23 Apr 2021

Post Office cock-up - NOT amateur radio

Years after a faulty computer system (Horizon) resulted in hundreds of sub-postmasters being prosecuted for fraud (some were imprisoned, went bankrupt or lost homes), some have had their convictions quashed.

I hope those in charge at the time are sent to prison. Why should so many innocent people suffer for the total ineptness of those in charge?  Some sub-postmasters have died and some have lost marriages. 

This was a cock-up on a monumental scale. You are not telling me someone at the top didn't smell a rat when so many were being convicted of fraud? At the very least this is gross incompetence. At worse, it was a cover-up. 

Heads MUST roll!!

1 comment:

G1KQH said...

We take for granted all this IT cr*p, one day we are going to wake up when the whole world has fell over.

More on Fujitsu Horizon here:


Radio 4 Are currently running a series: The Great Post Office scandal.
Well worth a listen:


73's Steve