20 Oct 2023

630m QRP WSPR overnight - amazing!

Yet again, I was on 630m WSPR with my 10mW ERP  from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Results continue to amaze me. OH1LSQ (1733km) seems to spot me most nights.


Martin said...

How deep are the electrodes and how far apart. Do you have a tuner to get 50 ohms?

Roger G3XBM said...

Just standard earth rods. I use a 3C90 toroid to get maximum antenna current. At the old QTH I just went straight from the transverter into the earth rods. At a guess I would say to earth-electrodes are about 10m apart at this QTH. They were maybe 20m apart at the old QTH (prior to 2013). My theory is they form a loop antenna in the ground. It is very effective at 630m, but I have used it on 160m, 80m and 2200m (RX only on this band).

73s Roger G3XBM