8 Oct 2014

100mW from RA3APW on 10m WSPR

Yet again, my old work colleague Karen RA3APW in Moscow is putting an excellent signal into the UK on 10m WSPR using a genuine 100mW from his Ultimate 3 beacon. It really is very impressive. Last time we spoke he was using a small 10m antenna in the shack as well! Not sure if the same antenna is being used.

UPDATE 1345z:  So far, 11 spots of RA3APW's 100mW beacon on 10m WSPR.


Sunspot count today is 75 and 20-30MHz propagation "normal".   Judging by the stations copied on 10m JT65, and recent WSPR spots, conditions on 10m seem pretty good.

10m JT65

This morning, I gave JT65 a go on 10m and managed to work Russia, Ukraine and Georgia.  Copied, but not worked, were China, Japan and New Zealand. I have now gone back to WSPR as it requires less manual intervention.

7 Oct 2014

21 unique (I think) with 5mW ERP on 472kHz WSPR

As far as I can tell, I have now had reports from 21 unique stations on 472kHz WSPR when using 5mW ERP (or less). A new reporter this evening is G3ZJO (79km). Up to now,  Eddie had been unable to decode me: I was just too weak and in the noise.  Maybe he has improved his RX?  His reports (4 so far this evening) are right on the edge at -28 to -30dB S/N.

My best DX report remains GM4SLV (896km) back in the summer. My best DX reception here on 472kHz is Italy at 1815km some evenings ago.  I have still to receive any stateside stations.

On 500kHz I had far more reports. I think my antenna at the newer QTH is poorer and there are fewer different stations active within my range.

Judging by my results with NOTHING special in antennas and grounds for 472kHz. I can recommend 472kHz WSPR to everyone. Even just a few new reporters  with RX only would be very nice.

UPDATE 2145z: IZ7PDX (1815km) already spotted at 2136z. Very early on 472kHz WSPR.

UPDATE 2212z:  About to reset the PC clock and turn down the TX percentage. I want to have a good chance of copying some decent DX tonight. Conditions look very good so far.

Stateside DXing on 10m WSPR

10m really is getting too easy this autumn. These are the most recent recent spots on 10m WSPR this evening.
10m WSPR spots this early evening
Oh, G8LCO told me in an email that I missed a great opening to the USA on 472kHz last night  - of course it was the night I had everything turned OFF because of storms - Sod's Law! In earlier years I have copied the USA from my old QTH, on 500kHz,  but not yet on 472kHz and at the new QTH.

From Southgate News - very low cost 70cm handhelds

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2014/october/price_of_70cm_handhelds_falls.htm#.VDP48MnTCSo  .
This is incredible: a 5W handheld for less than £8.

Looking on eBay, just £6.99 will buy a 70cms unit with charger from Singapore. Tell  me, how can ANYONE make money on these?

Thanks to G1KQH, a link to a review:


Today's sunspot count has slipped back to 86 but the 20-30MHz forecast is "good".   Already 10m WSPR is producing yet more F2 DX. Long may it continue. If there are USA stations looking, I might even try 6m WSPR in case there is any transatlantic F2 propagation.

UPDATE 1427z: Sadly 6m WSPR activity is very very low. I'll stick with 10m for now.

Late 10m WSPR start today

Last night I went QRT quite early because of nearby storm risks: the lightning map showed flashes quite close last evening. Until a few minutes ago I ventured (on the bus) into Cambridge for a U3AC course. This was my first excursion on my own for over a year! The course is good on Human Evolution.

10m WSPR was turned on a few minutes ago. As well as lots of USA stations, I see my 2W was spotted in Australia by VK5MR (16144km) at 1358z today. The 10m band is in good shape again.

Great to log a HUGE signal from Karen RA3APW (2443km) in Moscow. He runs a genuine 100mW from an Ultimate 3 kit.

UPDATE 1440z:  RV3DQC (2523km) is a collosal +7dB S/N  signal on 10m WSPR. This is either single hop F2 (most likely) or Es.  I think the former is more likely.

6 Oct 2014

Giant solar filament

More data c/o G1KQH again, this time something that appeared in The Register.


10m WSPR results today

I have just been comparing my 10m WSPR results today with fellow local G0LRD (25km away). He is copying FAR more than I am this morning - stations across Europe, Russia and Australia whereas I have apparently copied NOTHING and I've only been spotted by the locals.  It could be antennas, WSPR-X playing up, or something else. I have just restarted WSPR-X in case this is the reason. Over the weekend I was getting spots from distant places with just 500mW.   It  is odd as G0LND was spotting RA3APW (2466km) running a genuine 100mW very well indeed. I used to work with RA3APW (Karen) years ago. I certainly should have copied this station. Odd.

UPDATE 1318z:  Well, I don't understand this at all. Nothing had changed (i.e all WSPR-X settings were as before which worked previously), but I had to switch WSPR-X  to Direct-X input before decodes were successful and were being uploaded. Now all seems to be well again after a wasted morning. I think I have to note which settings (i.e. PC assignment of audio settings) work, then make sure these are selected next time WSPR-X is opened, rather than assume the same PC settings are assigned when the software is opened. I think this was my problem earlier. Darn it.