12 Apr 2024

630m QRP WSPR overnight

Quite a decent session with 12 stations spotting my 10mW ERP (measured) from the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground  overnight. 4 spots were from Norway.

Sunspots - Friday April 12th

Solar flux is 144 and the SSN 62. A=8 and 1.

11 Apr 2024

630m QRP WSPR (Thursday)

My 10mW ERP WSPR was turned on at about 1725z on 630m .

Alive in three centuries - NOT amateur radio

This woman, who died at age 110, was reported as living in the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s. If correct, she is the first woman recorded to have lived in 3 centuries.

10m QRP FT8 (Thursday)

A few moments ago, I went to 10m FT8 TX with 2.5W.  The reports I have got so far suggest I would have had almost no chance at 10mW FT8 and probably no chance on WSPR either. At least I know I am getting out.

UPDATE 1412z:  8 spots of my 10m 2.5W FT8 so far.

UPDATE 1622z:  21 stations have spotted my 10m 2.5W FT8 (see map)

Mathematical bridge - NOT amateur radio

This was the mathematical bridge in Cambridge yesterday. 

When originally put up, it is said to have used no nails.

Trinity - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, we went to Cambridge on the bus as it was less windy than the day before. We walked around the Backs and this photo was of the approach to Trinity College from the Backs. Many of the flowers were now past their best.

10m WSPR with 10mW ERP (Thursday)

This morning, I am trying 10mW ERP 10m WSPR for a change. The gear was turned on at about 0850z. No spots yet.

Might try 10mW 10m FT8 later.

UPDATE 1245z:  No spots of me today, although I have spotted stations, even with the attenuator in the antenna coax on RX!

Sunspots - Thursday April 11th

Solar flux is 131 and the SSN 54. A=8 and K=2. 

Disappointing session on 630m QRP WSPR overnight

Overnight was the worst session this season with only 7 stations spotting my 10mW ERP. I shall stick with it until the weekend, but may seek a new nighttime challenge.