30 Jan 2016

60m WSPR

I have QSYed to 60m WSPR, RX only at the moment. I may go on TX later.  Although I went on 60m some time ago, it is a long time since I last used the band.  As we approach poorer solar conditions, I expect I'll use this band far more. It is a pity that the international allocation coming is so small. I hope CEPT countries decide to allocate a larger contiguous secondary amateur allocation. I always have to check the sub-bands I can legally use. It would end a lot of confusion if we had a contiguous allocation.

UPDATE 2036z:   I am now on TX (2W 20%) on 60m.  Although I have not (yet) spotted others, my 2W has been spotted by stations in Switzerland and Germany on 60m WSPR.  The antenna is only my tri-band Par resonated with my ATU.  For 60m it is very low.

UPDATE 2255z:  My best DX, so far, with 2W on 60m WSPR is a spot by SV8RV (2269km). I shall leave the kit running through the night. As yet, I have still not copied others on this band tonight. I must have a bad noise problem on this  band? It is bad on 80m.

20m WSPR, so far

K3SC (5869km) spotted me at 1654z. This is the best DX so far on 20m WSPR. I expect I'd get further on 20m, but I may QSY to another band overnight.

10m winter Es again?

DK6UG (633km) spotted me before lunch on 10m WSPR.  Was this wintertime Es on 10m again?  G4KPX (14km) was spotted here but did not make it onto WSPRnet.

UPDATE 1440z:  Several spots by/of G4KPX (14km) now getting through to the WSPRnet database. No USA 10m WSPR spots as yet.

UPDATE 1526z:    WSPRnet seems very flaky today. I am having great problems with it.  No USA spots today or is it WSPRnet?

UPDATE 1620z:   I have now QSYed to 20m WSPR, although WSPRnet is still flaky.

Stroke: not a good week - NOT amateur radio

Some days are like this. This week has been a bad week and I have felt particularly giddy and very tired. Hopefully next week will be better.

Unlike "pre-stroke" days, things exhaust me far more and I seem to stress more easily.  Despite this, we have still managed to get out and about. Maybe I am pushing myself too hard and my body is screaming "slow down"? Oh, how I wish I was well again.

For most of the last 2 years I have been living a hell interspersed with better days. I have felt giddy now for more than 2 years. Will it never get better?

When I am seated or resting, I'm fine.  The main issues are when I am on my feet, walking and active.

Sunspots and 10m - Sat Jan 30th 2016

Solar flux is 114 today. Sunspot number is 49 (K=1) but 10m propagation is again expected to be "poor". It will be interesting to see how 10m WSPR actually is today. Solar flux is good, sunspot number not bad and conditions not very disturbed. Judging by yesterday, I'd expect 10m to open to the USA this afternoon, although 10m can be fickle!

Back on 10m WSPR

Last night, I was not on any band at all. I had a night off. I returned to 10m WSPR (2W TX 20%, RX 80%) at 1020z, although it could be a while before any spots appear.

This evening I may give 60m RX a go as I have not tried this band for a long time. I do have a 5MHz NoV so I could TX too if the antenna tunes up via the ATU.

29 Jan 2016

Wicken Fen this afternoon - NOT amateur radio

We did a walk along the boardwalk at Wicken Fen this afternoon. As I am still wobbly from my stroke, this was much harder than usual. It took all my energy (in the wind) to stay upright and walking in the right direction, so little time to enjoy the views. Still, the walk did us good and the light was amazing.

10m WSPR good to the USA today

Several different USA stations spotted on 10m WSPR today and a couple of different USA stations spotting me too. Today is quite a good day on 10m. So much for the "poor" 10m forecast!

As I have said many times, I often find I get good results on 10m WSPR when the propagation is expected to be "poor". It sometimes (often?) pays to stick with 10m WSPR. 10m is a band filled with surprises and I am sure it is "open" far more often than people realise.

What band?

With my poor voice and often monitoring WSPR activity elsewhere in the home and not being physically in the shack (it takes only seconds to be in the shack though), I wonder what bands I should concentrate on. Habitually, I go on 10m daytime and either 630m (more recently 40m) WSPR after dark. I used to also go on 6m daytime but in several months I only had a handful of WSPR spots logged. Outside of the main 6m Es season, this band is hard work.

When in the shack, I try 20m JT9-1 and JT65 for 2-way contacts. WSPR suits my current needs well most of the time. I use voice modes infrequently as I find these hard going nowadays. I wish this was not so, but there you go! One has to adapt. I still lack the fine motor skills and energy for field work at present.

At some point I want to resume 481THz and VLF field work again. These gave me a lot of pleasure.  At present I am too lacking in energy. I tried a couple of field excursions last year, but it was too soon: my body was not ready. Instead, for now, I am concentrating on what I can do, at home.

So what would you recommend?

New radio?

For a while I have been considering investing in a new radio, possibly the Yaesu FT991 or the ICOM IC7300. As my voice is still poor, my inclination is to wait. Radios, once bought, are usually kept for many years. I consider them investments rather than "whim" purchases. My preference is another QRP radio as I prefer lower power. The low power (S version) of the IC7300 would be ideal but this is only available in Japan. This is a real shame.