25 Mar 2018

Slow decline?

It has been my view for some time that amateur radio is in a slow decline.

Recent figures of licenced amateurs in India on Southgate News paints a mixed picture. Although there quite a few new licences, the number of renewals indicates a gradual decline, on average. In the UK most radio amateurs are older men. Yes, there are exceptions, but unless more young people are attracted and retained, the hobby will be in terminal decline. As the market shrinks there will be fewer products, fewer magazines and fewer adverts. The future is in our hands.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2018/march/india-releases-ham-radio-license-figures.htm#.WrdqxUxFzIU


G1KQH said...

Not a shortageof Hams down at this Lamakhan club, they are all mucking in on their uBITX projects in true Amateur style:


73 Steve

Todd Dugdale said...

No, No. You're doing it wrong, Roger. You're supposed to point to *one* operator under 30 and pretend that one person is really thousands!
With a little practise, you can do this with a straight face for years on end.