5 Mar 2019

Sunspots - Tuesday March 5th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the sunspot number stubbornly at zero still.  A=7 and K=2. Me thinks we are well and truly at the very bottom of the solar cycle.

4 Mar 2019

160m FT8

For about 90 minutes, I have been on 160m FT8 (2.5W) using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. At first I called CQ and, although no QSOs resulted, I was spotted by 5 stations in 4 countries with best DX on TX being DK2LO (650km). Most of the time I have been on 160m FT8 RX with stations all over Europe spotted. Best DX on 160m FT8 RX is 4X4DK (3580km). As yet, no North Americans spotted here on 160m FT8.
160m FT8 TX this evening (2.5W)

160m FT8 RX here so far this evening (2148z)


This is a long shot and if I get any spots on 10m WSPR TX today, I shall be amazed. I am on TX (500mW, 100%, randomised frequencies) on 10m WSPR for a change, using the stand alone WSPR beacon. The main rig, PC and PSU are off. There are probably few people on 10m WSPR, especially outside the Es season and at sunspot minimum.

UPDATE 1554z: Well, there's a surprise! No spots!

UPDATE 1930z: Still no WSPR spots. I shall QSY to 1.84MHz FT8 RX after the East Cambs 2m FM net at 2000z..

Nest building - NOT amateur radio

There is activity aloft! I can see signs of nest building in the trees in our churchyard as the photo shows. Clearly, they think it is spring.

Kingsbridge Devon 1880 - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows where I lived as a teenager some 80 years before I lived there. What surprises me is how similar it looks. I think this was once a postcard.

And before you (cheekily) ask, I did not take this photo! I may be getting older, but I am not that old. It is even nearly 40 years before my dad was born.

160m FT8 RX overnight

In all, 273 stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX here with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground, but only 2 North Americans spotted to PSKreporter maps. I hope the internet was OK during the "wee hours". I shall check what was actually received on the shack PC shortly. Best DX was AK4R (6831km). If I am really spotting fewer North Americans, does this mean the DX season is ending? I am not a 160m expert!
160m FT8 RX - stations spotted here overnight
UPDATE 1155z: Nothing doing for several hours, so time to QSY somewhere. The question is which band? 2m FT8 just works, 10m FT8 seems pretty quiet, 6m is out of the Es season. At the moment I cannot decide. Maybe after lunch?

UPDATE 1315z: Decision made! 10m WSPR TX using the stand alone beacon. PC, PSU and FT817ND are off. I will be surprised if I get any WSPR spots on 10m today.

Sunspots - Monday March 4th 2019

Still the pits I am afraid. Solar flux is 69 and the SSN still 0. A=12 and K=2.

3 Mar 2019

QSY to topband

At about 2018z I moved from 2m FT8 RX to 160m FT8 RX using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Immediately loads of Europeans spotted. By immediately, I mean within a few seconds! Best DX is R7DA (2907km). Already, 25 stations spotted.

UPDATE 2214z: So far this evening 128 stations spotted on 160m FT8 RX.
The 128 stations so far spotted 
on 160m FT8 RX this evening.

That sunspot minimum

As mentioned yesterday, the jury is still out and predictions for the sunspot minimum vary widely. One source I use still predicts we are already over the worst of the minimum. Another one suggests we have years still to go. In another year we will have a better idea. In the meantime "keep taking the pills" as they say, or take up fishing.

Holme-next-the-Sea - NOT amateur radio

Last summer we spent a week in North Norfolk at Holme-next-the-Sea, where the photo was taken. The weather all week was perfect. Where we stayed (house and village) could not be better.