2 Oct 2017

10m and 6m until this evening, then 630m WSPR RX

Even though both 10m and 6m have been poor here today, I'll probably stay on both until 1900z. At that time I join the East Cambs net on 144.575MHz FM. 10m WSPR uses a different antenna and rig, so could remain on longer.

At about 1930z, I shall probably switch from 6m FT8 RX to 630m WSPR RX.
There have been 12 unique 630m WSPR spots here in the last week.

UPDATE 1610z: Well unless things dramatically change in the next few hours, this is probably my worst day on 10m and 6m for some time. One station spotted all day and that was a G in SE London on 6m FT8. Absolutely no spots of my 10m WSPR 500mW beacon.

UPDATE 1800z: Lots of spots of my little beacon again by EA8BFK (2880km) at teatime. I think this is F2 as it seems to happen at the same time most evenings. At times, signals were very strong. Signals are still being spotted, but getting weaker in the Canary Is.. At the moment this opening has lasted over 2 hours. At 1810z I was still getting reports from EA8BFK.

UPDATE 2015z: The last spot of my 500mW WSPR beacon in the Canary Is. on 10m was at 1844z, so the opening was about 3 hours long! Since about 1900z I have been on 630m WSPR RX where the best DX is (again) LA8AV (1035km). So far this evening, no new stations on MF.

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