In a few moments I shall go on 6m FT8 with my 2.5W and vertical V2000 omni antenna.
UPDATE 1648z: 12 stations have spotted me with the furthermost SM5EPO (1344km).
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
In a few moments I shall go on 6m FT8 with my 2.5W and vertical V2000 omni antenna.
My 500uW (0.5mW) 10m WSPR TX is on. No spots now for several days. As you can see, I like making things hard!
UPDATE 1655z: EA8BFK (2880km) has spotted my 500uW (0.5mW). I was not really expecting this.
According to the UK Met Office we are already in spring. I agree.
Tonight is the 2m activity contest organised by the RSGB. I usually go on for a short while with my 10W pep to the big-wheel omni antenna. I usually give up soon as I find it very hard on my poor voice. I called a station in a rare square, but gave up.
Most Tuesdays we go into Cambridge on the bus. As we are old, it is free with our bus passes. We grab a bite to eat then walk through the grounds of King's College to West Road concert hall. Every week they feature different students and different sorts of music.
Today, it was the final of the concerto competition. The standard is very very high! The concerts are free with a retiring collection.There is no doubt that Cambridge University has some excellent musicians and we are lucky to be able to enjoy them for free.
The photo shows me having a bite to eat.
My 6m 2.5W FT8 and V2000 vertical omni antenna have been on most of the day. 11 stations spotted me and 5 stations spotted by me. All these (TX and RX) were English with no DX.
One of the pleasures of Cambridge is gliding along the back of the colleges on a punt on the river Cam. Many prefer others to do the puntin...