21 Aug 2022

That spider yesterday - NOT amateur radio

The spider in the bath yesterday would appear to be a giant house spider that can grow to about 4 inches across (over 10cm) and move very fast.

As mentioned yesterday, spiders have never bothered me. I just put them out the window.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_house_spider .

Classic Car Day - NOT amateur radio

Today is the classic car day at our local museum next door. I have never seen so many! 

Vehicles ranged from car and scooters to army vehicles. Lots of people too. 

10m WSPR QRP (Sunday)

It is now 1010z and I have been on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW from the W5OLF beacon for about an hour. So far only spotted by one station in Sweden. 

UPDATE 1150z: 14 unique stations have spotted my 500mW 10m WSPR this morning.

UPDATE 1601z:  25 stations have spotted me today so far on 10m QRP WSPR.  Most look like Es.

8m experiment (Sunday)

 As the main Es season is winding down, it would appear there are fewer people now monitoring 8m FT8 on 40.680 MHz USB dial. Shortly, I hope to be on again.

UPDATE 1145z: 2 spots of me on 8m FT8 from the Iberian peninsula. I think this again proves that openings occur far more often than people think. More activity please!!

Sunspots - Sunday August 21st 2022

Solar flux is 102 and the SSN 56.  A=14 and K=2.

20 Aug 2022

ENORMOUS spider - NOT amateur radio

This evening we had the biggest spider I have ever seen in the bath. It must have been over 7cm long. It is now outside. We seem to be seeing spiders earlier this year. Some people hate spiders, but they don't bother me. I just put them outside.

Any idea what sort it was? 

New houses - NOT amateur radio

Like many places in the UK, we have new houses going up on spare land. This estate has appeared in the last year.

Guava? - NOT amateur radio

We saw this tree and fruit yesterday. I have never seen it before. Dr Google says it is a guava. It is about lemon sized and looks like a bumpy apple or pear. 

It obviously grew well in our (warming) climate, so maybe we'll see more in the future.

Sunspots - Saturday August 20th 2022

Solar flux is 104 and the SSN 74.   A=20 and K=3.

10m QRP FT8

For a change this morning I am on 10m FT8 QRP with the FT817ND. It is now 0921z and I have been on for about 30 minutes. So far, 5 stations have spotted me and I have spotted 13 stations. No QSOs yet.

UPDATE 1034z: 1 QSO.  80 stations spotted on RX and 7 stations have spotted me today on 10m QRP FT8.

UPDATE 1904z:  416 stations spotted in 4 continents spotted on 10m FT8 RX.