29 Jul 2015

Return to 472kHz WSPR

I QSYed down to 472kHz at 2000z. So far, no-one has spotted me but I have spotted PA0A (417km) and G8HUH (250km). I'll stay on overnight to see who copies me. Someone is bound to. I am still using 5mW ERP (at most) and the earth electrode "antenna". 472kHz is  more productive than the 6m band at night.  PA0A and G8HUH are among the better equipped MF stations with good ERPs. This autumn I must get a better antenna for MF erected. It would be good to have an ERP of 100mW - QRO for me!

6m WSPR Es

LA1IC appears to have reported my 10m WSPR as 6m by mistake early teatime. I think he changed bands but still was reporting some 10m spots as 6m ones. OK1DX (994km) was genuinely spotted at 1914z. I am still on 6m but may QSY to 630m (472kHz) shortly.

UPDATE 2050z:  I QSYed to MF at 2000z approximately. See next post.

Windows 10

If you want to upgrade to Windows 10 for free Steve G1KQH (Font of all knowledge) has given me this link:
Windows 10 for FREE!
73 Steve
I have not tried this so caveat emptor. You use the link at your own risk.

Sunspots and 10m. Wed July 29th 2015

Sunspot number is 56 today (up a very little) and K=2. 10m propagation is expected to remain "poor". Early 10m Es livened up that band although 6m is quiet here so far.

Early Es on 10m WSPR, but 6m quiet

There was breakfast time Es on 10m WSPR with DK6UG (633km), OZ7IT (853km) and DK0SC (827km) all spotting me. I stayed on 6m through the night but only G0OQK (98km) and I exchanged spots on that band, but no Es DX spotted here on 6m. I should have gone to 630m overnight!

28 Jul 2015

10m Es and tropo

There has been Es on 10m WSPR but the openings seem to have been very localised with F1VMV (947km) spotting my 500mW 10m WSPR beacon most of the morning. Also spotting me was EA6ALL (1423km) just once.  There were also a few Germans spotting me much earlier.

UPDATE 1242z:  4X1RF before breakfast was the only E layer (I presume) DX on 6m WSPR. If this was classic Es I'd have expected to see intermediate distance stations too - there were none. In fact there was no evidence of Es here on 6m WSPR at all to this time.

UPDATE 1340z:  Overnight I was spotted on 10m WSPR in The Netherlands. This looks like it was by tropo as the distance was too short for Es. Time was right (0332z to 0416z) for tropo too - just before dawn.

UPDATE 1345z:  I see that I was spotted on 10m WSPR by GM4SFW (662km) by Es at 1240z.

UPDATE 1930z: 10m WSPR is filled with EU Es stations from across the continent. Great Es conditions on both 10m and 6m.

Sunspots and 10m - Tues July 28th 2015

Sunspot number is 53 (K=3) but 10m propagation remains "poor".  There was early Es on 10m and 6m which bodes well for nearer DX.  4X1RF (3519km) was copying me on 6m WSPR before breakfast. I think this is some form of E layer propagation, although I have grave doubts it is classic multi-hop Es.

Back on 6m WSPR (daytime)

As there were no MF reports since last evening and there were Germans by Es early today on 10m, I have returned to 6m WSPR for the daytime. I shall probably switch back to MF later.  A reminder that I use 1W ERP on 6m and my 6m antenna is a V2000 vertical omni. On MF I use 5mW ERP to my earth electrode "antenna".

UPDATE 0850z:  The daytime move was worth it with very early (before breakfast) 6m spots by 4X1RF (3519km) as well as lots of spots of G0OQK (98km).

UPDATE 1350z:  No further DX spots at all on 6m WSPR.

UPDATE 1900z:   As there is still good Es on 6m WSPR, I am sticking on the 6m band for now. 4X1RF (3519km) again spotted me this afternoon. In recent minutes, OK1DX (994km) was spotted strongly on 6m WSPR. Several Scandinavian stations have spotted me on 6m WSPR. I may QSY to 630m (472kHz) later.

UPDATE 1922z:   Now being spotted in Germany on 6m WSPR. This opening is very good with strong reports.

27 Jul 2015

G3XBM amateur radio history

Me - a VERY long time ago!
Since my cerebellum brain bleed nearly 2 years ago, I have managed very little experimental work such as fieldwork and building. At one time (and I hope again in the not too distant future) these aspects of the hobby gave me the most pleasure and fun.

For a potted history see:  https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/home/history .

EA8BVP (2986km) - first 10m DX WSPR spots for weeks

EA8BVP (2986km) was spotting me recently (1026z) on 10m WSPR weakly at -25dB S/N.  It is possible this was F2 propagation and not Es.  It will be interesting to see if he spots me again later. Certainly EA8 is quite possible by single hop F2. It is also in 2/3-hop Es range.

UPDATE 1147z:   F1VMV (947km) was spotting me on 10m by Es at 1134z.