15 Jan 2024


My 10mW ERP 630m WSPR was turned on at teatime. So far (at 1830z) 8 stations have spotted me.

UPDATE 1910z:  11 stations have spotted me in the last hour (see table). The furthermost is EI0CF (602km).

Through the glass - NOT amateur radio


The photo shows the pattern on the table of light shining through a glass.

Elections - NOT amateur radio

2024 is a year of elections. 

In the USA, Mr Trump is on record as saying, "Mr Putin is a genius".  

In Taiwan, an election has just been held. 

In the UK, an election is very likely this year. In the UK, the Conservative Party won an overwhelming majority in the last election. At the moment, the opposition Labour Party is expected to win. I suspect the majority will be smaller than recent  polls suggest.

8m QRP FT8 (Monday)

HF F2 propagation is looking good, so I am hopeful that I shall get some transatlantic spots again soon on 8m FT8 with my 2.5W and low dipole. Better equipped stations seem to be getting across the Atlantic regularly. I guess their ERPs are 10dB up on me, which could make quite a difference. I intentionally want to see how QRP performs. It would appear it is much like 10m if the MUF is high enough. 

At the moment, my inclination is to apply for a new UK 8m TX permit when my current one runs out in April. I object to having to pay, but I think the experiment is worthwhile. 

In the 2025 Es season I may concentrate on unlicenced WSPR activity with 10mW ERP, but that is some way off still. Who knows, we might have a tiny 8m amateur band in the UK by then!!

UPDATE 1156z:  At some point, I might try a modified CB vertical on 8m. I hope to get this up before the 2024 Es season.

UPDATE 1423z:  No spots all day.

UPDATE 1536z:  ZF1EJ (7761km) has spotted me. This is my first transatlantic 8m FT8 spot this year.

500uW (0.5mW) 10m WSPR TX (Monday)

My beacon is on, but no spots. A reminder that the power was verified with my TinySA. I am surprised that even with this tiny power, it is regularly spotted at great distance.

UPDATE 1134z:  3 spots from the Canary Islands by EA8BFK (2880km). I think this is single hop F2.

Norwich museum exhibit - NOT amateur radio

The Bridewell Museum in Norwich well exceeded our expectations. The exhibits are on two floors and show the social history of the city.

It is interesting that, although we have no intention of moving, Norwich is a city we could live in. It has a nice feel.

630m QRP WSPR overnight

Quite a decent session on 630m WSPR with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground with 10mW ERP with 24 stations spotting me in the last 24 hours.Also, some useful DX again.

Sunspots - Monday January 15th

 Solar flux is 188 and the SSN 183.  A=6 and K=0.

14 Jan 2024

70cm activity session last Tuesday

Every month I take part in the 70cm activity contest (UKAC) using 10W pep and my 2m big-wheel omni antenna. It is usual for me to stop on not very long with my poor voice. 3 stations were worked (see map).

630m QRP WSPR (Sunday)

At about 1608z my 10mW ERP 630m WSPR was turned on. So far, at 1640z widely spotted in the UK.

UPDATE 2215z:   21 stations have spotted me in the last 12 hours on 630m QRP WSPR. Quite good with the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground that the XYL and neighbours do not even realise is there!