21 Oct 2020

Earth-electrode "antennas" in the ground

Quite often I hear people tell me they have no space for LF or MF antennas. Rubbish!  

For many years I have used my earth electrode "antenna" on VLF, LF and MF. It won't be as good as a big antenna, but it works remarkably well.  Even my wife does not know it is there!  Neither do the neighbours. 

On 472kHz WSPR I get copied in Norway most nights with less than 10mW ERP with mine.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/antennas/earth-electrode-antennas

Sunspots - Wednesday October 21st 2020

 Solar flux is 75 and the SSN 11. A=4 and K=2.

Overnight on 630m WSPR RX

Overnight, I left my 630m WSPR kit running. Many more spots from the stations copied in the evening although no-one new. My conclusion is the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground appears fine. Next job is mending that PA in the transverter. Stations logged in Norway, Poland, Italy and Spain plus many other European nations.

20 Oct 2020

Shoe boxes - NOT amateur radio

Every year my wife fills a shoe box with gifts for disadvantaged children in Eastern Europe. The photo shows a friend knitting hats and scarves to go in the boxes.

630m WSPR RX

There may be 2 issues with my 472kHz (630m) QRPP setup. 

As mentioned in the last post, I suspect the IRF510 PA device is damaged.  My transverter gives 12W into a 50 ohm load, but the measured ERP is less than 10mW. Despite this, I was able to get to Norway most nights last winter.

There may also be a break in my earth-electrode "antenna". 

As a first step, I am on 472kHz WSPR RX overnight. If this works, it probably means the earth-electrode "antenna" is intact. If this is the case, I may be able get on TX again just by mending the PA device. If this fails, I shall replace both the IRF510 and the wire in the garden.

UPDATE 1830z:  With F and DL already spotted, initial results are encouraging.

UPDATE 2130z:   I think the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground is fine, judging by results this evening. I shall leave the RX on overnight, although I have spotted far more than I expected.

Mending 472kHz transverter

Late last winter I think I managed to destroy the PA MOSFET in my 472kHz transverter. I must have had a very poor match for a very long time! Mending this is a job for the weeks ahead. In the past this has been mainly used for WSPR. 

Son and children - NOT amateur radio

The recent photo shows one of our sons with his children. 

Sunspots -Tuesday October 20th 2020

 Solar flux is 75 and the SSN 12.  A=6 and K=2.

Tuesday on 2m FT8 (2.5W and big-wheel omni antenna)

It is now 0750z.  About 10 minutes ago, the 2m FT8 gear was turned on. Already 4 stations have spotted me today.

19 Oct 2020

Primroses - NOT amateur radio

About now we plant primroses to give us winter colour in the garden. These were bought from a nursery in the village. They look healthy.