18 Nov 2020

2m FT8 QRP

It is now 1002z.  For about 10 minutes I have been on 2m FT8 QRP using my 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far I have been spotted by 11 stations already with the furthermost being G7RAU (461km) in Cornwall.

I am still puzzled by WSJT-X RX with Windows 10 and the SignaLink USB. At times it works whereas at other times the waterfall is smeary and I get no decodes. At first I thought this was just the first few minutes, but I have seen this be OK then not.

UPDATE 1434z:  Spotted by 18 stations in 3 countries and I have spotted 44 stations in 7 countries today with furthermost OZ1CCM (796km). Just turned TX on again as it was turned off.

2m FT8 RX
UPDATE 1757z:  So far today I have been spotted by 23 stations on QRP TX and I have spotted 54 stations on RX.

Sunspots - Wednesday November 18th 2020

 Solar flux is 79 and the SSN 11. A=3 and K=1.

17 Nov 2020

Allotments - NOT amateur radio

Quite a few villagers (not me!) have allotments where they grow vegetables or flowers. I expect it is also a place to escape!  The photo shows a view of the allotments with "our" windmill in the distance.

Par End Fed antenna

Someone suggested I either build a homemade version or replace the broken EF-10-20-40 Par end fed antenna. Par antennas were made by LnR Precision many years ago and I have no idea if these antennas are still in production. Anyone know? 

My original one gave good performance at this and the old QTH. It stopped working last year.

See http://www.parelectronics.com/end-fedz.php

Thanks to Keith, I am a little closer. Apparently Vibroplex now sell these.
See http://www.vibroplex.com/contents/en-us/d9176.html

Nevada sells a 30W MFJ version covering 10-40m.
See https://www.nevadaradio.co.uk/product/mfj-1984lp/

BREXIT deal? - NOT amateur radio

Time is running out. Several have said this is crunch week. Both the EU and UK say they want to forge a deal, but both sides seem not to want to compromise. Surely there is a way.

2m FT8 QRP

Yet again, I am on 2m FT8 with 2.5W to the big-wheel omni antenna. Already I have been spotted by 7 stations with the furthermost being G7RAU (461km) on the Lizard in Cornwall. It is now 1010z. On RX just 3 stations spotted in 2 countries and no QSOs yet.

Looking at the grabber at G0LRD there looks like a weak Doppler shift on my signal in addition to the strong direct signal. I guess this could be local aircraft. See .

UPDATE 1140z: 
So far this morning I have been spotted by 14 stations on 2m FT8 TX.  On RX I have spotted 13 stations in 6 countries with the furthermost being EA1MX (1035km) on the north coast of Spain.

UPDATE  1600z: I have been spotted by 25 stations in 5 countries so far today on 2m FT8 QRP.  On RX 36 stations in 8 countries spotted. 2 QSOs so far. 2 stations spotted were in northern Spain.

Sunspots - Tuesday November 17th 2020

 Solar flux is 77 and the SSN 0. A=2 and K=0.

16 Nov 2020

Antenna projects

During the next few months I have a couple of antenna projects that need doing. 

Firstly I need to get an antenna for 10m erected. The easiest would be either an dipole or inverted vee. My problem is erecting this, even though it is small. At about 5m overall length this is quite compact.

My second project is to replace the wire back to the shack from the far electrode of my earth-electrode "antenna". This should be straightforward.

Another possibility is an end fed antenna via a 49:1 unun. This should be a low impedance and multiband antenna even without an ATU. With a modest ATU I should be able to get a good match on all HF bands.

Winter colour - NOT amateur radio

In our back garden we have some winter flowering pansies to add a bit of colour. They already look cheerful. 

We have not had any real frosts yet. Last winter we had very few.

Cactus - NOT amateur radio

Every year about now this cactus bursts into flower. It is a Christmas cactus although I cannot remember how long the flowers last.