W DX on 10m in some summer months. Such DX may also happen on 6m too. The only time I worked the USA on 6m (this was 2.5W CW QRP) was by Es in a quiet part of the solar cycle when F2 propagation was poor on the higher HF bands.

As always, this is the law of averages. There may be good days when 10m is "open" but such openings may be missed as people follow the activity ever lower in frequency.  In the minimum even 20m may be dead. This is a few years away.

See http://www.solen.info/solar/.

Sunspots and 10m - Mon June 27th 2016

Solar flux is 76 today. Sunspot number is zero again (K=3) and the forecast for 10m propagation remains "poor".