3 Nov 2021

472kHz RX last evening using the active Wellgood loop

Only 3 Gs copied on 472kHz WSPR last night as the table shows. In the past I have spotted much further with this antenna on this band. Might try again this evening.

Butterfly - NOT amateur radio

This photo was taken several months ago at nearby Anglesey Abbey and shows a butterfly on a dahlia. There are still butterflies around, but I expect  they will be a rare sight once we get a frost.

Reflections - NOT amateur radio


This was yesterday at nearby Anglesey Abbey. This was the mill leat.

Sunspots - Wednesday November 3rd 2021

 Solar flux is 97 and the SSN 42.  A=l7 and K=1.  

2 Nov 2021

472kHz WSPR RX with the active antenna

For about 40 minutes I have been monitoring 472kHz WSPR  RX with the Wellgood active loop stuck on the shack window. So far, 3 unique stations spotted.

OFCOM updates

Every month OFCOM updates its "Communications Monthly" with the latest numbers it holds on various things in its remit. See the OFCOM website for details.

Fragility of life - NOT amateur radio

Today, I heard that one of my old work colleagues long ago had died suddenly of cancer.  Not sure what sort it was. Yet again, this emphasises just how fragile life is. One minute we are here and then we are not. We shared some good times. Harry, who died, is on the left. I shared a bench with him. I guess this was about 1976? This was when we did not have PCs and emails! We were perfectly happy.

Moral? Enjoy every moment.

Autumn walk - NOT amateur radio

As today was cold and crisp we decided on a walk at nearby Anglesey Abbey. 

It was sunny. Ideal weather for a walk. 

160m FT8 overnight with the Wellgood active loop

Last evening and overnight I was on 160m FT8 RX using the Wellgood active loop antenna, with the loop just stuck on the inside of the shack window. In all, 316 stations spotted including 2 transatlantic. It works.

Ely Cathedral - NOT amateur radio

We are a short drive from Ely. It has a magnificent cathedral as the photo shows. It is very old.