9 Oct 2020

Butterfly - NOT amateur radio

This butterfly was making the most of the autumn sunshine when we went for a walk this morning in the nearby village of Reach.

2m FT8 (2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna)

Since 0816z I have again been on 2m FT8. Already spotted by 3 stations in 2 countries (at 0824z) with best DX F5APQ (180km) near Calais, France. Nothing yet on RX and no QSOs. 

UPDATE 1240z:  7 stations have spotted me and on RX 13 stations in 4 countries spotted with the best being DF6IW (612km).

UPDATE 1729z: 12 spots of my 2.5W 2m FT8 in 4 countries including Germany, France and Northern Ireland. Best DX was a spot by GI6ATZ (479km). QRP seems perfectly adequate.

"Your money or your life" - NOT amateur radio

If, like me, you were brought up on cowboy films on TV, this title will mean something. The mask was a favourite of baddies in the 1950s.  

It shows me last week in Norwich cathedral wearing a Covid-19 mask. 

I shall be glad when all this is over and we return to something more normal.

Revive Our World - NOT amateur radio

Usually, I am not a great fan of organised petitions, but I have just signed one and you may want to follow.  

Some things are certain: 

  • Most countries across the planet are going to go into recession as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • This is a great opportunity to hit the "reset" button and build a fairer, more sustainable, cleaner, world.
  • The people of the world need to be fed.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in the UK has a petition running to make clear to the government just how we feel. In the past we have largely thought about how we can exploit the resources of our planet. In the future we will almost certainly be better off if we work with nature and not against it.  Like many, I am not a green activist, but can see the path we are on cannot be sustained.  

Think about signing it.

See also https://e-activist.com/page/67273/data/1?ea.tracking.id=Email_Share

Sunspots - Friday October 9th 2020

 Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 0. A=3 and K=0.

8 Oct 2020

Fairy toadstools - NOT amateur radio

These were seen on our walk yesterday, no doubt encouraged by the wet weather we have had over the last few days.

Draconid meteor shower

I have never heard of this and have no idea how it affects VHF radio propagation. The more common meteor showers lead to enhanced pings and some real DX being worked on the VHF bands, especially with weak signal modes. 

It peaked last night, but should still be good tonight. Often MS signals are strong, but short lived. Certain modes are optimised for this sort of signal.  Even with very simple antennas I have copied some excellent DX via meteor trails on 2m.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-54450553 .

RSGB Convention

This is online only this year - October  9th-11th. See the RSGB website for more details.

See http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Crystal sets

Some years ago I tried my hand at crystal set DXing on HF. Results surprised me. I was even able to envelope detect some SSB amateur signals on 80m. 

Broadcast stations from their originating countries (many use relays) were copied including Australia and India. The only power is that from the TX with no batteries or other source of energy at the RX.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/crystalset

See also http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Technology/tis/info/pdf/culter.pdf

The cycle of life - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, we did a nice walk in the autumn sunshine at Anglesey Abbey. We mainly went there to see one particular tree that is changing colour. At the moment it is a lovely red.

On the way we saw a family (actually 2 families) with young children under school age. We were asked if we wanted 4 noisy kids!  We said, "done that, got the tee shirt". We also said enjoy them as they grow up quickly.

Each generation has its own issues, but life goes in a cycle.

Wind pump - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows the wind pump at Wicken Fen used to pump water. 

2m FT8

Since about 0737z I have been on 2m FT8 with 2.5W to the big-wheel omni. My signal has been copied by  4 stations with best DX a spot by G7RAU (461km). On RX 4 stations with best DX spotted DL6YBF (461km).

Sunspots - Thursday October 8th 2020

 Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=5 and K=0.

2m activity contest - nearly forgot!

On Tuesday evening the RSGB held its 2m activity contest. This runs for 2.5 hours from 1900z. At 2100z I checked my mail and saw I had a contest alert. I had totally forgotten! 

Luckily  I was able to go on for the last 28 minutes working the stations shown on the map with 10W and the big-wheel omni antenna.

7 Oct 2020

Covid-19 vaccines - NOT amateur radio

There is a worldwide race on to find vaccines that overcome Covid-19. In most countries of the world this disease is causing widespread issues and an effective and safe vaccine is urgently needed.  Most expect a vaccine to be widely available my mid 2021. It is possible there may be limited vaccine availability late this year. 

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-51665497

USA presidents - NOT amateur radio

Although I have no intention of getting involved with the USA presidential election in a few weeks time, I feel obliged to point out a couple of things. In the last few years I have spoken with many people about US politics. The following observations have been made:

  • How come the best you can find is old men to lead you? Trump is 74 and Biden 77 I believe. Is there no-one younger who can do the job?
  • Everyone, and I mean everyone, I have spoken with thinks Trump is thick and cannot understand how he was chosen as the US president. In the rest of the world he is the butt of many jokes.

Ducks - NOT amateur radio

When we walked past yesterday there were 4 ducks sleeping on this footbridge. One flew away and I only managed a photo of the 3 that remained.

2m FT8 (2.5W to the big-wheel omni antenna)

Since 0825z I have been on 2m FT8. Nothing yet spotted on RX , but 3 G spots of me so far. No QSOs yet.

UPDATE 0920z:  4 G spots of me so far and nothing spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1022z:  Still just 4 spots of me this morning. The grabber at G0LRD (26km) is useful as it gives me an indication of my signal cleanliness and 2m FT8 activity.  See .

Stations spotted
on RX

Stations spotting
me on TX
UPDATE 1801z: Amazing. Even an FT817ND and a big-wheel omni I manage to get incredible ranges on 2m FT8.

UK Airwave switch-off

Southgate News has a piece about the closure of the Airwave system, used by police and ambulance services with TETRA radios in the UK. It is reported that this will stay operational until at least 2024 because of delays to the system due to replace it. 

When I worked for Sepura (I retired in 2008) the UK police TETRA radios were an important part of our business. I am not sure what system they plan to use going forwards. I have completely lost touch in the last 5 years.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/october/airwave-closure.htm#.X314akjYq00

Oscar 100 (geosynchronous)

Every few weeks I take a peek at the Goonhilly web SDR to check activity on the narrowband transponder. When I last checked (0810z today) it was still very quiet (just 2 European QSOs) with plenty of space.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

Light wave communication

Yesterday I mentioned that some years ago I bought some Flatlights (very high power LEDs) to allow me to get further over the horizon with light beam communication. Even with quite low powered LEDs I was able to achieve quite decent ranges non-line-of-sight. 

Optical communications is accessible to all and is ideal for homebrewing. All my gear was homemade and all software was free. Also, only very simple test gear is needed. As I recall a multimeter and a bearly lit LED in a dark room is about all you need. This is much simpler than microwaves. 

There is so much to be learned about optical communications. My "thing" was detecting weak signals over the horizon using PC software. What amazed me was there was no sign of the light in the sky, yet the signals were perfectly detectable on the PC as long as the RX was aimed in the right direction. I am sure much further would have been possible.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/optical

Sunspots - Wednesday October 7th 2020

 Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 0. A=7 and K=1.

6 Oct 2020

Salcombe, Devon - NOT amateur radio

This aerial photo of where I come from in South Devon must be very old. Not sure when it was taken. 

8m band in the USA?

The FCC has received a "Petition for Rulemaking" making the case for an 8m amateur allocation. This is just a first step in what could be a long process. 

Midway between 10m and 6m this could be a really interesting allocation for serious experimenters especially with Es and MS. This was first made in June last year. I have no idea what happened. Even a few kHz and a limited power or ERP limit would be useful. If the FCC is as dynamic as OFCOM I expect the children will not understand how useful to radio science this could be.

Personally I would say 10kHz wide, narrow modes only (CW, digital) , secondary allocation, non-interference, 1W ERP to start with. Wouldn't this be a great FT8 or WSPR (or its replacement) allocation?

See the ARRL website for further details.

OFCOM Communications Monthly update

Every month OFCOM updates its Communications Monthly with the latest data it holds. See the OFCOM website for more details.

Walk collage - NOT amateur radio

This collage sums up our walk around the village earlier. We missed the rain. Most trees are still green. 

Walk - NOT amateur radio

In recent days we have got out of the habit of doing a walk. Today we did one and saw this fungus. It must be all the rain! 

481THz experiments

Many years ago before my 2013 stroke I bought some Flatlights (very bright LEDs) from the USA to enable me to get further with my optical experiments over the horizon. Even with quite low power LEDs I had got way over the horizon. 

Both my RX and optics could have been improved, so I was expecting much greater ranges. Then I had my stroke and I was unable to continue. To this day the Flatlights remain in the drawer unused.

2m FT8 (2.5W and big-wheel omni antenna)

For about 30 minutes (it is now 0828z) I have been on 2m FT8 with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. So far 7 spots of me and 1 spot of others. No QSOs.

Sunspots - Tuesday October 6th 2020

 Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 0. A=8 and K=4.

5 Oct 2020

OFCOM licences

OFCOM has announced that it is imposing some new conditions when it grants licences to ensure holders know they have to obey international EMF guidelines. See the OFCOM website for more details. 

It would be good if OFCOM had a few people enforcing the law rather than just talking. Oh, silly me, that means people who understand RF.

FCC and 3.4GHz in the USA

According  to Southgate News, the FCC has withdrawn the 3.4GHz amateur allocation in the USA. It would appear the FCC has as many brains as OFCOM in the UK. 

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/october/fcc-deletes-3-4-ghz-amateur-satellite-service-allocation.htm#.X3sTbUjYq00

Walk - NOT amateur radio

Just after lunch we did a walk around the village. Luckily we dodged the showers. 

Back in the spring we had some great days with plenty of sunshine. 

It seems they are building new houses on every available scrap of land. 

The UK's world beating "Track and Trace" system - NOT amateur radio

The UK Prime Minister said that our Covid-19 "track and trace" system would be world beating. Yesterday we were told that 16000 people had been missed due to a technical glitch. The overwhelming impression is of utter chaos.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-54412581 .

Our windmill in the 1980s - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows "our" windmill next door in the mid 1980s. It looks much better now with 4 sails and black tar.

Because of Covid-19 people have not been able to go up to higher floors this year sadly. Let us hope 2021 is better. The windmill is 200 years old.

6m FT8 (2.5W to the V2000 vertical omni)

Although the Es season is well behind us, I again decided to try 6m FT8.  

Although I have only been on for about 15 minutes, I have been spotted by a couple of Gs but no DX. On RX, just M0MVB (31km) has spotted me strongly. He is a serious 6m operator who worked some impressive DX this year on the band. By comparison, I am just playing.

UPDATE 1220z:  Still just the 2 spots of me. On RX best DX is OZ3K (703km).

UPDATE 1402z:  Even well outside of the Es season I am spotting signals from Spain and Denmark on 6m FT8. I think these are Es, but they could be aircraft.

UPDATE 1744z:  1 QSO with M0MVB (31km) and 11 stations in 5 countries spotted today on my simple 6m FT8 station. Best DX spotted was IT9RZR (2063km). Not bad for October!

Chinese transceivers

Steve G1KQH has reminded me about a new Chinese amateur radio HF transceiver. 

Many of the things we buy are made in China. It is now hard to find things not made in China. All this is because we demand lower and lower prices. We exported our UK manufacturing base to China. When China gets too expensive, we will look elsewhere. Like King Canute, we cannot stop the tides, but in the end we have to question this on many levels: we are exporting our pollution for example.

Sadly, we live in a consumer driven economy that cannot last for ever. Things are designed not to last too long so we are encouraged to replace items and so fuel our "throw away" mentality. We are all guilty.

Not sure why, but I still have issues with Chinese quality control. In the end the Chinese will get better and their quality control will be as good as the Japanese. The real question is will the Chinese be attracted by the (relatively small) amateur radio market? There are a few players, but no-one has seriously taken on the Kenwoods, Yaesus and ICOMs of this world yet. If they do, I could see some leaving the amateur radio market.

Family collage - NOT amateur radio

This collage of members of our family summarises last week. Some photos have been on before but together they show our week. 

Sunspots - Monday October 5th 2020

 Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=0.

4 Oct 2020

6m FT8

At about 1042z I decided to try 6m FT8 with the FT817ND (2.5W) and the V2000 vertical. It is now 1054z and no spots given or received yet.

There was TEP on 6m yesterday in the Americas, although I think we are too far north.

UPDATE 1443z: 1 spot of me 2 hours ago by a Spanish station EA5ISZ (1573km) who was worked too and 5 stations spotted on RX including 1 in central France.  Even well outside the Es season DX to be worked on 6m with QRP and a simple antenna.

UPDATE 1950z: QRT.