21 Jul 2014

6m after the storms.

Last night I decided to stay off air until the storms were well clear. They moved away from this area by mid evening but as they were very scattered I decided to stay off-air until the morning.  A check on WSPRnet showed I was not missing too much - just Es around Europe and no "super DX".

In the end, I returned to 6m at 1058z this morning after a shopping trip into Newmarket with the wife.  Apart from usual G4IKZ (18km) I was rewarded by a -21dB S/N spot by OH7AI (2000km) up in Finland at 1106z. At 1120z, he was spotting me at a strong -6dB S/N.
WSPR spots of OH7AI and G4IKZ on 6m this morning
Sunspot count is 17 today (low) and 20-30MHz conditions are described as "fair", so F2 DX is less probable on 10m. I may QSY to 10m later just in case.

UPDATE 1150z:  SQ9SIM has just been spotted on 6m WSPR. The band is opening well by Es.

UPDATE 1400z:  My WSPR software was stopped (for a short while after lunch) but just G4IKZ spotting me now. Maybe there will more 6m Es later.

20 Jul 2014

Solar activity

See http://www.solen.info/solar/ .

Looking at the data on this excellent page, it now looks pretty certain that we have started on the downwards part of the current cycle. This does NOT mean an end to decent HF conditions. For several years to come there will be good days and 15,12 and 10m will still support DX but far less easily than around the sunspot maximum years.

Even in the depths of the last minimum N-S DX was still there to be worked on QRP SSB, so expect some decent openings. This is really where regular WSPR operation will help, by seeing just how often 10m opens up.  As I have said before, operating on the weaker parts of the solar cycle are, in many ways, more challenging and interesting. When 10m is wide open it becomes too easy.

Also, don't forget Es (sporadic-E) which can produce some spectacular DX at the right time of the year - in the northern hemisphere this is usually May, Jun, July and August but Es can occur (more fleetingly) at other times times of the year. This is why regular WSPR operation will help.

6m - storms stop play

Just as things on 6m Es were hotting up, I can hear distant thunder and an approaching storm. Currently the storm is tracking to the west of Cambridge and may miss us, but as a precaution I have disconnected antennas, PSU and rigs. If the storm moves further away I will reconnect things. Darn! 6m was great today and I fear I may miss some good DX.

See http://www.lightningmaps.org/realtime?lang=en .

UPDATE 1912z:  Looking at WSPRnet.org it appears I am not missing any great super-DX from across the Atlantic on 6m. All I can see are decent Es paths around Europe. For now,the antennas and rigs will remain disconnected just in case the storms reappear. For now, the storms seem to have moved away east.

6m WSPR Es

In the last few minutes IK1WVQ (1084km) has been spotted a few times at up to -5dB S/N (strong) and HB9FGQ (804km) at -12dB S/N (pretty strong). There is still plenty of Es around on 6m.

Most spots were by local G4IKZ (18km) though.
6m WSPR spots this afternoon (so far)
UPDATE 1605z:  IK6HIR (1312km) has just spotted my 1W 6m ERP at an amazing +11dB S/N - stronger than if he was local. Phenomenal conditions.

UPDATE 1615z:  Strong signals on 6m now from OK1DX and OH7AI. This opening seems Europe wide.

UPDATE 1630z:  In terms of the spread and intensity, today here is one of the best days on 6m this season.  It would be nice to round off a great EU Es day with a transatlantic 6m opening.

10m WSPR - unique spots this morning

10m WSPR - unique reports this morning
As already mentioned, the 10m Es reports have been good this morning. The above shows the unique spots (repeats are not shown) on 10m Es today. G0LRD (25km) is a local. I am running about 2W out.

I am now going to QSY to 6m WSPR.  On 6m my ERP is lower because of cable losses - around 1W ERP maximum on 6m.

Doppler on local and GDX 10m and 6m signals

G0LRD has already shown that what I have described as Doppler on 6m is, sometimes, the drift as my FT817 goes from TX to RX and cools down. Certainly some WSPR signals are affected by aircraft reflections, evidenced by multiple traces. It is an open question whether or not some signals are only propagated at decent GDX distances as a result of aircraft or whether it is just the tropo signal that is decoded. My strong suspicion is that at least some GDX is only possible when planes are in the right orientation and Doppler shift is low enough to allow a successful decode.

Notice the (additional), aircraft reflected, signal from G0LRD ((above 100) earlier. Clearly the decode was on the flat trace coming directly and not that coming via a plane. Sometimes I have seen as many as 6 aircraft reflections. The traces lower in frequency did not decode as the Doppler was too great. Doppler on 6m is worse.

10m Es - Sunday morning

This morning I was late starting 10m WSPR, but already it has been very good with WSPR spots sent and received from across Europe already (S51, EA, DL, SM , OZ, LB, I etc). I would describe Es conditions as "wide open" on 10m. I may QSY up to 6m shortly.

Sunspot count today is 27 and 20-30MHz conditions described as "fair". I shall be lucky to see any 10m F2 propagation today.

19 Jul 2014

What next for the autumn?

My thoughts are starting to turn towards amateur radio this autumn.

Unlike in previous years, I cannot imagine being fully fit by then. So, I shall be on the lookout for some new challenges that don't involve driving, don't involve building and probably don't require much, if any, antenna work. Also, it would be helpful if actual talking is kept to a minimum as I find talking very tiring.

I suspect JT65 and JT9-1 will be on the list as I can use (some of) these modes on 630m, 40m, 20m, 10m, 6m, 2m and 70cm with existing antennas.  I may ask for some help to improve my earth electrode antenna for 630m. With luck I may be able to drive again later this year. This means I might be able to restart some field work again.

If you have any suggestions let me know.

Maybe I should try for QRP DXCC on JT65/JT9-1? No talking, use existing antennas and rigs, and a new challenge.

Sprites and Es?

DK0SC (827km) spotted my 2W at 1938z this evening. I wonder if there is correllation between lightning and Es? There is intense lightning over (close to) the mid path. I seem to recall that the link relates to sprites rising upwards from lightning clouds but forget the details.

Currently the storm centre appears to be tracking up the North Sea.

10m GDX

The 10m Es seems to have stopped at around 1806z, for now. I am still copying GDX from G8VDQ (93km). I shall be disconnecting the rigs and antennas shortly if the storms get closer, although the nearest storms seem to be moving further away.  It certainly feels very close and stormy here.