2 Feb 2014

2m WSPR - Sunday

Already I see G3WKW's 20W of 2m WSPR (134km) is appearing on my screen at 0902z at -22dB S/N. As there are 4 UK stations active on 2m WSPR I wonder if I shall see, or be seen, by others too?

Stability is the main issue with the FT817's warm-up drift. The trick is to check GB3VHF's dial frequency as this GPS locked. Use the same offset on WSPR and one should be spot on. A 0.5ppm TCXO would help too, but not worth the outlay. I  have a similar issue (not as great) at 6m where I always set the rig 40-60Hz low after allowing it to stabilise. This seems to get 6m WSPR pretty close.

At 0956z  I see my 2W WSPR to the halo has been spotted by G8XWR in IO91oc at 150km. That is encouraging as it is the far side of Guilford and Farnham and further away than Bob. I notice strong Doppler, so probably aircraft reflection.

Lae in the afternoon G3WKW swapped to a lower loss feeder and his signal increased and he began to copy my QRP signal.

In all it was a successful day on 2m WSPR but my drift issue does need to be improved. The DX spots are due to aircraft reflection (when Doppler suits - i.e. little) and the SW package mentioned below helps to predict best opportunities.

144MHz WSPR spots sent and received today (2W and halo)

1 Feb 2014

Retry on 2m WSPR

G3WKW ( Hampshire 135km) and I exchanged 2m WSPR reports eventually a few weeks ago . Since then, Bob has fixed a very stable reference to his rig to remove drift so we are currently repeating the test, this time using vertically polarised antennas. My V2000 vertical has considerably more gain than my horizontal halo whereas Bob has much less gain. We may swap back to horizontal later. Bob is using 10-20W and I am using 2W.

I see G4SMX has spotted a German (DB0XIT) on 2m WSPR this afternoon at 453km and an ON station even copied GI earlier. Despite the strong Doppler, stations ARE managing long ranges on 2m WSPR.

UPDATE 2300z: 2 decodes of G3WKW at 50, then 20W and LOTS of traces with LOTS of Doppler that would not allow  decode. My 2W to halo seen by G6AVK (78km) tonight but no decodes (yet) at G3WKW. These were with horizontal polarisation.

31 Jan 2014

The last 24 hours on 472kHz RX

Not having a suitable TX antenna for 472kHz I have been WSPRing (RX only) on the MF band using my untuned Par 10/20/40 end-fed antenna. In all, 10 unique stations were spotted including F  and DL.
472kHz unique RX WSPR spots over the last 24 hours with untuned Par antenna

A new 5MHz band?

At WRC-2015 one of the possible discussion points is new 5MHz ham band to replace the messy channels allocated in some countries. Although I have held a 5MHz NoV for some time I have still to transmit at 5MHz.

One of the downsides of WRC-2015 is the possibility of losing access to the 10GHz band.

All these decisions are a long way off but your national society may get a chance to comment on proposals. Take the opportunity to add your voice if these decisions matter to you.

30 Jan 2014

472kHz WSPR RX

Rather than go on VHF, I decided to take a look at 472kHz WSPR after a break of over 4 months because of my illness. I have no MF antennas currently so just received on my untuned Par 10/20/40m end-fed antenna. The usual suspects (!) are still about and RX reports (I think) little different to those with the earth electrode antenna.
472kHz band WSPR RX this evening to 2130z

20m WSPR success

I am about to turn off my 20m 2W WSPR  but results have been good, as an example 11 spots from a single transmission at 1802z with the majority of reports being transatlantic.

Crystal sets

It is some time since I built a crystal set, but these are great fun and very easy to build.  Remember you are using the TX station for all power. There are no DC supplies in a crystal set.

Most designs are still for Medium Wave reception, but I had most fun with short wave designs based around T50-2 (red) or T50-6 (yellow) toroids which allow small hi-Q coils to be wound. Larger T68 or larger diameters are also suitable.

There are PLENTY of resources on the internet (just Google "crystal set" ) but a typical one is:
http://www.mds975.co.uk/Content/crystalsets2.html .  Never assume crystal sets are useless: I have copied stations (not via relays) directly from all over the world including All India Radio, Radio Australia and Cuba.  The short wave design  used just a handful of parts. Signal levels will be in 500uV to 2mV region. A good crystal set design can detect down to about 400uV or less, but a lot will depend on your earpiece(s) and your ears. One has to ride QSB as some distant stations appear to be co-channel with less distant stations.

It would be fun to build a multi-band (LW, MW, SW and  VHF) design some day. There are even designs for Band II FM using slope detection. They should work well on VHF aircraft band which is still AM with local airports and planes. I have never seen an aircraft-band design. You can always add a small audio amp, but this rather defeats the purpose of a crystal set.

See also my own website about crystal sets :https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/crystalset .

73kHz band in the USA

In recent days and nights European LF enthusiasts have been looking, with some success, for the transatlantic transmissions in the 73kHz band from W4DEX and others who have been granted special permits  QRSS60 transmissions have been copied well in Germany by Marcus Vester DF6NM and others. See http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/26404526/df6nm_74kHz.jpg

With the right kit (and stability) almost anything appears to be possible.

WSPRnet database was down

This morning, the WSPRnet on-line database has been out of action, so it is not possible to see who is receiving transmissions. This is a handicap of WSPR: when the database works it is a great asset and help, but when down for any reason, the whole fun of WSPR disappears. At best, WSPR is really a QRP BEACONING system, not really a 2-way communications system. JT65-HF and JT9-1 are ideal for QRP 2-way communications on HF.

 As of 1500z, the database was still struggling - but there occasionally.

29 Jan 2014

Health Update

I have now been out of hospital for almost a month following my stroke, so thought I'd better update you on progress.

Well the good news is my walking is coming along quite well. Although I still need a stick, the Zimmer frame is now almost unused.  My wife and I do a 10 minute walk around the Close daily.  A couple of weeks ago I managed a 1 mile walk at Anglesey Abbey (NT). My main issue when  walking is giddiness. This is I believe improving. Another issue is feeling sick inside at certain times of the day. I sleep (usually) very well and for a long time at night. Getting around the home, even a stick is more for psychological support. I can get around OK apart from feeling giddy.

The BAD news is Community Stroke Support. I was told 1-2 week visits would be the norm, but I was, this week, told the waiting list is 13 weeks and I was 13th on the list! The CST refuse to leave messages on the phone and had I not chased them up, I would  never have known my status! This part of my post hospital recovery is PATHETIC.

My experience is NHS clinical care is usually excellent but simple communications around the NHS is appalling. If this was the private sector and MY company several people would be SACKED without delay. Really, communications in the NHS is APPALLINGLY bad generally. This is my experience, my wife's and my daughter-in-law's. It HAS to improve. The sad thing is so little needs to change to make it good and save money and give patients and families a better experience.

I have written to the DVLA but don't yet know how long they will withdraw my driving licence, but I assume for 12 months. I now have a blue disabled badge which allows easier parking when my wife drives us to the shops and National Trust properties.

Swallow is slowly improving. I eat a Weetabix and banana at breakfast and pureed food lunch and tea. I am also on an 8 hour liquid feed.

Overall, I am making progress steadily on all fronts, still doing my exercises more despite the NHS than thanks to the NHS. My own doctor and local surgery have been excellent. At the current rate I can expect to be back to near normal health in the late summer.

Today, Thursday, I wrote  an email of complant to the local NHS ,copied  my MP, James Paice MP. I am pleased to report the NHS listened and I got some positive action this afternoon (speech and language lady coming to my home this coming Monday).  It should not be necessary to do this to be heard. What if I was 85 and suffering from dementia?