14 Mar 2018

G1 Solar storm?

According to the Spaceweather site, we have a 55% chance of being hit by a solar storm.  Although it might result in some strong auroras, I'm not quite sure what else will be affected.

See http://spaceweather.com/ .

Cambridge Punts - NOT amateur radio

My wife took this picture earlier today. It shows punts on the River Cam outside King's. For once we had sunshine!

Es'hail2 satellite

Although I am unsure when this geosynchronous amateur satellite is due to be launched, it could revolutionise amateur radio, if successful. It should allow communications from as far apart as Brazil and Thailand. It will use a 10GHz downlink and 2.3GHz uplink, I think. Being geosynchronous, antennas can be fixed in one direction, with no need for tracking. There are 2 linear transponders I think. The 250kHz wide one for SSB etc will be like a new DX band.

I know of one local who is building gear in readiness.

See https://amsat-uk.org/satellites/geosynchronous/eshail-2/  .

RIP Stephen Hawking - NOT amateur radio

So the legendary physicist Stephen Hawking has died. Although severely disabled, he beat the odds and lived many, many, years more than people expected and did some great work.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-43396008  .

2m FT8 RX

This morning, I decided to, once again, monitor 2m FT8. I have been on since just before breakfast. Already 8 unique stations spotted in 5 countries with best DX DK1VC (503km). My own brief call on TX was copied locally over an hour ago. Remember this is with just the big-wheel antenna - no beam!

2m FT8 spots today to 1500z
UPDATE 1430z: 46 uniques in 7 countries so far on 2m FT8 today. Remember this is FLAT conditions and just a big-wheel omni antenna.

UPDATE 1500z: 52 uniques in 8 countries spotted so far today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1712z: Now 56 uniques in 8 countries today!

UPDATE 2052z: Countless stations (so many I have lost count!) in 9 countries today. Quite incredible. 2m behaves like a different band with FT8.

Sunspots - Wednesday March 14th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and again the sunspot number is zero. A=4 and K=0.

Remember, yesterday with similar "poor" solar numbers, 10m FT8 opened to the Falkland Islands.

13 Mar 2018

472kHz WSPR RX

For about an hour, I have been on 472kHz WSPR RX. Best DX is EA5DOM (1525km).

UPDATE 2255z: About to go QRT. 10 uniques spotted this evening on 472kHz WSPR.

The end of 1p and 2p coins in the UK? - NOT amateur radio

It surprises me these UK "copper" coins have lasted this long. Basically, they are a nuisance these days. Apparently the government is reviewing whether or not these should continue. Personally, I'd be happy to see these go.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43388662 .

70cm UKAC activity contest

This evening is the March leg of the 70cm RSGB activity contest. It starts at 2000z and lasts for 2.5 hours, although I usually manage about 30 minutes with my poor voice. My gear is totally unsuitable! I run 5W to a 2m halo. In many 70cm contests I manage to get over 100km surprisingly, even with this setup.

See http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/contest_rules.pl?contest=70cmsukac .

In the end I only stopped on for about 20 minutes, but worked 4 stations, one at good range.

10m FT8 RX

A few moments ago I went on 10m FT8 RX. This is a late start for me. Should there be any "real" DX around, I expect this will be later. I am not too hopeful!

UPDATE 1850z: Nothing!  I need to check everything is working.

UPDATE 2040z: Out of a dead band pops VP8LP (12773km).