Hot news from Joe Taylor
K1JT on the RSGB LF Yahoo group this evening about a new 9-FSK digital communications mode (for 2-way QSOs rather than beaconing) optimised for MF and LF bands. With winter approaching and better LF conditions, this is an exciting development.
The wide graph display for JT9 |
"I invite you to try a new digital mode called JT9, designed especially for making amateur QSOs at MF and LF. JT9 uses the structured messages introduced in 2003 for the JT65 mode, now widely used for EME and for QRP operations at HF. JT9 can operate at signal levels as low as -27 dB (in a 2500 Hz reference bandwidth), with one-minute timed transmissions. It also offers slower transmissions of 2, 5, 10 and 30 minutes duration, and the slowest mode can decode signals as weak as -40 dB. With one-minute transmissions, submode JT9-1 has a total bandwidth of just 15.6 Hz -- less than one-tenth the bandwidth of a JT65A signal. The other submodes are narrower still: a JT9-30 signal occupies about 0.4 Hz total bandwidth.
Note that these JT9 sensitivity levels are comparable to or better than those of WSPR, which uses simpler messages and is not intended for making 2-way QSOs. JT9 has much higher throughput and reliability than QRSS CW, including DFCW modes.
JT9 is implemented in an experimental version of WSJT called WSJT-X. Some further details can be found at , and an early version of WSJT-X can be downloaded from
Please note: WSJT-X is in an early development stage. A number of improvements and enhancements are already in the works, and others will surely be added.
Your feedback will be much appreciated!
-- 73, Joe, K1JT"
1 comment:
On 27 December 2012, W6SZ in California used 0.5 watt for a successful QSO with ZL2KE in New Zealand who was using 5 watts. Antennas: 270 ft Loop, 25 ft up - in CA, and a 20m Inverted V up 30 ft in NZ. Mode: JT9-1
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