For those interested, I've made a short video showing my current VLF receiving set-up for 8.7-9.1kHz (antenna, matching, preamp, PC) used in the recent VLF reception tests in which G3XIZ has been copied twice now (45km), DJ8WX all of yesterday (645km) and DK7FC/P twice (629km). I am not claiming it to be fully optimised, but it certainly works.
What I like is that the wire antenna and the preamp cost a few pounds, the software is free (thanks Wolf) and the results mind blowing. In the near future I will try replacing the loop and preamp with a small E-field probe.
This is the link
Also, G3XIZ was copied again on 9.0909kHz VLF at 45km. He was also copied by a few other UK stations including G3ZJO and M0BMU.