10 Jan 2009

10m QSO (winter sporadic-E)

This morning I worked my first 10m station this year - 9A2009ST on 28.480MHz SSB using 10W to my wire halo antenna. He was also calling CQ on 28.22MHz CW. The signals were not strong but this is clearly a case of mid-winter sporadic-E.

This year my aim is 100 DXCC countries on 10m QRP, so this was number one. An hour later and I heard G0FWX about 20 miles away so gave him a call and got a 52 report.

So now 2 x DXCC countries in the log on 10m ....only 98 to go this year!

8 Jan 2009

Latest cycle 24 sunspot predictions

http://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/images/ssn_predict.txt has the latest (Jan 2009) predictions for the progress of Cycle 24 suggesting that by the end of this year we should be well on the "up" again with decent 15/12/10m conditions.

Having said that, we have had another extremely quiet period now for almost 6 weeks. Unless a few spots start to appear we may still be bumping along the bottom of the cycle still.

7 Jan 2009

QTH Locator with Google Maps


This site has the useful ability to show QTH locator locations using Google maps. Enter the QTH locator and the map zooms to show where square actually is. You can also use it to find QTH locators in the first place and to work out distances.

Licence-free handhelds in 70cms

Did YOU realise that we now have to share the 70cm band with LPD433/434 walkie talkies? I understand that Ofcom has recently changed the requirement document (IR2030) and it now allows FM voice transmissions at 1mW/10mW on 69 channels between 433.075 - 434.775MHz. These handhelds are available in the UK from several CB/446 outlets. Look out for the words LPD433 in adverts. 10mW may not sound much but it goes a LONG way from a hilltop. If these units proliferate they could become a real problem for 70ms repeater and simplex users.

QRP - 4 continents today

After a slow start to the year because of family commitments, today saw some QRP CW contacts around the world. These included RV6HA, HB9ANJ, 7X4AN and KA2MGI with QSOs on 14MHz or 7MHz.

With the Elecraft K1 with internal ATU and the random 15m wire strung down the garden I can usually work most of the stations I hear as long as they are not buried in a huge DX pile-up. CW is a very effective mode especially if you are like me and have a simple, unobtrusive wire antenna rather than a huge beam on a large tower.

6 Jan 2009

E44M Palestine DXpedition

E44M is busy working stations on 40m SSB currently and coming through quite well at 8pm UK time. From the DX cluster it looks like they are proving very popular. I have not tried to break the pile-ups with my QRP.

2 Jan 2009

Z309KNV Macedonia

The first QSO in the QRP log this year was Z309KNV on 40m CW which seems to be a special call for Macedonia. The band was buzzing with several USA stations this evening but not managed to cross the pond yet.

31 Dec 2008

Best wishes for 2009

My very best wishes for 2009. For a change, I'd like to quote an extract from the last of T.S.Eliot's Four Quartets poems which is called Little Gidding. It reminds me that every year is part of our never ending exploration and journey.

"With the drawing of this Love and the voice of this

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Through the unknown, unremembered gate
When the last of earth left to discover
Is that which was the beginning;
At the source of the longest river
The voice of the hidden waterfall
And the children in the apple-tree
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always—
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well
When the tongues of flame are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one."

Go quietly on your journey in 2009 and may it be a very fulfilling and joyful one.

30 Dec 2008

70cms good conditions tonight

Just worked GW0LJW in Gwent and G3VEH/M via a 70cms repeater in Somerset tonight when running 5W (actually about 1.5W into the antenna after the coax run) into the vertical colinear. Conditions are definitely up in that direction as the distance is about 250kms.

29 Dec 2008

Dutch on-line SDR testing new bands

The on-line software defined radio (SDR) in Twente, Holland http://websdr.ewi.utwente.nl:8901/ (very useful when testing 80m QRP rigs) temporarily added the 0-150kHz, 1.8MHz and 10MHz bands to the ranges with wider band coverage than before on 20 and 80m over the Christmas period. This SDR is now back to its usual 80,40 and 20m coverage (as of Dec 30th).